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Everything posted by Venom

  1. Also does not stop the transmission. Anybody remember the reasoning behind covid passports? ????
  2. In Cali the they are clogging up hospitals to the point of hindering efforts to fight the pandemic. Personally, I think they should just send them back home. ????
  3. Hmmm. ???? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAXBVsSXsAAX-Wd.jpg
  4. Not just some in my experience. ????
  5. Absolutely spot on! Like Hia Hin, Cha-am, not to mention BKK, Chiang Mai and the rest of Thailand. It's your own fault.
  6. 50% failure rate? Wow, That's even higher than the covid jab. ???? ,
  7. Those parents should have a choice if they'd rather exterminate the baby rather than let it suffer a horrible childhood then I've got no problem with that.
  8. Correct. At the moment a baby leaves the womb god breaths life into it and it magically becomes a person, before that it is merely an inanimate object.
  9. Did they ever find the WMD 's????? Personally I always had a feeling Saddam was actually Putin's puppet. However hanging would be too good for him, I'd prefer Putin met his end in Gaddafi fashion.
  10. Great to see the Sinovac is still available.????
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong but won't subsidizing the rice farmers and milling houses only encourage over production, subsequent higher pm2.5 pollution levels during the field burning season (late Nov - early April) and ultimately lead to higher retail prices? Otherwise I think it's a great idea. ????
  12. Get ready for the blackouts. Thailand has nowhere near the capacity. They can barely keep up now.
  13. You should organize a boycott and lead by example.
  14. As long as you can get someone else to kill it then it should be okay.
  15. Put them on a diet if you want them to loose weight. Maybe they should add a manicure and spa treatment facility to the site. ????
  16. I understand the concept. If it's not what I ordered then I don't accept delivery, it's as simple as that. You claim that the driver will be charged in such a case. In my opinion that's not fair, I asked why and you respond because it's cod? You do understand the concept, right? Anyway no worries and have a nice day.
  17. Why?
  18. So they make the driver pay for the goods? ???? That's harsh dude.
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