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AndrewMciver last won the day on August 3 2020

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  1. Hmmm very disappointing this
  2. So i can have broadband with an account or not ? At the moment i won't have an account till i get my visa sorted
  3. UPDATE - just contacted him. He hasn't registered me. Now what ? Do i go straight to the goolags and how does this effect my visa extension i planned on getting ?
  4. Okay so do you have meters in the property ? Secondly where do you go to get Broadband? Is it not unlimited broadband? Do you need a bank account to open a broadband account ?
  5. Guys we are in Thailand, with my partner and 3 kids (all under 10). We have arrived and stayed in an airbnb. We qualified for visa exemption. We plan to get an extension in the coming days for another month. Before we get our education visas. However, i now keep hearing about TM30 ?! What on the dog feacal matter is this ?! Will my airbnb host have registered me ?! My question is i don't think the owner of the airbnb has ever asked about my children? Have they been registered with a TM30 ?!
  6. So we are new to renting in Thailand. In the UK, when i move into a property - i take a picture of the meter readings, i compare gas and electric companies and sign up a contract with them depending on who has a better deal. Broadband pretty much the same. How do things work here in Thailand? Do you have a list of companies and rates to compare? Or do you just sign up with anyone? When do you get the bill, do you pay by a direct debit or do you get a bill and then go to pay ? How do you go about getting broadband ?
  7. I noticed on my new rental agreement, that i have to report to the landlord if i go on holiday. I believe this is for TM30 reasons. Can anyone clarify this issue for me? Does my landlord register my TM30, and let's say i go to Hong Kong for a few days and then return what are the consequences? Just a headache all this !
  8. Hello guys, love this website, just so invaluable. Quick question, i am applying for an education visa for my child in the UK, to study at a school in Chiang Mai. We have all the letters and relevent information. Just a few quick questions if anyone can help - The visa is listed as "Non-Immigrant Type ED (To study in a basic education level (elementary, primary, and secondary school, or to study in a short course (Thai or English language) - single entry only)" I have a few bizarre questions regarding this : I take it this visa is only for 3 months. What happens after that? We are paying massive fees for the school, and this all seems rather risky to not have a valid visa beyond 3 months. The visa says single entry. As we plan to travel abroad during the first 3 months, does that mean my child's visa will be cancelled ?! I hope someone can give some guidance on this! There's also some rather strange questions on the form guidance saying we need to provide evidence of Financial evidence e.g. bank statements, proof of earnings, proof of sponsorship from a third party Confirmation of legal residence in the UK or Ireland How does a child provide financial evidence, or confirmation of legal residence (other than passport?). Just soul destroying going through this.
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