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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Nobody is forcing you to buy it, that is the advantage of the free market. Simply buy where you think you get the best value, very simple really.
  2. Maybe the German was drunk and was semi conscious when attacked by the two Thais ? ????
  3. Should read " And Johnny Depp illustrates how stupid it looks on old men"
  4. No need to know too much as mine is working ok, just took a dump ????
  5. It's another of those "may" again. What they mean is that they may face arrests if the police bribe is insufficient
  6. Me too but unfortunately I can't remember what I knew yesterday let alone at 51 ????
  7. Best go out and buy some hard hats, problem solved ????
  8. Not a good idea as child labour is to be frowned upon.
  9. So you are saying the increased frequency of monsoonal rains and their ferocity, the cause of many deaths could be attributed to overpopulation. That is an interesting theory so perhaps you could expand on your hypothesis further.
  10. Nothing wrong with a pick-up. They were designed to be a utilitarian commercial vehicle . They were not designed to be driven at break neck speeds by drunk morons who lack even basic road sense, the most of which in Thailand happen to be males.
  11. Oh dear, they should never have made weed legal with posts like that
  12. But how many innocent people did those two kill ? none, unlike most male pick-up drivers in accidents
  13. I perhaps should get a permit to sell cannabis to breast feeding women. As long of course they can provide proof to me prior to purchase ????
  14. And no doubt wholly or partially owned by members of the current government.
  15. Or they get so high that they will forget what it is they were wanting to buy in the first place or is that Alzheimer's ? can't remember ????
  16. So why pay for anything at retail price if you can produce your own ?
  17. What next you want the names and address of the women also ? ????
  18. I would be more concerned with Mr Wanchai infecting tourists with stupidity rather than them infecting monkeys with monkey pox. ????
  19. gambling and knocking shops is already part of Thailand culture.
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