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G Rex

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About G Rex

  • Birthday June 19

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  1. I would not buy a new car without driving one first. You should not just accept the blurb from motoring journalists - they are not averse to embellishing the product after enjoying a slush-fund weekend away being financed by the manufacturer. I have ordered and paid deposits on vehicles - and then found after driving them, that the experience was underwhelming at best. I have then cancelled my order - without any problem. I have bought 8 new vehicles in Thailand, and test drive them all before purchase. I have not had an experience like the OP has had - but maybe that is because I have never considered buying a Toyota!
  2. my first car was a Fiat 850 Sport Coupe. It fit my lean 6'4'' frame like a glove! The 903cc engine was good for 100mph on a downhill run - but being a rear engine car, the steering would get a bit vague at speed - as the front end started to lift... In the following 45 years, I have owned at least 60 other cars...
  3. ooh yeah. She's a keeper for sure. 555
  4. OMG. People here are defending Spaffords actions and rights here! There is nothing normal about a private citizen having over 150 home made bombs.
  5. this would be great if it happened! i live in an Army area - and I can confirm that the grunts are really good at cutting grass and raking leaves. They don't need many Generals to oversee this.
  6. What is it with this 'enraged netizens' rubbish , and media trying to beat up 'stunts' like this? Nobody died. Nobody got hurt. Yes - things could have gone wrong - but they didn't here. Get over it!
  7. I would say “ Talk to KhunHeineken - He has all the answers you need”
  8. Do I need to be a qualified psychologist to have an opinion? what a strange comment. we can not be friends.
  9. Phillip Island has the MotoGP. .- for motorbikes. Melbourne has the F1 Grand Prix, - for Formula 1 Motor cars
  10. No - as an ex-resident of Melbourne - I can tell you that you are wrong. Apart from 2 weeks prior to the race, and 1 week after - when the stands, commercial areas and track barriers are erected and dismantled - these roads are public roads, and can be travelled by anyone. I have used these roads many times.
  11. I am retired , living off my savings , so anything I bring in has already had substantial tax paid in Australia - so - no - I don't think it would come to that! I cannot be bothered dealing with the local tax officials - so will not be doing so unless absolutely necessary. Jail!! 555
  12. The Australian F1 Grand Prix is on a street circuit in Melbourne. It is run very well, but causes a lot of issues for the locals - and it costs a bomb to run. If the (nearly) civilized West has issues running this event successfully - I seriously doubt Thailands' ability to pull this off.
  13. I am bringing less money in. I too have made some larger purchases using Wise , but transferring directly from one of my home country bank accounts. I have also used my foreign credit cards more, and paid them from my home accounts. This is, however, just practice for me. I have no intention getting a TIN , and will not do so until I am dragged kicking and screaming into their office. My aim is to keep my head down, stay off the radar, and see what really happens here. My gut feeling is that nothing much will change here. Thailand - the land where the Left hand does't know what the Right one is doing!

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