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Everything posted by Excel

  1. It will be good to see them back again, Thailand tourist industry needs as many as possible.
  2. Yes I think many of us did but couldn't keep up with the hard drinking Monks consuming Lao khao as if it was going out of fashion and became very disillusioned with their incessant gambling.
  3. Possibly they will do that around the same time as they learn to use roundabouts correctly ????
  4. Why would you really want to ? Appearances change so surely it is better to have an up to date photo ? Also those with kids between the couple need to include the child in the photo, so the children as they grow defiantly change from year to year. Now once Immigration join the 21st century and understand that they can not keep cutting down forests for all their copies, perhaps then yearly digital photos will be easier all round.
  5. It seems that these "prominent Thai doctors" should themselves seek help for their delusional tendencies if they think most people come for the temples.
  6. You mean all the pretend SEALS and other "special forces personnel" may not be welcomed anymore on their bar stools in Soi 6 ?
  7. They are probably more concerned not about the actual charges for the massage which are coming under pressure from these alleged foreign investors, but more to do with the charges for "extras" where the real money is made.
  8. But let's face it, joining in with the US in the Vietnam war was something that I doubt they choose to do, rather what they were told to do as some kind of recognition for the millions upon millions of dollars that the US poured into Thailand to build the infrastructure necessary for their ( the US ) war.
  9. With that verbal assault it looks like Donald has started his campaign to take the lead role in the sequel to "Unhinged" ????
  10. They ( The current Thai government ) will certainly become involved if the opportunity to make money exists. Other than that they will do what they are good out, talk their front teeth out trying to convince themselves how good they are.
  11. From the department whose role it is to ensure laws are enacted and that they are carried out or otherwise punished for not doing so. Had that occurred then perhaps 19 people may still be alive and the BS surrounding the Justice Dept. now chest banging photo op for awarding such paltry compensation would have been unnecessary.
  12. I think that may be a bit unfair. It's still a 1st world country with 1st class dedicated NHS workers. However when it comes to lies and corruption it definitely should be considered as having 3rd world politicians.
  13. Whether question like that I assume you must be in a parallel universe. Alternatively you could always ask the RTP when they are going to release the report to yourself or ASEAN
  14. If only she had stayed in Australia, UK politics would have been in a better place.
  15. You could well be right.
  16. One can only hope that is the case as there so many people that are going to be in difficulties. Of course those who disagree are those that are wealthy and those that don't live there anymore, in other words the utterly selfish or those detached from the real world and I have no doubt that proof of that will shortly be along as an illustration ????
  17. It is truly frustrating as my wife and I are continually having to block these junk SMS's which seem to be increasing in frequency. Will the phone operators block them ? Well my opinion is that they may pay lip service only and in the main they will just let it continue. After all it's like some forums allow trolls to continue as it generates "clicks" and as we know clicks = baht as do all those SMS's generate baht for the phone operators. Bit like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas.
  18. Know many too and jokingly I always ask them wealthy or well hung and most say they want both ????
  19. If I want to receive an OTP from say a UK bank then I use my UK sim. There are other threads also on UK sim cards.
  20. In one breath you mention a decent bottle of wine and in the next you compare the difference between Mont Clair and something else. Clearly your beer swilling has affected your comprehension of what I actually said. But never mind, back to your bar stool with your mates. What's your other favorite subject you know nothing about, Golf ?????
  21. At the end of the day just ignore all the snobbery and BS surrounding wine, or any other drink for that matter. It's is purely an individuals choice and perception of what is good to drink, which at the end of the day a good wine is the one that you yourself enjoy drinking. The same pomposity exists in the coffee drinking world, I don't drink coffee so can not make any preference but there are a few million who again consider that their own specific tastes are the only ones that should matter.
  22. Is that the same guy who also drunk Leo and has now come out gay ?
  23. Please don't deflect to other countries this is Thailand so post things that are relevant to Thailand. And by the way, 70 million people don't drive in Thailand either so why not post figures something more representative, that may make people consider your post has an element of legitimacy rather than just plain stupid deflection.
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