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Posts posted by topdjdel

  1. Mo Bo, I can say from experience - that would be topdjdels wedding actually - that I agree with your description of the hotel rooms - ha ha, yeah cheers Del.



    You stayed at the hotel with the disco at the bottom,remember? I know it was a blurr but youll never forget Am's driving will ya lol??

    Oh nearly forgot I think Am(Lucky carousel incase your thinking who) is coming to the UK i think this week for a few days guess whos a taxi driver this week lol

  2. I think it's that one, where i stay. Can't remember names either. :o TV's and a kind of restaurant outside the front of the hotel. Rooms are a bit well, er, cr4ppy :D

    Thats the one Im sure,never stayed in them myself but I know what you mean tho lol.

    it wont take you long to find your way in Chaiyaphum oh and Tesco is up the road from that hotel.


  3. oh and inbetween can be found wondering tescos lol.

    When did they open that? I haven't seen one in Chaiya Phum :o

    Not too sure myself when we are going back. Hopefully, not too far off.

    Ask your Mrs if she knows Ban Kai (sp), our relatives are quite near to that town but until we've built the house, i carry on staying in the Hotel in Chaiya phum

    Blimey, didnt know of tesco lotus.

    If my memory is correct(normally blurred whn in LOS lol)2years+ KFC also.

    The building used to be Big C or D or something like that up the back of town near the staduim.Everytime I go there now I see more farangs.With my dodgy eye I do stand out a bit lol.

    Hotels,which one do use,the one with the disco at the bottom or the one in town where I tend watch the footie outside(forgot the names)

    Still,if you get back before me Chaiyaphum it is still very very laid back.I cannot honestly say if Id like to deveople or not,I like being there and feeling the rest of the world does not exist lol.


  4. Where abouts in Chaiya Phum do you stay Topdjdel? Always looking for a fellow farang to have a beer with when we visit the relatives up there.

    Mr bojojangles

    It would be a pleasure to ave a beer in Chaiyaphum with you sir,when we will be back I cant say for sure tho,however we are at.....

    When you come into Chaiyaphum at the main traffic lights with bangkok bank on your left you turn left as if going to Buddah,near the massage.

    Failing that, the police flats opp 7/11.

    Failing that, drunk at the Mrs sisters and trying to explain getting there would take a month. oh and inbetween can be found wondering tescos lol.

    keep in touch


  5. fair play lop.

    Indeed sir wherever i maybe when the world cup is held I would support England,even judging by our performancies of late, that will be short lived aswell.Sorry for being negative lol.

    I'm trying to have a laugh, and be happy and help others wherever possible.

    the delboy

  6. LOL

    The picture looks like North Foreland.

    If it came across as degrading the UK well thats up to you.I am not gonna say sorry thats for sure.

    My personal view of the UK,that was it!! I am unhappy!!

    If you or anybody has the opportunity to live and work abroad and above all else be happy then I'm pleased for you all.

    2 rants in 1 weekend,wheres the rope!!

  7. Mr Topdjdel, you love the UK and all the people in it and don't pretend otherwise!!

    UK, love it??? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

    every day winds me up here now,tax tax the weathers crap,beer is far too expensive ,the conversations in pubs is crap oh everythings crap!!

    This Government is crap!!!

    Reading on this site everyday the grief that people are having to undertake to have a litlle bit of happiness makes me mad.

    Rant over.


  8. Well done sir,

    I have to admit I thought personally your GF would struggle with the application,previous employment,a house built in her name etc etc.Thought to myself I think the embbassy has enough to doubt here.

    Well done,you obviously took notes of the posts and put together a well documented application and proved that your in a genuine realtionship.

    Nice work.

    I've said it before 'Always tell the truth' and I firmly beleive that is the best way.If your open and honest from the begining it narrows down the doubts that could possibly be raised.

    Bargirls/gogo-DO NOT be embarressed to say that it is there job or has been-It is LOS after all and bills need to be paid and have to eat rice.

    Prostitute lol,wouldn't have put it so bluntly mind but hostess or cashier would suffice.

    Its been posted before-Bar girls get visas,liars DONT.

    say no more.

    Wimbeldonfella well done.


  9. Mr Hecky,agreed with you there sir on a few points.

    Embassy staff can be, well we all know and somewhere on this forum it was commented that they have only 10mins to make the decisions on the evidence provided with the application.

    I think all will agree that the time limit is insuffient.

    Yes I have posted somewhere that if feel mistreated or unfairly by the embassy contact your local MP.I did.

    As to your point here,being that your GF has already got ILR but her Thai passport is due to run out?? yes/no??

    You were told that if her passport runs out you must apply for ILR again.

    if above is correct,then they have lied to you.Just because her thai passport runs out it does not mean you need a new visa.

    Last week I posted about Thai passport Renewals and having done the 9yards this week its painless.

    Am i missing something here??


  10. Wow,what a story.

    Where is your freinds fiancee from(province in Thailand)

    I thought all thai nationals must have an id card,if its been revoked then i assume its logged on computer.

    I think before anyone can help(I hope someone/people will be able to) please find out as much information as you can and DONT HOLD BACK on anything.

    Being linked to or even involved with corruption in the Kingdom well Im just trying to imagine.

    Has your friend contacted the British Embassy,may sound daft but afterall he his british and in a dilema with a small child.

    What a horrible thought,cannot seem to think straight at the moment after reading this.

    I wish them all the luck in the world.



  11. just a little idea,

    Why dont you do a balance transfer on your existing cc to a lower if not 0% interest for x amount of months.

    Therefor you can produce a statement from the cc company with £2k avialable funds,also if you have other cc statements which has funds available use them also.I did.

    Remember how you pay back CC's is up to the individual ,as long as the minimum payment or least£5(i think)is paid monthly.

    Maybe of some help.


  12. WHAT A DISGRACE!!!! and thats being polite.

    It amazes me even now,that these people change the rules/fees etc fail to notify anybody(publicly) and wonder why they get abused.

    Its hard enough trying to obtain a for visa to any country but this sort of behaviour surely is not allowed and action must be taken i feel.

    If anybodies affected from the UK by these changes can I suggest you contact your MP and demand he contact the foreign secretary about this.

    I appreciate it will not sort or indeed fix them the problem but at least it will give them some grief (MP's,to them let know of the circumstances you are facing unnecessarily) and make them earn there money and it will give some piece of mind for the UK citizens affected by this cock up.

    I'm sure as MP's for a constituary(whatever its called)they must act.(or at least be seen to).

    Im not 100% sure but 1,000000% sure this sort of business cannot operate like this when at the end of the day its peoples lives and happiness at stake.

    Apoligies for my rants,this behaviour by officials makes me mad having experianced it before.


  13. Hi Folks,

    Just thought I'd share todays experience at the RTE in London.Nice place.

    As my experiences over the years at Embassies were rarely pleasant,today was pleasantly surprised.

    Thai's will always be Thai's thats for sure and time really dont matter.

    Our purpose of visit, to renewal the wifes passport.Done everything on the website what that they wanted-no worries and problems.

    Please take the right forms and fill them correctly,many had filled the wrong forms slowing down the whole process.

    OUR APPOINTMENT TIME was 11.30am(booked as advised on website).

    Here goes,the weather in the South East is horendous and i didnt want to risk losing our appointment because of leaf's on the track,so I decided to drive up to London leave the car where my friend is working and tube the rest.

    Left early because of weather and traffic and would you believe it no hassles what so ever,so we thought lets head straight to RTE and see if we could get it done early-WRONG

    Got there little before 9.30am and there was quite a few people about,my Mrs was loving it chatting etc etc

    When you enter,you collect a ticket, for whatever reason visa applications,passport collections etc anyways ours was green for passport(tickets were blue/green)

    Went to the desk when we reached our ticket no, spoke to the thai fella gave the paperwork in -no worries Waited and waited,the Mrs was loving it chatting with not a care in the world with young aand old.

    Cut a long story short,when book your appointment dont swear by it,its open 9.30-12.30 and im sure if we hadnt had got there at 9.30 we wouldnt have been dealt with.I seems like its first come first served regardless of an appointment.

    I thought i should share this as many will have to travel long distances to the RTE for passport renewls.

    Fellas,take a book- you could be in and out or you could have to wait.

    Overall tho,its painless, good for the Mrs and can make the most of day in London.

    Met some wonderful people today.

    The waiting was a pleasure for a change.


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