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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Definitely not. My personal opinion are that unless prescribed for a specific medical condition by a doctor then smoking dope really is for dopes, but purely my personal opinion.
  2. And this time people are more vocal and knowledgeable as to who, what or whom has been the main contributor to Thailand's weakened economy. Let's hope that this time round there is a major change and that the morally corrupt , yet absurdly rich folk who control this country for their own enjoyment and financial enrichment finally meet their match. One can only hope if Thailand has a future
  3. Actually it was an article, that Rooster linked to, by BBC Thailand's Jonathon Head. The writer, is renowned for his articles but alas I have heard on the grapevine he is being referred to now as Jonathon Pothead, not sure why ????
  4. I asked what has that got to do with the thread, not what it was. Actually it had FA to do with the thread, just some prejudiced American no doubt attempting to fire bullets at themselves in the mirror. Now that is an analogy ????
  5. and So you have just highlighted the real purpose for them.????
  6. high on weed perhaps ?????
  7. Girls selling themselves in Thailand was an occupation long before the Americans arrived but it is China who can be labelled "the hub" based on the link below, followed by India, so given that, I don't think there should be too much concern regarding American influence here. https://metro.co.uk/2016/01/11/can-you-guess-which-country-spends-the-most-on-prostitutes-5615906/#:~:text=In terms of number of,United States with 1 million.
  8. Really, well we live and learn and as I born before those dates no one can label me with that silly title.
  9. Based on that philosophy then I don't like the look of most religious followers but that does not give me the right to smack them about with my walking stick. Unless of course there is an emerging sport in Thailand called "wack a monk"
  10. Well you must be a busy bee to have stated that "most every town". Seems like a grossly over generalised statement based on an absurdity to me but still, are there any towns in Thailand that you have not been to or is it your hobby driving around Thailand stopping at malls, markets restaurants etc. on the off chance you can spot a lady with and elder partner or not ?????
  11. I think it is not just here and the US, rather worldwide as so many companies are global institutions these days and with the connivance of corrupt governments ( and that is mostly all of them ) they are fleecing most of the world.
  12. So in a gogo bar then instead of slipping a nice 100 baht note down the front of the ladies g-string ( assuming she was wearing any) you instead slip in your debit card presumably hoping to locate the card reader somewhere, have I got that right ?
  13. In other words then not worth buying
  14. Maybe it is if someday a speeding loon in a pick-up, on his phone rear ends you, be careful when slowing down in Thailand, there is a lot of brake failure here ????
  15. I have always suggested that it is the Thai males the root of Thailand's problems, its good to have further evidence ????
  16. But unfortunately there was no hint as to the strain of cannabis that produced this effect ????
  17. What a long winded statement that can be summed up as "just be careful"
  18. Well maybe but isn't that for Monkey Pox ? ????
  19. And the numbers of cars being driven round in Thailand with no road tax is quite high, so that idea falls at the first hurdle as it is generally those individuals I suspect who avoid payment of traffic fines also. They get away with it due to lax police enforcement.
  20. You mean wearing uniform stockings and suspenders with a deep v plunging neckline ! I get the picture but the BTS would be jam packed with people then ????
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