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Mike k

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Everything posted by Mike k

  1. I don't know I thought it was pretty funny that a mob almost over ran the cops to kill a murderer
  2. Maybe he will let the police build a cage in his house and take care of a few of them
  3. If they don't want to do the time they shouldn't commit the crime
  4. I don't wear a Chang vest or a wife beater I do wear sandels most of the time because the only way I can get shoes is to order them and lazada don't have my size I drive a truck but I have been driving a pickup truck since I first got a license decades ago. I don't speak the lingo because I have a hard time remembering the words but I have picked up a little bit.
  5. I'm not sure I'm 64 and live in prachinburi I've tried asking at the hospital I go to but they don't know anything. Yesterday I think the new cases was around 300
  6. The powers to be don't want the bars and clubs opened or alcohol sold in restaurants or if they could get away with it without the people coming after them with pitch forks and anything else a total ban on alcohol
  7. I registered on 4 August still have not received an appointment and I live in one of the dark red provinces
  8. Me and my wife have come to the conclusion that the worst thing we've done is for me to retire early sell our house in the US and move here but 4 years ago it seemed OK
  9. The money needs to go to the police department so they can hire officers and put them on the roads in cars equipped with radar. Think how many cars could have been put on the road with all that money from Joe farari
  10. A lot of the motorcycle riders I see drive the wrong way or on the wrong side of the road don't give turn signals don't turn their lights on (these bikes should be like the ones in the US when the bike is started the lights come. I don't know how long ago this started but my first bike was a 1979 model and it was like that) and watching TV the other night I determined that some of these bikes can't turn they can only go in a straight line. 1 motorcycle pulled out in front of another the lane beside them was clear the on coming bike had plenty of time to go around but hit them instead
  11. Good quality 555 they repaved the roads where I am about 2 years ago they are already getting bad holes in them 304 going into kabin buri is so torn up it shakes your teeth to ride on them
  12. Then they'll whine that the poor farmer can't afford a 50,000 bhat fine and they will drop it to 500 baht and a wai
  13. There are provinces with less new cases that are red but Phuket is still orange
  14. So western civilization is the only ones using fossil fuels there are no vehicles on the road here or tractors in the fields
  15. My wife is 71 and she will not get the vaccine I'm 64 and the only reason I will get it is because it will probably be tied in with my retirement extension
  16. My brother and sister and their kids minus 1 were vaccinated the first of the year why 1 niece did not get the vaccine I don't know
  17. In that case he needs to slip into the US on the southern border then he can get all kinds of freebies
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