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Sharron Merrilees

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Posts posted by Sharron Merrilees

  1. On 2/12/2021 at 5:47 PM, pookondee said:

    Even the daily Covid news seems to flip flop from good to bad on a daily rate.

    What astounds me is how people can be seriously predicting anything from 2 years to 5 before any normal international travel happens.


    As you say, even a lot can happen in 7 1/2 months.

    Covid could possibly even be halted greatly, though unlikely, but who knows.


    More of the same with horrible news from the Australian media,

    who seem to delight in spreading news that we may be locked up here till the end of this year also.

    and Aussies dont seem to be saying a xxxx thing about it.

    Truly dis-heartening????


    I am an Aussie down here and we are way be hind what Scott Morrison and health said what numbers would be done and if not all by October 2021 now it looks like next year,You's up there say thai government are mockingk use around with boarder close's, Thailand needs to open  up  for the peoples sake  they do not have ( if you can call it that) a welfare system like western countries. I love the place and I can't wait to get back up  there without going in to quarantine first. B----y pollies get of your a----s and get moving.

  2. On 2/12/2021 at 4:36 PM, pookondee said:

    Obviously this will garner a whole lot of the usual responses about what Thailand does wrong, so let me add a few differing viewpoints:


    At the end of the day, who is going to risk diving into the unknown when a real pandemic is going on?

    (unless you REALLY have to)


    Would i rather stay in my own country (relatively Covid free) 


    go somewhere i might get trapped without flights or exit. 

    have to worry about getting trapped without a visa and have to stay long term in expensive accomodation..


    Then there is always the unknown with Thailand...

    If i do end up with Covid, will i be forced into a private hospital, even if i dont have symptoms?

    Any number of ways this could pan out, and they all sound bad.


    For the average traveller Its all about confidence and risk.


    Do i stay at home, where we are looked after, no visa issues, no exclusions because of racism and nationalism..

    AND able to work and even get welfare..


    or travel to Thailand and go through countless hoops and expense,

    in the end, to be treated not much better than a short term visitor, even if married or on retirement.


    Then there is the issue of those of us (Australian) are not even allowed outward travel as tourists)

    I dont really get why this endless debate keeps going.

    Its all pretty much a no brainer id say.

    I am an Aussie down here waiting to get back in, love Thailand and can see both sides  just don't let the high risk country's in the poor Thai s' needs us I to would be living there to but for comments here I cant. Morrison  is saying July to open boarder's here but like Thai Pollies it can change. We have started the jab but are behind we are going to get a vaccine passbook, just got to get out of here and Thailand is my choice. 

  3. 19 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    The problem is that public administrations have a bad habit of not looking after things.  Look at the subways in Toronto and New York along with the streets and roads.  


    Thailand has the added problem of they do not bring in enough funds to be able to pay for anything therefore they have to privatize everything. 

    You don't want to go privatize its about 80% better than our's (I'm in NSW Australia), They did it to our's along with a lot of anything else all it causes is one 100% plus major stuff-up and we end up paying.People on here joke about the Thai Pollies, our,s are just one sick F_ _ked up. Oh I can get Chang down here now  at AUD$ 17.00 six pack. As soon as the boarders open vaccinated and no Quarantine on arrival I'm out of here, CM I'm a comming.

  4. On 1/29/2021 at 3:53 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Just makes me want to sing, so happy, so lucky to live in a country where all is right and millions would come and visit.  The Tourism Minister must be singing the following:

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope some day you'll join us
    And the world will be one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people sharin' all the world
    Yoo, hoo, oo-oo


    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope some day you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

    You could not have come up with anything better than one of the words and by the the greatest himself the  great JHON LENNON.

  5. On 1/27/2021 at 7:40 AM, Pique Dard said:

    i can't help feeling  sorry for you, but nowadays there are thai massages all over the world. see, you shouldn't have taught your secrets! farangs need no more  to travel to thailand as  they can get their massage at home!

    I am in Australia, about an hour north of Sydney and my local Thai Massage place and one of many is asking $75 for 30 minutes. Are now aloud to open. so cant wait to get back op there for one. Keep the high cases out and other's in at lest by the second half of the year, I love the country, and fell sorry for the thai people they do need us and would much rather spend my money there than here.

  6. 10 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    USA population 328 million, land mass 9.8 million square kilometers.

    What I can not understand is why other countries would aloud people from the US or even UK  in, i am in Austalia and once again we have country boarders closed, We are letting mostly Flights in from anywhere, China they aren't talking to us for one thing or another. I hope now that US &UK have a vaccine it will change and TRUMP is out.

  7. Would someone PLEASE keep me and others updated on when we are a loud back in without having to go in to quantine  first, and what is going to be needed med wise. Australia (where I am ) is going to start rolling out  a vaccine in March 2021, but that could change. and a app for your phone to say that you have been tested and dated to chow customs etc. We still have now dates yet at this end when our boarders are opening for over seas travel. But am hoping soon so can book flights and accommodation etc,as I do not want to stuff around again. Thanks.

  8. 22 hours ago, tonray said:

    The optics are not good for allowing tourists back into the country, if screened and vetted passengers are still showing up with the virus under very controlled conditions. 

    Thailand dose need it tourist's back as it dose not have the welfare symptoms like the west, but only let in the countries with very low numbers not Europe or USA but I'm sure the Thai government will make am exception for China $$$,as from what I've read they are now.I am hanging out to come back and not spend half my time in quinidine. I an Aussie missing my street food and everything I am hopping by mid next year or before. PLEASE LET ME BACK.    

  9. 22 hours ago, steve187 said:

    please explain how north Americans, Australians as well as some other countries would go about returning 

    I am in an Aussie here in Australia and In do not see how you can compare us to the USA,We have 3 states here on a very mild 2nd wave and as he boarders will  open up much as I am not into any government it is keeping our numbers down. I can rebook my flights, if Thailand wants to keep anyone out it should be the high infect ant countries like the USA. We are looking at a vaccine here buy early next year, I am all for any health rules Thailand want to put into place to let tourist back in I would much spend there than here.  

  10. Great to here that yours are getting Aussie meat up there, at great prices, we are sill paying anything from AUD16-20 kg for mince and 20-35 for steak. hopping now that China has wiped us it might bring the prices down, but as Morrison said we got get moving . It might bring some back next time I come up if its packed here might let me in with it won't mind paying $220 customer on it. any word on when they are letting flights back into the country. Will Hang in there  and keep me Jacks and Chang coming. BYE.

                                                                      KIWI SHAZZA. 

  11. On 5/16/2020 at 4:41 PM, SaamBaht said:

    Thai beef isn't bad. I buy Thai ground beef from Tops as well as steak cuts. The one complaint I have is they don't cut rib eye evenly across the entire cut. But still good and I'm grateful we have plenty as some countries are hurting for meat right now, like the US. I do buy some beef from Makro. Some of their frozen imported meat is great. Makro's fresh cuts aren't as good as Tops, in my humble opinion. 


    Great to have beef in Thailand. They've come a long way in the last twenty years. 


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