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Posts posted by Richb2004v2

  1. The first shop I ever saw offering fresh off the grill crumpets was in Seattle. Do they have them in the UK or Australia?

    Crumpets are one of the world's great culinary inventions. I adore them. Never seen them here.

    They are widely available in packs of 4, 8, 12 in UK supermarkets but I've never seen a crumpet shop as such. I've made them myself often but even then I prefer them cooked, cooled and then toasted.

    I wonder if crumpets taste the same in the US as in the UK? Many things dont, even if they have the same name.

    Ah, crumpets with plenty of butter and liver pate! Fantastic.

  2. That could be it, although it was Tuesday and they weren't exactly in the process of cleaning it. Most of it was clearly being washed up but even so it still could have been maintained. We went again today. It wasn't as bad but a lot of the bigger items were still laying on the shore.

  3. I'm sure some here will remember Libya115 for his often controversial contributions to the Pattaya news forum. I've been a friend of his for six years until around six months ago when he returned to the Uk supposedly for a short visit. I then lost all contact with him and began to worry about what had happened to him. After searching online I finally made a very sad discovery that he had taken his own life in the Yorkshire Dales. This came as a shock to me, and I am looking for others that may have had contact with him before he left Thailand. He had other drinking friends in Pattaya that I don't know. When last I was with him he seemed no different to normal. I would like to get an understanding of what may have driven him to this sad act.


  4. We went to the beach again today. Sadly it was quite filthy. The shore line was littered with every kind of debris imaginable, including rubber gloves, noodle packets, drinking straws, tooth brushes, and even fertilizer bags. I was so disappointed when I saw it. It would be so easy to employ two or three people to walk along the beach every hour and collect it all. The beach itself was a little dirty too. There was a pile of food remains not that far from us that had attracted hundreds of huge black flies, as well as polystyrene packaging here and there and empty beer bottles. The beach was very busy but that's no excuse. It's such a shame. I guess I shouldn't complain as it's only one bad day out of the five or six we have spent there recently. Plus it still wasn't as bad as Nam Rim or Payun.

  5. Would just like to say that yesterday afternoon I went to my bank, Bank of Ayudhya , Sukhumvit Road, Pattaya, and sent home 650,000 baht. Everything was carried out extremely professionally and smoothly. I was not asked for a work permit or why I was sending the money home. The commission was 1,700 baht.

    I checked my bank account this morning and the money is there, so very pleased with the whole process.

    That's good to know.

    I was going to start a topic on this subject but maybe you answered my question.

    I am hoping to sell my house in the next six months and wonder how to get the money back to the Uk. My wife said she can make transfers of around 500,000 baht or so for a charge of 1,500 baht per time. This sounds similar to what you did. I wonder how many times I could do it without problem? Have you done it more than once?


  6. Few comments from the last few posts

    Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

    Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

    Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

    Would you not get similar looks if you were wandering around with an American girlfriend on your arm who was very much younger than you? A 50+ man with a 23 year old wife/girlfriend would be viewed as a little suspect in most European countries regardless of being Thai or not.

    What if he was rich ?

    Well it does happen with the rich people and celebrities. Those relationships are generally viewed as a direct result of money offsetting actual compatibility, which is exactly what people would assume seeing the same thing with a young Thai girl in tow. Are they wrong to think that?

  7. Few comments from the last few posts

    Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

    Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

    Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

    Would you not get similar looks if you were wandering around with an American girlfriend on your arm who was very much younger than you? A 50+ man with a 23 year old wife/girlfriend would be viewed as a little suspect in most European countries regardless of being Thai or not.

  8. Just the other day I was out jogging along a uninhabited road when I saw a bedraggled and dirty man wandering ahead of me. He was carrying a machete which was a bit worrying. I sped up when I passed him and he didn't follow so I was worrying over nothing.

    I see these deranged looking types covered in dirt with hair matted together all over. I once saw one walking towards traffic down a busy highway. Cars were just avoiding him. I passed 3 hours later and he was still walking the same busy stretch. Countless Police must have passed him and done nothing I would think. Mai Pan Rai I guess.

  9. It's cheap (I live in the most expensive city in the world), beautiful people (I have very specific requirements, e.g. SE), great food and I actually prefer 30 degrees celsius..

    So pretty much a nobrainer.. Moving when I can..

    It is cheap for a reason. Are the people really that beautiful? Is the food so great? The food is nice for sure, but becomes monotonous after a while like any food. What is SE? 30 degrees is not a problem. 36 degrees with very high humidity is a different story. I'm guessing that you are only a past visitor here. I pretty much used to feel the same way when I was only a visitor.

  10. For those who are falsely claiming to live in the UK, perhaps making claims for benefits they are not entitled or for fraudulent purposes should at this time be extremely concerned.

    A UK resident must personally complete the census form and an agent will later collect it.

    Up to 5 years imprisonment, a £10000 fine or both is the penalty for not submitting the census form.

    If the person cannot be found, checks will be made and if discovered living outside the EEC will be extradited and face a mandatory 5 year prison term or could be imposed to serve the prison sentence in Thailand, a term of 25 years.

    What about someone like me who isn't claiming anything but kind of just left without informing anyone? I'm not sure where I am registered as living.

  11. I have a six year old desk top that has always worked well for me with XP. However recently it has become very slow for some reason. I ran anti-virus and malware software through it but there was no improvement. it is so slow as to be almost unworkable. Anyway today I tried Linux Mint from a USB pen drive and have been amazed at the difference. It is so much quicker and more responsive. Also everything seems to work. I can only imagine it will be quicker if I install it. My machine has only 512 Ram and obviously an old (AMD) processor.

    I now can't decide if I should try to dual boot as every time I do I encounter some kind of glitch.

  12. Several people have a workaround, but it cannot be discussed on this forum. It's against forum rules. Ask for someone to send you information in in a private message and you might fare better.

    How can that be?

  13. I wont be getting those forms any more but when I did:

    Religion: Jedi. :)

    Occupation: White witch (self-employed). :)

    I always lie in questionnaires and I dont give a dam_n who knows it.

    That's all very well.

    But if they don't understand that somebody who puts 'Jedi' as their religion does not take religion seriously, then religion is the least of the country's problems.

    That's the point. They don't recognize the sentiment of someone putting 'Jedi', which is why if you really don't care let them know. Religion is not an important part of British life which is the way it should stay. However when more money is put into things life 'faith schools' the government needs to know that most people are not religious.

  14. Thanks for the advice :) , and the criticism <_<.

    After two or three days with limited movement we visited Bangkok Pattaya Hospital today. The Dr was very helpful and explained the situation very well. She said the same as has been said here and the same as I thought regarding the diet and environment as being the key. We are to continue with the same diet with the addition of some of the food stuffs mentioned here. We also have to administer laxatives twice per day for three days then once per day for a month. Then review the situation and reduce the dose. I think that as Bina mentioned we were caught in a cycle of constipation. We administered the laxative until it cleared, we then stopped the laxative immediately thinking all was well and the cycle returned. I was actually concerned that to frequent use of laxatives may be damaging. We should have continued with it even though he seems ok again. The X-ray showed a considerable backup, so even though it seemed that he was back to normal for a week or so at a time he probably wasn't. The Dr administered an enema to get things moving which it did. If things are not much improved in three days we are to go back for another to keep things going.

    I feel much better about the situation obviously. We more or less got the same solution as the previous doctor gave except this time the Dr explained more and gave us a plan. The other Dr simply gave the laxatives without instruction other then to give them until he was clear again.

    Thanks a lot for the help anyway.

    The apple juice tip is a good one. I will try to switch him to drinking that from now on.

    The Dr told us that she has one regular little boy that came in once not having a movement for 20 days!! He was admitted and given a serious enema.

  15. Departing states leader everywhere ...

    When the freedom and liberty loving Americans stand up against Guantanamo Obama? Specially those who vote for him. He is a liar. His words can't be trusted. It damages Americas reputation.

    Its about time.

    I didn't like the Bush approach to the world, but he wasn't that dishonest as Obama is.

    I could live with some hardcore military dude as long between his words and action is no discrepancy. But this laureate brother with his false promises, faux hopes, insulting apologies just makes one angry.

    George.W.Bush was a complete and utter liar. The evidence being his total fabrication of evidence presented to the UN security council for his reason to invade Iraq. And had the audacity to send Gen Colin Powell to the assembly to do his dirty work for him.

    Which of course makes him ultimately responsible for the murderous slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians (a death toll Gaddafi will come noweher near) and without doubt a war criminal.

    How many of that number were actually slaughtered by the USA? Who continues to kill people in Iraq?

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