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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. 57 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:


    I agree. Uniforms are great, and are not there to promote order and discipline.


    In the UK, we all had to wear a uniform. This was ideal because my single mother was dirt poor! If I had gone to school in America, where they don't wear uniforms, I wouldn't have been so academically succesful. I'm sure my mental health & studies would have suffered from getting bullied in school.


    kid a owns the latest iphone with airbuds......has said uniform on

    kid b owns a nokia 3310 with an etch a sketch......has said uniform on


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  2. 28 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Maybe you should have added a question for those not trapped outside : Would you take the vaccine if it was required for the visa extensions, or make plans to leave Thailand.


    the million dollar question. i am positive this will be a requirement eventually. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    It astonishes me that expats living here should give a toss about what their friends in their home country think about their lifestyle here. I never have, and I am quite sure most of them are envious.

    I've never understood people who need to accumulate possessions to impress their friends and neighbors, or who need their approval. March to the beat of your own drum.

    that's fit to give the king..........pa rum bum bum bum 

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Traubert said:
    4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Pavements you can't walk along.....atrocious air quality,....choked with traffic (when busy)....scams left, right and centre....over priced drinks......aggressive ladyboys.....drugs and the 'p' word.........all fixed with the prefix NEO.


    Amazing Thailand.


    It is the last place on Earth high end tourists would want to go.



    is there truth to the points made by the poster ? if so then why were they the first things that came to the posters mind ? is it because they hate pattaya and thailand so much they want everyone to know. or are they simply stating what they see on a regular basis in their daily lives ? maybe the points actually come from a standpoint of caring. the poster may be broken hearted to see these things continue in a place they like to be ? day in day out watching places like pattaya become more and more like the poster states. and you simply say predictable ? 



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