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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Perhaps you should read a few facts before posting your normal garbage, it is France that in this thread we are talking about, not a little squat of delusional utopia where you choose to live https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamophobia_in_France#:~:text=The French perceive Islam as,conflicts with the country's values.
  2. Not all of them, in fact a few are very good, courteous and drive accordingly. It's in the main the male pick-up drivers who are the senseless morons who should be removed.
  3. Perhaps the ladies you pick-up have lost all their teeth hence difficult for them to pucker their lips for you, so I suggest you go for the younger ones or if you insist otherwise, ensure that the older ones are wearing their dentures ????
  4. Agree with you 100% and let's hope what your say does offend, offend so much that they clear off back to where they came from unless they want to conduct themselves in a way that is in keeping with the society where they have chosen to live.
  5. Yet another Thai male using their pick-ups as a lethal weapon. Along with sex offenders they should be castrated so that they can not pass their defective genes on in my opinion.
  6. Not to mention the latest claim of a world record of the 1st person to catch covid from a cat , as per another thread ????
  7. TAT really do live up to their name To**ers At Thailand ????
  8. Exactly, some of the giant chinese made dildos you can buy here for a few hundred baht are for sale in the UK at well over 60 quid
  9. Not sharing feeling my nuts with you, but thanks for your concern ????
  10. So you address all people with a title of Mr "She". ????
  11. Well they had a red car on the end of the hanging posts instead
  12. Possibly the US Doc was better at trying to make a simple issue a very very profitable one instead.
  13. Guess the Chinese customs people don't give a damn about you considering the billions of products that they export each year
  14. Seems like with that number of moves in a short time as well as you owning a large SUV, perhaps a caravan would be more convenient for you ? ????
  15. Quite right Watson. However given the fact that ladyboys attempt to tell people that they are not really men, when they are, confidence in anything they subsequently claim must be quite low.????
  16. Sounds that in a place where dogs can wonder in and out as they please you live in more of a dog kennel than a house or am I barking up the wrong tree ?
  17. Nasty is a bit of an understatement as he was one of the main instigators to murder the students at Thammasat in 1976. In the end he died quite quickly from liver cancer, in my view he died too quickly and not painfully enough the corrupt, evil bar steward.
  18. So why should the doctor in the US be correct in his diagnosis so hence at the clinic the diagnosis was not what you wanted to hear ?
  19. More like sweating like a Siberian Goose perhaps ? ????
  20. Many are hiding out from justice or responsibilities of family life also. Thais say monks should sit higher than you but as I always reply , we know what also stays on top.
  21. Don't forget that hardly started wall, another of his success stories ???? The only thing Trump was bold at was being Putin's lackey.
  22. School kids in class during the period 2pm to 5 pm ? Thai state school normal finishing times are 3:30/4 pm. However I suspect that, whilst that restriction was/is ridiculous, most of the under age drinking was done by older kids who never bothered to go to school anyway
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