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Everything posted by Excel

  1. And at least an empty chair can stand on it's own 4 feet unlike Truss who can not even stand on her own two without the support of the ultra right wing.
  2. This must win the funniest award of the day so far in response to an off topic deflective post. Well done sir.
  3. Greed has unlimited boundaries.
  4. Unfortunately with the current government's hopeless record it will only get worse I'm afraid and many more will be thrown into poverty whilst of course the Tories wealthy members and their pals will not give a damn. Inflation currently at 10.1% is predicted by the BOE could reach 13% or more next year whilst Truss is quoted as saying "it may not reach that". That is a devastating statement to hear when people are on very low or fixed incomes who can also read what the experts actually predict, gives them little hope that if Truss is to become the PM that the country has any chance of economic recovery so hence the poor will remain so. Said months ago, prior to Boris being stabbed in the back, that the UK will become a basket case similar to Greece. If Truss becomes the PM that process will only be accelerated unfortunately.
  5. Think they may be too busy going to functions or putting on FB this week important issue regarding sanatory towels , give them time.
  6. And it took the country head of the World Bank to state the obvious ?
  7. That was and still is the plan I suspect as opposed to thousands of potheads in ill fitting T-shirts who do anything to improve the reputation of the country, quite the reverse.
  8. Staying in 4 star hotels ? Must be sharing 6 to a room them.
  9. Considering that generalised reply it appears you are suffering some sort of intellectual immaturity yourself. Young Thai girls pretty much uneducated ? Pathetic comment - do you know how many are attending Universities here ? Of course many Thais do not have the level of education as others, same as other countries, but clearly you yourself are insufficiently educated with that knowledge to make such stupid and inaccurate generalised statements.
  10. He'll just have to cut down on his steroid dosing to compensate for the fine ????
  11. Somebody on here mentioned a mule so it must have been a reasonable size container ????
  12. In the report it say the pickup failed to stop and as he was attempting to flee the police opened fire.
  13. Not really as the assumption is you are living as a family. Whereas on retirement it is assumed you are galivanting a round wining and dining etc so hence will need much more of an income.
  14. scam most definitely
  15. Maybe under pressure or it is now dawning on her that she is totally incompetent to be a PM and handle all of the problems that her party has piled up for the nation ? I suspect after a year or so she will call an election in the hope they will be voted out and it will be the other party left to clear up the mess again.
  16. There maybe one or two dead ones then that are about to get into the Guinness Book of Records for the oldest person in the UK ????
  17. So if you renew your passport here, going through VFS, then you also need the embassy letter so that the extension can be transferred, But it will not have an entry stamp so what happens when you try to leave or renew your extension ? but I you get it renewed in the UK, you will receive an entry stamp on arrival and no letter will be required to transfer the extension - is that correct ?
  18. So what does it have to say pls ?
  19. That's a good point and I wonder what it has to say ? More to the point, does the British Embassy actually issue it anymore as they don't seem to do anything these days ?
  20. And today they are discussing the possibility of a general strike due to the hopelessness of the government. 46 million being quoted as potentially entering fuel poverty this winter plus another jump in interest rates next month. Months ago I predicted the UK will become a basket case, similar to Greece. That should be sufficient for no one to choose to live in the UK.
  21. Here's a recent one for you, from an expat comic where a Thai man faces up to ten years in jail after being arrested for selling coral online, a potential 10 year jail sentence being reported here, Thai man faces prison for growing & selling corals online | Thaiger (thethaiger.com)
  22. Yes I do when any report lists the offence that someone is accused of and then go on to explain the penalties that could be imposed for committing such offence. It happens often. Its just that perhaps Thais have not been caught spearing protected species in a national park, as perhaps they have more sense then to put it on tiktok unlike this chappie.
  23. Where did I say that ? think your imagination is on overload.
  24. Perhaps you should familiarise yourself with some of the Thai news media, you may be surprised as to how often Thais are caught and punished
  25. Would any of those arrested parents be non white by any chance, does anyone know ?
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