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Everything posted by Excel

  1. That's excellent, wish I was so lucky.
  2. And had an apple a day also I hope
  3. And get the boats out in the river pushing the water uphill ????
  4. The Sharks are circling but it will not help against the big gun There corrected it for you ????
  5. No doubt will be found to be completely above reproach as all the brown envelopes had expertly been disguised as baskets of fruit from well wishers.
  6. For once I shall be serious. I have had two days in my life which I rank as equally bad, the memories of which haunt me and emotionally upsets me often to this very day. The first was when my previous wife died at too young an age. And subsequently remarrying and then her losing our baby at 26 weeks. Those last few moments of those events are indelible in my memory
  7. I note that on that report there were no pictures of the audience, were there any I wonder ? After saying that at 86 he doesn't look too bad and is still standing and singing unaided
  8. Well electricity cost are hitting the poorer people around the world everywhere currently. Many countries are just giving a one off payment or fuel cost reduction across the board which benefits not only the poorest but the more well off also. At least what is being proposed in Thailand appears to target the less fortunate and maybe not giving money away to those that can afford it will potentially allow more to be given to the poorest in Thai society longer.
  9. A slight tad younger than you, never had one nor never will along with all checks pills and potions people on here think it is vital for them to get. Survived this long without being a hypochondriac with the flu being my worst illness so a few more years will do me fine. Perhaps that is what comes with ignoring all the health nuts all my life eating and drinking what I like when I like, in moderation of course. Perhaps the stress of people imagining they may be ill and getting checked to confirm they are not ill is worse than the disease itself? And no I am not the only one that lucky as there are no doubt millions of others like me who have never won the lottery either ????
  10. 1026 extra projects to ensure what exactly ? those in charge and those responsible for keeping those in charge have another 1026 ways to ensure money is pilfered from the public coffers into their overseas bank accounts ?
  11. No, but possibly some people or someone thinks it should all belong to them anyway and they feel any means is justifiable to put that into action.
  12. How long is a piece of string ? In my family my Mother and her sister were identical twins so although not a geneticist, I assume their genes and hence their bodies were almost identical too, in theory. My Mother was proud of the fact that the only time she needed support from the National health service was by a visiting midwife when she gave birth to myself and my sister. Never visited a doctor in her lifetime, except that is when she was suddenly taken to hospital after collapsing and a few hours later passing away from a brain hemorrhage at the age of 71. So her lifetime cost for treatment by modern standards was minimal. Conversely, her twin Sister had health problems throughout middle age onwards with several hospital stays and minor ops. At 78 she had a triple heart by-pass at Addenbrokes and went on to live to 96 when she passed away. I wouldn't like to guess if you had to put a cost to it how much here lifetime treatment would have cost. Whilst of course those twins I appreciate are not you and you are currently only 54, it is an example of how you cannot second guess what amount of money you may need for future treatment, it could be minimal or on the other hand a huge amount.
  13. And the decision will be ? Guess most can expect the answer to be the same as always.
  14. Thais just can't resist taking their pick-up for burn ups sometimes ????
  15. Potential tourists to Thailand may quickly learn that there is another definition of shooting the rapids. TAT must lap this publicity up.
  16. Its nice for people to have a differing opinion as that after all is what a forum is about. I much appreciate your counter post and how pleasant it was for somebody to reply without a hint of bickering or intent on Trolling that some others on here are renowned for. and must say what you have put forward has much merit for which I thank you.
  17. Really ? Unless she physically stole it, which is not the case I suspect, as opposed to him giving it to her, then good luck with that. After only 6 months of marriage any court case would be interesting.
  18. Jealous are you that you never got the chance to enjoy a good lamb roast ????
  19. Has it been published in the Royal Gazette yet ? only when it has can you be sure it is happening
  20. Whilst to a point that is true, most Thai people, an estimated in excess of 30,000 civilians and very very brave and kind people, died whist they were trying to help the POW's that the Japanese were keeping as animals. Many of those 30,000 were murdered in cold blood by the Japanese.
  21. My Father lasted 3 months so no amount of wasted money on private health insurance would have benefitted him. The only ones to benefit are the insurance companies and the brokers, the latter I suspect are amongst this forum's members judging by some of the comments.
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