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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Well you have some good points there which are social ideals, something the likes of the Tories find to be sickening to them. Now let's think which ex UK PM who deliberately engineered the demise of the British engineering industries, stopped free school milk for young children and was also the socially irresponsible person that allowed the sale of council houses in 1980 ? As an example of you excellent post I'll paste this snippet from wiki. "One third of ex-council homes owned by wealthy landlords[edit] Tony Belton, a Labour councillor in South West London claimed that, "Speculators have made millions out of exploiting public assets."[9] In March 2013 the Daily Mirror reported that Charles Gow, the son of Mrs. Thatcher’s housing minister, Ian Gow, bought 40 of the 120 former council flats in one housing project in Roehampton, in South West London"
  2. In my local 7/11 they already do except they call it the shop as half of the staff appear to have fallen asleep over their phones so hence can not attend to customers in a timely manner.
  3. Possibly a drop in the ocean from what was "gathered" by him during his term in office and when he was "Financial Advisor" to the CP group. Still Karma is great although the family having to pay his dues should be a warning to others, past and present, yet screwing them over 14 years after his death seems a bit delayed.
  4. I had to check it out even but; grapped, definition, grapped, meaning | English dictionary n. something excellent, impressive. So clearly even though it is a word it was misused in the instance
  5. And how much weight did he lose with all that exercise ?
  6. Just like it was around 100 years ago coincidentally although then it was very wealthy connected people also as it is still today to a degree along of course with business and financial institutions that you mentioned.
  7. And at the time for those of us that were adults and hence mindful of what the potential consequences could have been it was a very worrying situation.
  8. Of course they are dangerous in some locations and certainly an eyesore. However they have always been here so anybody getting tangled up was not being very observant or quite possibly had been looking at their phone perhaps
  9. So almost back to normal, good news indeed
  10. So you didn't have it your hand after all, you had to go searching for it. You should remember what you post previuosly in future. ????????????
  11. Fingers crossed it is correct
  12. Just made it up did you or do you also wonder around with something in your hand ????
  13. That is for all deaths so dont attempt to fiddle the figures because you are proven wrong. Keep to facts in future
  14. Perhaps the few baht bribe from the beach vendors obscured their vision ?
  15. The headline states "Thai hackers with minimal education" etc. It then goes on to say in the article; Well it makes me wonder exactly which Thai's with minimal education they were actually alluding to. Total morons to give phone numbers and passwords out when requested over the phone.
  16. Inflation is a phenomena that everybody is aware of especially with Thai females. Once upon a time the average was 32A, then they became 34 C but nowadays its anyone's guess ????
  17. When I first read that headline I thought it must be something about the RTP again ????
  18. I have not read that but based on your comment, how on earth will they be able to keep tabs of patients who have been prescribed cannabis and after 30 days ensure that they no longer have it in their possession ? It is either a misreading of the article or else yet another stupid and completely unenforceable regulation by those with chicken brains who are running the show.
  19. Chicken lovers everywhere these days. ????
  20. Or simply just an ordinary degree in BS which I am sure he will achieve honours in.
  21. Not misinterpreting my link at all. My link is about immigration. My post was a reasoning for why perhaps British people are labelled as anti foreigner, my post being directly in response to this post And I stated "It seems that the last 20ish years has seen an unprecedented increase in immigration to the UK unlike anytime in the past. Perhaps it is this sudden influx that has effected peoples opinions ?" Facts based on the general census that you dispute. But you have of course have your own opinion but I believe in the veracity of a country's census rather than someone's opinion.
  22. So you know far more than that organistion from which I posted the link then. Interesting. Perhaps you should write to MigrationWatch and tell them that their statistics are wrong. At the same time perhaps you could advise the UK government that their entire census information is also incorrect as that is where Migrationwatch garnered most of their information.
  23. Yes and it appears that the deceased had an English BF for many years who had splashed the cash on various property and had recently returned to the UK. Strange one that, BF of 7 years and soon as he is off she picks up another guy, unluckily for her a bad one.
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