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Mike k

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Everything posted by Mike k

  1. They are bailing the sugar cane leaves and selling it here probably as bio fuel
  2. I don't think the government has the balls to do anything the other night there were 3 huge fires burning you could see the red glow in the sky
  3. Cant always trust the science look at what some of the untested covid vaccines have done
  4. Until they get rid of the unelected generals in the senate what the people want doesn't matter they were the hold up for pita
  5. If they ban Facebook maybe the boys in brown will have time to catch and investigate criminals
  6. The people didn't put these senators in their positions a dictator did
  7. They were never elected just put into power by the ruling junta
  8. A meeting between the president of the US and prawit one asleep and the other one mumbling incoherently ????
  9. I don't know I don't vape or smoke I just think the RTP is stupid because it's out in the open
  10. But I've seen people outside a big C using vapes and the oil is sold in the wed night market
  11. They don't give a F about their credibility as long as they get their money
  12. It did make sure that the military is permanently installed in the govt with it's majority unelected senators
  13. I was hit by a lady with no insurance the cop just let her go I guess having insurance is just a recommendation not a law
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