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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Perhaps there should also have been a basket containing spectacles as to quote from the article "Deputy Manoch carried on that the hole on Soi Buakhao 15 was dug in preparation for a storm drain pipe. In fact, there was a warning sign for vehicles at the hole, and a narrow path beside the hole was left for pedestrians only, the deputy added."
  2. Perhaps this will help you. The good news is people can join the conference "virtually" which I am sure may be of interest to those who can now sit at the bar and still discuss the need for, or not, condoms with their chosen bar lady ???? International Conference on Family Planning (ICEP 2022)
  3. You are 100% correct in that conclusion as can be seen from some of the posters already.
  4. You seem to be the thick one. I asked the question "Where does it say he was drunk ?", a simple comment. Now had you have said he was drunk, which you didn't, then I would have said something totally different.
  5. What do you mean ? I have a great head of hair ????
  6. Many of us do otherwise there would be no need for wine retail outlets.
  7. You have said it "Stories". ????, so many of which are unsubstantiated. I left believing in fairytales behind when I was a young child but clearly some people never ever really grow up. Also this thread is about lack of gratitude in a Thai relationship, not about abuse which you attempt to deflect onto.
  8. A sequel movie perhaps to "A Bridge too Far" except this time not portraying the brave, rather portraying poor design and/or no Maintenace perhaps
  9. is your statement based upon your own personal research project or anothers, if so please publish the paper, or simply based upon your own personal prejudices ?
  10. Where does it say he was drink driving ? The police don't only stated they would have him undertake an alcohol test at the police station. Or do you work in the police station and know the outcome of that test ? Perhaps you were the unnamed witness who stated he appeared intoxicated ? Maybe he was DUI in which case he should feel the full force of the law but there again we don't know nor at this time who was at fault. Whilst most people driving Fortuners are poor drivers, and that's being polite, let's wait for the police report before jumping to conclusions especially that 4 people on a motor cycle is hardly a safe and controllable form of transportation.
  11. In November 1918 prime minister Lloyd George in his famous speech stated " to Make Briton a fit country for heroes to live in". I have no doubt the potential PM, Liz Truss will aim to make Britain "" A country fit for wealthy tax avoiders to be resident in"" . Indeed a divided nation. In my opinion there has only been one great peace time prime minister in my lifetime and that was Harold MacMillan. to quote from "Wiki" ; " He was a One Nation Tory of the Disraelian tradition and supported the post-war consensus. He supported the welfare state and the necessity of a mixed economy with some nationalised industries and strong trade unions. He championed a Keynesian strategy of deficit spending to maintain demand and pursuit of corporatist policies to develop the domestic market as the engine of growth. Benefiting from favourable international conditions,[2] he presided over an age of affluence, marked by low unemployment and high—if uneven—growth. In his speech of July 1957 he told the nation it had 'never had it so good',[3] but warned of the dangers of inflation, What a shame that all successive Tory PM's, perhaps with the exception of John Major has succeeded in almost destroying MacMillan's philosophy and now the UK can look forward to years of deprivation for the millions of less well off and pensioners, the butt of international jokes and an utterly, utterly divided nation. What ever happened to the Tories and their probable selection of the countries next "couldn't care less" PM, Liz Truss ?
  12. They are probably saying why do they have a bottle each instead of one and 6 straws
  13. That dog has just finished eating the animals that the Indian smuggled in ????
  14. Well at least the Chinese can certainly put the Thais in their place for the amount of food they can get on one plate at a buffet
  15. Well as we all know most Thai laws are optional. Around here most of the pick-up drivers don't wear their belts anyway. I tried to suggest they did as it would stop them falling out of their seat when drunk, but they just don't listen ????
  16. Pretty glum all round and things to get worse, far worse for them.
  17. Not read that anywhere yet, but that just means it is "as was"
  18. Best in Thai from my experience, other than my name which is kept in English. I always have my Thai DL with me if there is a new assistant is a bit unsure about the spelling of my name.
  19. very easy when I have done it, simply give them the delivery address and they do the rest on their electronic machine and just pay the money. They have never asked me for id, simply my address and phone number and have sent numerous parcels over the years.
  20. Just check to see if there is a kerry service point near you and take it in, very simple. https://th.kerryexpress.com/en/where-we-are
  21. Are you planning to return before the end of the 90 day extension ? If so simply get a re-entry permit and it won't be cancelled I think. Sorry saw UJ's reply and mine crossed in cyber space
  22. Not sure how or why you concluded that. My impression was that Anutin wanted marijuana legalised in Thailand to allow unlimited supplies for medicinal use which by and large would be grown and sold by companies which he either had an interest in or his cronies had in order to maximise his own business stream income at prices which could be controlled. I can't think for one moment he considered that loads of independent growers/suppliers would pop up pushing prices to very low levels and hence having a big impact on his projected income.
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