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2 is 1

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  1. What is average IQ in US LMAO 98. That is like brain-dead! You have to be below average! If vote Trump, most of them is below average.
  2. What is average IQ in US LMAO 98. That is like brain-dead! You have to be below average! If vote Trump, most of them is below average.
  3. What is average IQ in US LMAO 98. That is like brain-dead! You have to be below average! If vote Trump, most of them is below average.
  4. What is average IQ in US LMAO 98. That is like brain-dead! You have to be below average! If vote Trump, most of them is below average.
  5. So you want to be smartass! You are troll from Trump or you just dont want conversation?
  6. Dosent matter what pol say. There is 6 state who decide, who going to be next president. From all of us i hope its not Trump! Evrything he do is for HIM, not for people not for any other than himself! He only want give himself pardom, from the crime he has done! He dont care nation, or people he care him self! If somebody think other have to be really idiot "human".
  7. People dont know because Trump not tell them. Trump tell story so it have to be truth and only truth.
  8. Hope he goes other place than Capitol Hill! If American people have even little brain, Trump goin to jail or other place where he is not needed. Lie to people ,lie to mirror. Mirror is only place where you see the truth. Trump only see hes dreams not look in mirror.
  9. Im outsider from Us politics. But always have think that people who live out from Us have vision. Early days if not always i have think honesty is best policy. If former President lie before in office , during in office, all the time after office. Only ask how you can trust that kind of man and vote him? Biggest ask is! What the F is wrong whit your people's brain!?
  10. Thank you i look what can do.
  11. Account what have not used for few years, is it still needed to go same bank office where you have open a account? To get new bankcard and internet banking accesories? Have money in bank account what have opened in Udon and dont want to go there if all can haddle elsewhere! Thanks guys if some can aswear!
  12. Normaly people get they idea's/ ideology from parent's . Of course learn from school and elsewhere. I am FIN and i have "hate" Russians all my life. Maybe coz hearing story's from 2 world war. If most of RUS people get teaching that every other nation and western world is bad, what you can assume about them. System there mind control all of them, in news , education and every place.
  13. Some people become pissed off about everything. Some adjust and go whit the flow. Take a look in the mirror Bob there is reason for everything!
  14. You can also watch how paint drying on wall.
  15. Have take 2 times buss from Loei to BKK. One driver and not even one break for driver. About 10 houer to BKK buss station. Law say nothing about drivers break's. And how many semi driver is there who not sleep or even worse drive whit yaba in they system.
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