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G Rex

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  • Birthday June 19

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  1. Lactose intolerance is not common in cats. Those that are, will have diarrhoea after drinking it. (not immediately lol) If he wants it, and it helps create the bond - let him have it. He does not 'need' to drink milk. Humans are the only placental animal that continue to drink milk after weaning! I do not 'need' to drink beer , but I like it...
  2. no , not a threat. but i am allowed to dream... sorry. we are getting off topic here
  3. 3rd time lucky? One can only hope
  4. I don't believe anything or anyone any more.
  5. You mean 'Lawbreaking' is an occupation reserved for Thai citizens only...
  6. All of this speculation about " how could they afford to buy this large property" is off topic bs! I live near Kanchanaburi and 4 years ago bought 50 Rai (correction, my Wife bought , lol) of land on a sealed road , with water and electricity connected for about 2 million baht. His land, on the newscast, looks unimproved - so I doubt whether it would have been a huge expense more than 10 years ago. 'Most of the listed species in the original article - even the exotics - do not require a permit to own. It is only the civet and reticulated python, Thai species, that require a permit. The Sulcata Tortoise, though on the CITES list, is readily available in Thailand, and permits are easily obtained. While in the area, these officials should visit the Surasi Camp Zoo in the Kanchanaburi district. This zoo has many local species, such as Civets, Binturongs, Bears, and many monkeys - being kept in deplorable conditions.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 108 seconds  
  8. okay Doctor. I stand corrected. please accept my most humble apologies by the way Doctor. 🧑‍⚕️. What is a ‘diesase’?
  9. My thoughts exactly!! The article lost me after referring to the victims 'enigmatic disease'. No (normal) human has ever referred to an affliction as 'enigmatic'!
  10. Volvo offer some interesting models here in Thailand - but they are expensive - and Volvos resale values are abysmal! Despite being seen on a lot of the Thai Soap-operas , (obviously as sponsors), they are not regarded as a prestige car in LOS. That mantle is still held by Mercedes and (the ugly as sin) BMWs.
  11. I wonder why they particularly dislike forefingers? Personally - I cannot stand people who are digitist.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 42 seconds  
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