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Posts posted by topdjdel

  1. do what you can afford is my advice.

    The size of the family,area etc etc etc etc all all factors when it comes to the dowry(status).

    You will probably have to pay your wedding costs and if you doing the traditional thai,the monks freinds(there will be alot cos it a farang and its a free jolly up)family food etc allow for this,if your on a budget its still cheap in comparision but it does still add up.

    If your future wifes parents are still alive ask them if gold cash and dont laugh bulls,gallon of petrol ,tractor it can be anything although gold is favourite.

    Thats my experience,I remember hearing a story once that the farang only had to leave his clothes-honest!! I fell over laughing but the family were struggling-clothes instead of gold ,must have drunk too much loew cow me thinks

  2. Hi all,

    A freind of mine(farang)is back in Udon with his wife(thai) but was involved in a road accident in the last few days where he was run over.

    He is seriously ill in hospital with a broken pelvis, legs etc and currently in Udonthani Hospital centre ICU.

    If anyone knows of the accident please please could they shed some info,details at present are very sketchy or indeed if would like to them out in anyway it would be most appreciated.People here in the UK are concerned for them.He is insured,at least thats something in his favour.

    The only other details i have is that driver I assume in shock then crashed his/her car and I'm told is also in the same hospital.

    Thanks in advance


  3. Good topic is this.Me thinks Ill keep an eye on this.

    A freind of mine who split with his wife hadnt registered his marriage and he told me that coz he married in Thailand and although lived the UK as man and wife she was not entitled to the usual 50/50.

    He did say he paid her off tho,it wasn't much he said in comparison if hed married her in the UK he would have been stung big time.

    How true all of this I dont know.Interseting topic is this.


  4. Thanks guys,all words have been most appreciated.

    Im sure she will be a bit happier knowing that she can stay in the UK,I did say to her if her hubby does not give her passport then go to the police she has plenty of freiends down there to help her Im told,she knows where it is but does not know the combinations.

    I would suspect the husband is hurt by the break up,naturally and I personally think that is the case,once the dust so to speak has settled he would probably give it back.I'm sure hes not monster,always seemed pleasant to me but then what goes on behind closed doors who knows.

    My missus is a bit panicy as her niece is well lets say a sandwich short of a picnic and is naturally concerned for her as I am.

    As I've said earlier she's at the other end of the country so its difficult to help her but if needs must and after all its family this week potentially looks interesting.

    I have read and heard of horror stories where the lady has got ILR and buggered off,I believe this is not the case tho,the sparks have gone is my impression and by coming here I think would be good for her,it will at least give her and him time to get there heads straight.

    Many many thanks guys


  5. Thank you Moss,

    HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN HERE?? she has been in the UK 3and half years.

    She has done the probation period when she first had the settlement visa 2yrs and now has full indefinate leave to remain.

    Its just one of them sad stories of a marriage breakdown,however as we are at the other end of the country we have said to her come and stay with us.

    I'm told her hubby is refusing to give her passport to her,Ive told her to demand it,if was more local Id get it for her.

    After speaking with her not so long ago she did say that she would like to stay in England and work-she said and i found this quite funny I came from thailand to England so coming to you will be easy.The way she said it did make me laugh.

    I hope so I said,but Im not sure of the rules.

    Once again,many thanks.


  6. Hi all,

    A bit of advice or knowledge around a bit of a delicate situation,I'll try and keep it brief as i can but with as much info as poss.

    My mrs has relative here in the UK,her marriage is going west(sorry east) but where the break up is more and more probable she is concerned over her visas etc.The hubby is threatning to cancell her visa if she leaves him.She has ILR but I was wondering whether or not he can do this or what she should do-there is no third party involved Im told.

    Does she tell immigration her marriage has failed and state she is happy in England(circunstances no pun intended)and would like to stay??

    I would really like to help her,but Im not 100% sure with what answers or advice to give.

    Any advice or knowledge would be most appreciated and I thank you all in advance.


  7. Green mango?nah....too lame......lakeview maybe!......im on the south coast of engand at the mo...suns out,shorts and flop flip time,lovely ,work til 1...tennis this afternoon,.mackerel beach fishin tonight mmmmm.....best part of england for sure.....back to samui paradise again in july...hard life for me....see ya

    Sure is lovely here in the SE of england,sea like a mill pond et,sun is bright and the sky is blue

    haha delboy

  8. Firstly let me wish Mr and Mrs Oldfield lots of luck, sounds like you should be sorted guv!!

    Meatgrowler, I have been to Playa d americas several times over the years and its an awesome place, we may pop there for a night out on this occasion but my parents condo is in Los Christianos. I have been only once to The Algarve and I must say I prefer Tenerife - each to their own squire, each to their own.

    Lord Bigjimmy

    Mmmmmm playas d americas awesome?not avin it,ok i suppose if you are a budding gangster wanting to get involved wth drug dealing etc,whats awesome about it?the english breakfasts and tacky hotel shows. I suppose thats why you like pattaya and i love samui,same difference.......different class squire.....i did nip to los christianos once,old bidsville! bit too benidorm for me.....get yaself over to ibiza,north of the island quiet and beautiful,san antonio for me,top beaches nearby.....kind regards

    Quiet raver here me thinks-sounds of the green mango ringing bells lol.

    Having been to all,its fair to say anywhere anywhere out of the UK(except Blackpool)is a bonus to the concerned hahahaha :o

  9. beer we will find easily, :o

    Sit in a field if we have to with a bonfire I reckon :D

    part uk part thai style no one will say we dont use traditions hahaha

    memories of my youth drinking bottles of cider in the park-oh those were the days

    still, mustn't grumble nice to be in a position to look forward with a big smile.

  10. Seems Chaiyaphum is not the sleeping city I once thought.

    Must admit its going to be funny when I or other falangs see each other and I bet everyone will be muttering under there breath'I wonder if hes one of the fellas on thai Visa'?????

    I cant wait to go back now,I can picture the Mrs me and kids in tescos see a fello falang and it will be see ya love Im off for a beer.


    I look forawrd to it or reading about it in the near future.


  11. :o-->

    QUOTE(Chris.B @ 2007-04-10 22:42:03) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Dont panic about your expiry date on the visa-you landed UK May 24th 2005,that therefor is your expiry date May 24th 2007 and not May 1st

    That is incorrect, the visa is valid for two years from the start date which in this case is 1st May 2005.

    Chris, has your wife passed the Life in the UK test or completed an ESOL course including citizenship materials? If not then an ILR application will fail. In this case you should apply for FLR.

    As regard the application, as long as it is in the post prior to your wife's visa expiring then an extension is automatically given while the application is considered. My advice is post it by special delivery on 27th or 28th April. Also pay be cheque which will slow things down until the cheque is cleared.

    Welshchris, if you fall between the dates then all is good.

    Chris b-my quote was from EXPERIENCE,I was there at Croydon and I remember it well!!

    I too was confused alittle over the expiry date and as my wifes visa expired on 08/01/06 we went and done exactly like it said on the piece of paper YOU MUST APPLY 4 WEEKS BEFORE YOUR VISA EXPIRY DATE.

    Now then,the appointment was made,on arrival we was told as we/she had arrived 28/01 we was in fact 3 weeks early and they would NOT process the application as my wife had not been here for the full probation period.

    That was my experience,and I quote"you should make everybody aware when you change the rules" is exactly what I'd said and nearly got thrown out.

    oh and yes doing it post is a lot easier,unless of course you make travel arrangments.

  12. Welsh,

    Dont panic about your expiry date on the visa-you landed UK May 24th 2005,that therefor is your expiry date May 24th 2007 and not May 1st

    Please make sure you use your actual landing in the UK as your expiry and dont in fact go for ILR a week or so early.The reason being that the applicant must have completed the full probabtion period.

    I made that mistake,and believe me I went bonkers.Argued and argued eventually got an extension for 6months and they charged me £500, oh and they said you should not have booked a holiday-I said you should make everybody aware when you change the rules.I nearly got thrown out.


  13. Me and the wife flew with Etihad and I must say that I found them excellent.

    It seems that Etihad want to be NO 1 carrirer from the middle east and deservidly so.

    The plane from london was brand new-quality,abu dabi well that was a relaxed airport,connections were excellant 1hr ish

    Well reconmended,will use again for sure.


  14. A family member (Thai) was recently over here(UK).

    She had obtained UK visitor no problem,Irish visa problems(2 months to process they said) therefore didnt bother but the schengan visa which was applied for at the German embassy BKK was granted no problems and with this visa she can travel and is going to France,Germany,Belguim and Switzerland.

    After the UK can cofirm travelled 3/4 of above with no problems.

    I just assuming a schengan Visa allows you to travel to anywhere within the schengan agreement before the expiry date.It appears that the visa was/is not specific to one country.


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