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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Jeez....trying hitting the return key and put a few paragraphs here.  Impossible to read.


    But if you're ranting against MSM, not worth reading.

    oh dear ,no one else has a problem reading it,your gonna have to do better than that.no rants. science quoted from SA.simple enough.cant deal with facts,thats your problem.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, worldexpress said:

    China's golden age had reached its peak around the time of the Olympics and it's been all downhills since, credit to, in part, their carelessness in introducing the corona virus to the world. CCP is well aware of the bubble and its inevitable pop. Their nervousness about its impact can be seen through their sharp escalation in threats to Taiwan. They are looking to rechannel the domestic public outcry and dissent that will follow to a national war rally. That's a classic proven go-to play in the authoritarian playbook. With the Russians helping distract the US, the timing may be right, though the window may be small.  Their decline may be just as rapid as their rise and the time is ticking. How determined is Xi to put himself in history books as the modern day national hero that finally achieves the grand territorial goals?

    interesting anylisis ,i too look at the situation with trepidation having lived a lot of my life in hk and taiwan.this re distribution of wealth idea by xi is madness,chinese save by buying real estate as ve noted.bury that and all hell breaks loose.as u say the nationalists could funnel dissent into a foreign war and taiwan is the target but they still dont have the capeability to pull it off,mess up taiwan for sure.japan and usa plus a few others have shown up to support taiwan but hopefully xi will fall before we get that far.

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  3. 6 hours ago, placeholder said:

    One of big reasons fueling this looming disaster is the fact that China provides very little in the way of security for its seniors. So they have a very high savings rate which means that they have to put their money somewhere. If China had instituted a decent social security system in the early days of its growth, that growth would have been slower but more sustainable. It's citizens would have spent more on consumption and invested less which would have resulted in a more balanced and sustainable economy.

    Also, the Chinese govt has forced the private sector to invest or lend  money to losing state banks and industries. Xi's bizarre version of socialsim- support state banks and industries but starve funding for social programs - are driving China towards a major financial disaster. Unless things radically change, China seems destined to be a perpetual middle income nation.

    hi sir,i agree with your summary and this insane measure to try to re jig the wealth spread is just that,as u say chinese buy property to save.you screw this your gonna have serious problems as deng said the deals this'i shall allow to become gloriously rich' xi better keep his end up


  4. germany has removed thailand but you need a jab thats approved IE the non chinese ones.makes sense .not that anutiin.i hope mre countries adapt this sensible approach but will thailand reciprocate?i hope so.it will be good for them.vaccinated germans with a pcr neg test and NO quarantine r scam insurance.i just had 2 friends go NOOOO to thailand when they read the ins scam deal on the thai webpage.QED i wouldnt come either,open means open not scam on hotel rooms and ins.drop it and people will come as they arnt now.only people i see are ex pats returning mainly thru sandbox with a small %age of bonafide tourists.a lot of older people cant be fussed with more computer nonsense they just want to show their covid jab papers and pcr and get on a plane,screw all the downloading and so on,most people dont have printers scanners etc at their fingertips and money for the scams.plenty of other places that are cheap and not a rip off,turkey....its real cheap right now and not far from germany

    • Like 2
  5. no one has died of the new variant as of yet,no one thats what the drs in j'burg are saying.ask them. the shreiking from CNN well thats just another story.facts ask the drs then,all im doing is repeating what theyre saying.in europe where delta is still running amok dont have any deaths from SA variant and wed know about it real quick if they did.science ......the facts about that are useful but if the EU dont wanna deal with the SA variants lack of pathogenicity  thats another story,SA variant will displace the delta thats the scientific fact as ive said before.even the pro establishment media are starting to say that now as the fact cant be ignored.let it rip and displace delta quicker ,the world will be safer than it is suffering delta and thats what is happening NOW.you think your smart?ignoring science!u do ur vodoo stuff ill stick with what dr coertzee says

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    If you don't know and can't elucidate them why allege that they exist?

    i do know and i have told you,hk china and look out the window,its staring u in the face.if you cant see it get a pair of glasses,ask the foreign correspondents club theres a good place to start.thats just the start of it and the most obvious.elucidate it ha ha ha.amazing.you dont even have to have a very high IQ so god knows what yours is

  7. On 11/24/2021 at 9:55 AM, Speedhump said:

    Oh do bore off. Public writing should be an art, not a struggle to read. God, I hate people like you, uneducated financial bores, the kiss of death at dinner parties. ????

    ohh such an artiste what an art,what was it about F something.,you want bore hypocrite and uneducated take a long look in the mirror,oh how quaint a dinner party in the soi,my how civilised.dinner parties fleance  how trite dear.

    • Confused 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Speedhump said:

    Thank you! So Evergrand misspelt and without a capital letter to denote a company. No wonder I had to ask. I though the article ungrammatical in general. 

    ohh a grammar nazi.how tiring,anyone who has the faintest knowledge of the financial world knows what the china property mkts going thru right now and from where it emanates.obviously a first class knowledge of grammar does not allow for a wider knowledge and education of the world around us,see if you can get a refund on all those wasted school fees.

    • Haha 2
  9. interesting,so the unclean are not infecting the anointed ones,over to you anutin.so can thailand actually re open as thats ot whats happening,the scams are all still on full blast and real tourist entries are minimal.lets go on holidays to a place that demands you wear a mask,doesnt allow you to eat and drink freely and scams you for money at every opportunity when u r better protected than most of the this countrys inhabitants,ie you have 2 shots of a vacc that actually does work and a pcr to say your clear.

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/12/2021 at 1:17 PM, jcojco said:

    you and your friends must have "big fingers" ... or can't read the very clear instructions.
    I opened the site,  It  took me less than 15' to fill in the forms and to upload the requested documents. I was surprised 10' later I received my QR Code in my email box.

    theres a bunch of puket phone nos for people who r out of the country,hows that helpful?.many people are complaining they dont get the service u had,theyre not daft they can fill out the forms but the things not working for some f them and/or no replies,read the u tube complaints thats what we are talking about.tell them

  11. On 11/12/2021 at 1:17 PM, jcojco said:

    you and your friends must have "big fingers" ... or can't read the very clear instructions.
    I opened the site,  It  took me less than 15' to fill in the forms and to upload the requested documents. I was surprised 10' later I received my QR Code in my email box.


  12. everyones different likes and dislikes ,covids done it for me,ive been here a yr half now,i want out,ive a condo here so i wish to sell it,cant right now but i hope to early next yr. things are looking up covid wise.on my way,itravelled extensively before covid ,here was but a stopping point and it was great for that,4 weeks and out,enjoy what the place has to offer,some good spots down south,great food,fantastic restaurant scene in bkk and so on,but many aspects of the country dont suit me,the fact youve basically no rights,no respect in a culture obsessed with such,rascim,the govt and its restrictions ,medical insurance,the science of difficult.theres plenty of options,locally PH camb perhaps vietnam,further afield parts of latam,panama costarica colombia equador,all offer citizenship and  med cover in a few yrs,southern europe port,spain greece and so on.time to move on but imo thailand is not what it was 20 yrs ago or even 5 yrs ago,if you like it great but it dont sit right with an increasing no of people,respect that

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  13. it appears the vast nos of thais who arnt fully vaxed will be at risk,the foreigners are well protected and all are virus free on entry,so.........what happens next?i believe there will not be so many people coming. hk and china wont allow their people to come,europeans ....not really .too far too much hassle,easier and closer options.moneys thin on the ground everywhere so......ex pats can return.a few others who are needing to scratch an itch.hurry up with those vaccs ,27th to the 1st well should be able to vax a few million times and that will help!6 days.after that keep it coming real fast.the restrictions will unleash internal infections which im sure the xenophobes will blame us for  but the science says it aint.we w ill be having an interesting few weeks

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