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Everything posted by Bobydog

  1. Hear hear! Another p.ant poll accross Thailand 554 people suggest protests may not escalate, 541 suggest that it will and the balance of 146 people polled believe it may become a political issue. Ha ha ha. Take away the unelected members of Parliament and their supporters and the balance out of how many million accross Thailand? Of course this dictatorial claptrash won't be noticed around the world. Why dont you hold a referendum like non third world Countries do.
  2. The big problem is that not enough Tourists give a damn about Thai customs nor do they bother to check!
  3. Think of the pocket money to be made administering the new laws at the street level, this could make for less time policing the traffic.
  4. Saw an Aussie one night about 2130, lots of people around in Banglar road, standing on the foot path with his mates and take a leak on the road, my Thai girlfriend was not impressed.
  5. Lol, Thailand will only reach No.1 in the reality TV show its becoming and that's so sad
  6. With only 19 deaths in BKK that leaves only 21 deaths in road related accidents for the rest of Thailand which, if believed, extend that average over 365 days and you get 14,808. Amazing. So is the figure of 26,000 motorcycles/scooter related deaths of per year a real figure?
  7. It would be more correct to say, " The Move Forward party were denied the oportunity to form a Government by the sculdugery carried on behind the sceens by the peoples that were going to loose access to their Cherry Baht tree.
  8. Hear hear, well said! These announcements are meaningless, the thai people have been let do the wrong thing for so long it's toooooo late to change a whole way of life. A better question is, what have the Authorites been doing all these years apart from coll;ecting brown envelopes etc while the Thai people continue to die on the roads.
  9. To do that would require new glasses with stronger lenses, if they bothered to look at all .
  10. Nhaa, they will just change hands at, 65?
  11. Begun? it's been settling in ffor many years now, they probably told the locals to shut their yap...
  12. So the Lady? wouldn't have to go into Hotel with man and keep the Bht4200.
  13. Till his time served, ha ha, reaches the sentence period, not long to go now before he will be cured lol.
  14. I came back often enough, Sunshine
  15. This practice was alive and well years ago in the Philippines, don't know about now, it's been a while.
  16. So nice to see a productive report for a change, Philippines are way ahead of Thailand in this area so why focus on Britain when the Philippines are an ASEAN member.
  17. When will they learn, Tourists don't like to be seen as cash cows but I totally get why their focus is on MONEY! They would do better if they forgot about their trough and reported the increase in jobs for Thai people working in the Tourism sector,
  18. Not with China, Thailand is no higher than China's kneecaps, not even in the same ballpark, regrettably, Thailand is boardering on 3rd world status
  19. Has it emerged? Are the Senators that were put in place, .not elected, still there? Putin will not ever leave his bunker to vist a Country where the Police shoot each other, let alone all the other carnal goings on. That Thai Gov even initiated an invitation to a man.with a target on his back, is a joke.
  20. Those special folk who have their noses in the proverbial money trough, collectors of brown envelopes etc
  21. The only people who don't get that and other dosturbing issues are the Trough Dwellers.
  22. Does this crackdown include the alleged sale/use of firearms sold or used by Police officers who don't have access to the "Trough" ?
  23. I seem to remember seeing that tired much used promise many times Post COVID along with an announcement following a poll that said THAI PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT FOREIGN VISITORs.....
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