Well you have some good points there which are social ideals, something the likes of the Tories find to be sickening to them. Now let's think which ex UK PM who deliberately engineered the demise of the British engineering industries, stopped free school milk for young children and was also the socially irresponsible person that allowed the sale of council houses in 1980 ?
As an example of you excellent post I'll paste this snippet from wiki.
"One third of ex-council homes owned by wealthy landlords[edit]
Tony Belton, a Labour councillor in South West London claimed that, "Speculators have made millions out of exploiting public assets."[9] In March 2013 the Daily Mirror reported that Charles Gow, the son of Mrs. Thatcher’s housing minister, Ian Gow, bought 40 of the 120 former council flats in one housing project in Roehampton, in South West London"