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Posts posted by Richb2004v2

  1. Thankfully this does not effect me at all. When I first came to Thailand I considered it quaint behavior. I now see it as moronic actions labeled and passed of as either cultural or traditional. It does nothing other than retard the population and ensure that much of the population remains in the past. If most of us encountered the same ideas in our own countries we would right the perpetrators off as whackos, but in Thailand we see it as somehow endearing.

  2. I will be running them around the airport before the flight to try to tire them out. One problem is that the 2 1/2 hour taxi journey to the airport well certainly sent them to sleep before we even get there. I think I would feel very guilty with a crying child in business class. Anyway we fly on Friday night so I will soon see.

  3. I've noticed that on all the housing estates I visit the entrance security seem to have no function at all. I've never been stopped and often the gate is open anyway. On the odd occasion I leave our estate late at night the guards are all sleeping. One estate I visit has two CCTV cameras both pointing a the same entrance spot but the gate is always open with the guard taking no notice at all. I've also noticed a tendency for the security to form collections of broken motorcycles at the entrance to the estates they guard. The security huts quickly decay and seem rarely to be maintained (like most things in Thailand). All estates have security huts but many of them no longer have guards. I'm sure there are good security services here it's just that I've not seen them. I guess it's just another example of the Thai way of doing things in a half arsed fashion.

  4. Thanks for the advice. I contemplated some form of sedative, but I don't think that will be necessary. We will try to keep them awake until the flight and then keep them occupied if they wake. As mentioned, hopefully the bottle will help with the equalisation. Although we are only travelling economy the seats are bulkhead for both legs which should make it a little better.

  5. This Friday I am traveling to the Uk for Christmas with my wife and two 18 month olds. I am dreading the 20 hour journey and wonder if anyone has any tips. One thing that concerns me is the pressurization during take off. Is there any way to have the kids equalize? We have a flight to Dubai, a 3 hour stop over and then on to the Uk. Any tips welcome.

    Also feel free to move this topic.


  6. I looked at downloading antiX and was told it was going to take 2 days! When I have more time I will check it out.

    odd, must've picked a bad mirror. try this one in japan http://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/mepis/released/antix/antiX-M8.5-686.iso or i can setup a local download for you if necessary. i suspect you may have wireless problems with it though. you have not told us yet what your chipset is, but i suspect you would have to load it manually in antix.


    I'm still told 3+ days to download from that mirror. Anyway I leave for work tonight so won't get a chance to download anything for a while. Thanks anyway.

  7. what's your wireless chipset?

    (just in case you don't know

    $ lspci | grep Network

    should tell you)

    05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)

    Firefox definitely works on the neighbors signal but not my own. I can only think it's because my signal is weak or a poor connection. It seems strange that Chrome works fine though.

  8. I looked at downloading antiX and was told it was going to take 2 days! When I have more time I will check it out.

    I made what I thought was a Suse 11.3 LiveCD, but when I tried it the normal options to run without installing were not present.

    I then tried an Easy Peasy LiveCD and had the same problem with the wi-fi. I was presented with an option to install a driver for the wi-fi but when I accepted I received a 'failed to fetch' message after a short time. This same thing happened with each Ubuntu distro. I was about to give up but tried the Ubuntu 10.10 disk one more time in order to try the code given by Urandom. This time the driver installed ok for some reason. I decided to install asap while all was well. I now have what seems like a fully functioning Ubuntu 10.10 system dual booting with XP. I am now busy adding the apps that I had on my old machine.

    A minor clitch I've found is that when I connect to my wi-fi signal Firefox does not work, but Chrome does. When I connect to a neighbors signal both work. It's not a big deal though as I will simply switch to using Chrome.

    Thanks for the advice anyway.

  9. In my humble obese opinion, almost ALL deserts in Asia suck. My daughters birthday coming up in a few weeks and I just got back from Villa Market with Two Betty Crocker (Betty Proper) cake mixes along with Betty's canned frosting. All these are very unhealthy processed foods but how often does your daughter turn eight years old??;)

    Well, I suppose in comparison to western cakes I guess they do suck really. I do think they are better than they were a couple of years ago though.

  10. I always try a LiveCD before installing to ensure everything works. Yesterday I tried Ubuntu 10.10, Mint 9, Ubuntu netbook remix, and even Ubuntu 9.04. With each of them the wireless function did not work. I've made a quick google search and not found any help. I had this problem when I initially tried switching to Linux some years ago and never figured it then. I guess I could connect via a wire to my modem but I've never done that before. I am busy downloading SUSE. Maybe that will work. I will also try AntiX as you recommended.


  11. Disagree. They all use that fake icing. It looks great but tastes like your spooning butter into your mouth.

    That's what I used to think, but now I think it's better. Unless of course I've just been here too long and have got used to it. But what about the fruit cake? That's is definitely very good. Even my grandmother would agree. Plus the chocolate brownie is very good too.

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