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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Never forget who owns the Thai vineyards. Possibly the most well known is Monsoon Valley, owned by the Red Bull heir Chalerm Yoovidhya, so don't blame me if you notice some similarities between their wines and their energy drinks. ????
  2. So if you do not have relationships with Thai women then you certainly would not know as to whether they do ( Thais ), or do not, lack gratitude in a relationship as simply you have no knowledge of such and hence can not possibly answer the question one way or the other.
  3. So again I shall ask where did I say the Thai population ?? or do you have reading difficulties ?
  4. Who on this thread has said the Thai population are shiftless etc etc ? There are one or two who have stated that many Thai males fit that category but not in the same words. That is why Thai women are portrayed in the main as the workers, but to state the "Thai population" is somewhat of a major lateral imagination shift. Also you are aware that there are areas other than Bangkok that provide employment opportunities do you or is it the case you just live there so only have a limited horizon ?
  5. And that is so often the case.
  6. And what some forget also is that Thai men are usually the reason why women have to work so hard and their children have to resort to some less than wholesome activities simply due to lack of moral guidance, lack of family support and in general the knowledge that the males of Thailand are the one single reason it is so corrupt. Yeh great role models indeed, not.
  7. That's the biggest load of BS so far today. Thai men are in the main dishonest and highly immoral and totally untrustworthy which is some of the reasons many Thai women despise them. Whilst it is their genetic misfortune a further reason is that many of them look pig ugly which deters many a good looking women. And finally the only reason Thai men sometimes do not like to partner with a Thai massage lady is that they lose face when their pal turns up the next day and explains that he had an excellent massage and loads of extras, of course from the lady that is fact the blokes partner.
  8. Well I'm not giving up mine if that is what it takes to think Thai wine is palatable ????
  9. And I guess as they have Russian donors ( vital for the next election campaign finances) then it won't be long before Liz Truss will propose to remove sanctions against the Russians either. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/feb/23/oligarchs-funding-tories
  10. Just a technical clarification please. To my knowledge no condo in Thailand has a cellar, so as you are discussing the contents of your wine cellar I assume you mean your house in the US ? Or do you have temp/humidity controlled storage room for your wines in your condo which is technically not a wine cellar ? A previous house of mine in BKK very many years ago had one of those, fitted by a previous owner which frankly was a waste of time.
  11. That's Excellent as it helps to improve the accident statistics
  12. With this idea they must be spaced-out on pot
  13. If in doubt, ask an Indian tourist ????
  14. Protect them from what ? Allowing Thais to understand what a good wine imported from wherever really is ? rather than the sh*te vinegar that the local Thais produce and pass off as wine ?
  15. I don't hang around temples, too many lady boys pretending to be monks and too many monks pretending to be pious ????
  16. After a lifetime of paying an awful lot of taxes I am fortunate I can afford the odd bottle of wine
  17. Quite correct. Treason is a crime when you over throw a legally elected democratic government by force, until you re-write the constitution so it isn't any more. Allowing the shooting of a nurse helping the wounded in a Wat by 5 naval seals is a crime, until you use section 44 to absolve them of any crime, and then that isn't anymore either.
  18. As I said myself earlier. Its a construction site, its 2 am. Bet they weren't tested for alcohol either. All this outpouring of sympathy for these complete idiots is pathetic.
  19. No doubt when this person was a Monk then that is when the money was accumulated. Not many monks live by Buddhist teachings in Thailand. Then once set up financially for life decided to go back to the real world. The story told about how that money was earned is no doubt BS.
  20. Perhaps you should have bought a bouquet of roses rather than a funeral wreath. ????
  21. And unfortunately also for some of the Thai apologists on this forum, or is it they are simply trolling ?
  22. What for ? driving into a big hole that was on an unfinished construction site that already had a barrier for pedestrians ? https://thepattayanews.com/2022/08/18/couple-on-a-motorbike-falls-into-large-construction-hole-in-pattaya-street-and-suffer-injuries/
  23. Exactly. Nothing can be more simpler than that.
  24. Speak your yourself sunshine, not all of us
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