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Posts posted by Taboo2

  1. Pattaya is fine.  I  live here and it will take time to get back to pre-Covid.  Folks are working again, families are eating and that is a plus compared to what these folks had to go through.  Yes, there are many bars opened and not enough foot traffic to fill every bar, but such is life.  The market will determine who survives.  


    I can assure you that WS is alive and well and folks (tourists) come there every night to walk, have fun and eat.  Go into most Go Gos and you  will see  Mongers spending money and having fun.  Go to the large clubs like Republic, Myst, etc and you  will see many folks having fun.


    It  is not for everyone, but there is a reason why people come back.

  2. 2 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    1.  Americans listen to the Brits CRY all day about Germany, so we bail out their weak country and own them financially.

    Yes, Brexit was moronic. You owning the Brits. I'm sure they beg to differ.


    2.  All movies are Americans

    No, they're not. Ever heard of Bollywood? BTW, are you actually bragging about Hollywood?? I thought you MAGA guys hated that??


    3. All music is American

    No, it's not. Ever heard of ABBA, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Ed Sheeran, Adele etc etc etc etc?


    4.  Best schools, America

    Some of the best schools, certainly not all of them.


    5. Strongest Military

    True, yet the only developed nation unable to offer universal healthcare to its citizens.


    6. Best Athletes (Top 1%, Olympics, etc......usually American).

    That's just rubbish.


    7.  Most expensive everything

    Again, rubbish. BTW, I don't get it. Is that a good thing??


    8. Lives in a place that's massive, can see mountains, beaches, whatever......all in America

    WOW. Mountains, beaches and whatever, all in one place - unique!!


    9.  100 million people apply to live there every year

    Good for you, you should let them all in.


    10.  The ONLY country that can save Ukraine

    Well done. Going from a criminal president who tried to blackmail Ukraine to one that's actually willing to help is a great step forward!:thumbsup:


    11.  The ONLY country that can solve world hunger

    Rubbish. I must say you post a lot of factually incorrect statements. Is it ignorance?


    12.  The ONLY country that every other country listens to, worships, and is afraid of.

    Listens to? Yes. Worship and fear? Not so much. For instance when trump was president the "worship" of the US was limited to the few non-US MAGA crowd. A very small number.

    You actually find time to respond that dude??????  Serious???  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

    Every American is now Googling Q,E.D.  

    Sorry dude, but I am an American and learnt this from my Chemistry Professor, Dr. Goldwhite back in 1979.


    Also, most professors in colleges used that term after finishing a long and complex proof.  I used after spending an hour solving a f&&&&g differential equation....55555

  4. I say I am from California and I am not an <deleted> Blue woke Cali person.  The reason is that whenever I say San Francisco or Silicon Valley, most Thais have no clue, but they all remember California from the song that used to be played 24/7, before the "Zombie" song took over.



  5. On 1/5/2023 at 3:10 PM, LaosLover said:

    Were you there either? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess no.


    Just dull grandstanding over my mildest of jokes. Get a life.


    I was pre-teen during that war, but know enough from relatives and friends whose parents served to never comment about the war being a picnic without having real experience.  You were glad to state that Nam was a picnic, but  ran away from the fight.  I made no claims of being there, but I know enough to not call Vietnam a picnic.  Nothing to do with Grandstanding.  You were afraid to fight, hundred of thousands served and were afraid, but did their best.  It was no picnic.  Read the HillFights - first battle of Khe Sahn to learn about the "Picnic" in 1967.  

  6. Thailand is the second best country in the world for controlling immigration.  I am in full support of kicking folks out who ignores the basic laws of how long you can stay here.  I just wish America had the balls to adopt the same policy.  


    You come to Thailand and want to stay, just follow the rules and life will be much easier and less stressful than where you came from.

  7. 23 hours ago, topt said:

    Maybe I am being obtuse but can you please explain what Carthage has/had to do with America?

    It requires a knowledge of the History of the Roman Empire...England has been around ruling the world longer than America.  Also, if you study American politics,  you will see a lot of how the Carthaginians rule and the corruption of the leaders and how they failed to support Hannibal and their troops.  America is the same, full of corrupt politicians who care nothing about the people and only govern to make millions.  Carthage failed because of greed and corruption and so will America.  By the way, the new Rome is China and we will lose the next global war with them, just like the Carthaginians were wiped out by the Romans.  When we lose, the Chinese will dominate the world and hence, Mandarin will be the number one language.  

  8. 1 hour ago, PJ71 said:

    Rubbish, they can't even do joined up writing and they use upper case all over the place.


    Borderline retards.

    Hey dude, guess what, the local thais here tell me that as am American, they understand when I speak America English much better than the Brits, Scotts, Irish and Aussies.  


    It is the "Hollywood Effect"...they watch movies and are more comfortable with American English than yours.  


    Do not get too upset because we speak the Queen's (now King's English) better than you.



    • Thanks 1
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  9. Why waste time learning English...seriously, Chinese should be their number one language....in case anyone has not checked in yet, the Chinese will rule the world in 20 years.  Tell your kids to learn Mandarin.  Such is life.  Let's see if they will do a better job than the Romans (England) or Carthage (America).



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