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  1. I think that politically the world today would be very different.
  2. If we had allowed Britain to win I think that the world would be rather different to what it is today.
  3. Without our help in the colonists' independence war it is unlikely that they would have won. Probably been granted some sort of enhanced autonomy by the British.
  4. We should have let Britain keep the American colonies, ha ha.
  5. The Croatian Nazis known as the Ustasa operated even worse concentratian camps than the Germans. The German military commander in Yugoslavia even personally confronted Hitler in Berlin to complain about their atrocities.
  6. It is now rare not to see him wearing a yellow shirt or tie.
  7. Freezing the overseas assets of the anti-democratic cartel should also be on the table.
  8. Travel restrictions targetting just the individuals involved in blocking reform would be a better idea.
  9. It happened between 2016 and 2019 and he has been promoted to lieutenant since then.
  10. bkkebike.com is worth looking at. They have many kits and carry out conversions also.
  11. Lalada could have chosen a better name. Lalamborghini would have sounded better.
  12. And Srettha sits in Parliament without a single vote from the public. Very wrong.
  13. The influence of the multi-dollar billionaire family of his wife is perhaps what is saving him.
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