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2 is 1

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Posts posted by 2 is 1

  1. 45 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    Why in Gods name have 300 medical Staff become infected.

    Sorry, I forgot about all the diverted Vaccines that went to Phuket. Vaccines that should have been for protection of these Medical Staff, not a Somtam seller in some Soi in Phuket Town.

    What are these Madmen thinking of.

    Sadly it has happen in all over world. Its delta variant. Even vaccinated whit mask on has get it.

    And i think many of those 300 has get chinese urine in vain already.

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  2. 2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Asked previously. Never really understood why do so many folk queue for Test. I assume it's free. 

    Is it required for employment or.....??

    Surely they are not all feeling off colour.

    Most likely many of them are people who have visit same place where infected one. Some cluster what they have annouced. Thailand way  to trying catch infection chain!

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  3. 1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

    I think you are right. I suspect they are prepping for some big numbers next week which they already know are coming. If they do a few things now then it looks like they are ahead of the game. Pure speculation.

    Sunday is good day in Thailand to shock people coz all goverment place are closed! And like they tell all , they make more test in BKK start yesterday. And like ThailandRyan has told us, he have to wait 3 days for test result. 


    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, anchadian said:

    This is so sad for the Khn Thiu

    Photos of Covid-19 patients lying in a hospital car park next to biohazard dumpsters underlined the critical shortage of beds in Bangkok on Friday

    Covid patients overflow into hospital car park as cases surge in Bangkok


    And still nobody don't have any idea , how can put all symptomless in home quarantine/isolation! Even they do that already for some. People who cant get hospital or other set place.

    Have to wonder why people not demand that! Maybe is more nice to lay down there on floor!

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  5. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Just another field report. In itself means little. 

    So the attached pic has gone up in the elevator of our condo. 

    The two people sharing a room have tested positive and also have mild symptoms. They were told to isolate in their own room by hospital..

    Calls few days later (feeling slightly worse) told to remain/isolate in room. No beds at hospital. I'm guessing if become worse something will be found.

    Condo management have been great (as I knew they would) and been bringing them supplies. 

    We are on same floor and would expect this to become more prevalent in Bangkok as time goes on.



    Keep distance to walk up and down!? So they close elevator! Thinking "our residents need exercise".

    Ok joking but why that kind notification who want walk up and down lol. Maybe in stairs has much space easy to keep social distance.

  6. 24 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Out of 9,085 local cases (outside of prisons), most in


    Bangkok - 2,224

    Samut Prakan - 846

    Samut Sakhon - 640

    Chonburi - 523

    Nonthaburi - 355

    Nakhon Pathom - 291

    Pattani - 269

    Pathum Thani - 233

    Chachoengsao - 188

    Songkhla - 181



    Bangkok numbers has goin down many days i think. What will be case tomorrow if they really try to start testing! Hope they show how many more test they do! Maybe just a dream.

  7. 13 hours ago, treetops said:

    1 hour 20 minutes transit time is more than enough with both incoming and departing flights being in the non-Schengen area of the airport.

    Normaly always is but everybody need to notice when fly in Helsinki, airport chance now all the time ! There is huge renovation going on. But i think you can manage in that time frame. Finnair normaly inform you already in plane where cate for conection flights be located . Have safe trip.

  8. 3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Note that there are still beds available in the Bangkok, as I stated before, the issue is the system for patients entering the hospital system was not designed for such large numbers.


    inefficiencies in the system that have only impacted small numbers of patients in the past are now leaving large numbers waiting for beds that are available- somewhere in Bangkok.


    I’ll give you an example: if a patient’s doctor directs them to go to the hospital, there is a good chance that the doctor doesn’t have admitting privileges at a hospital with beds available. There isn’t a good system for the doctor to get the patient into another hospital, especially if available beds are in a hospital far away. So, the patient has to wait.






    Have you think maybe someone else need hospital treatment not only covid patient!

    If every hospital bed is even close full from covid patient's where they put other people who need treatment . They not build hospitals whit thought "hmm 2020 start pandemic need add capasity for those coming patient's"!


    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    And how much will it cost per dose?


    This is the group, Thonburi Health, who were selling Moderna at about THB3,400 for two doses,


    And this is the doctor who is being sued for defamation.

    EU price for Pfizer is 12€/ dose. Thats only vaccine price. How much they pay for it who knows when they pay so much from Chinese urine. So  one dose vaccine it self cost 460 bth. Az price is about 70 bth so huge difference.

  10. 7 minutes ago, ABCbangkok said:

    Home isolation? What a good idea. Sounds suspiciously like a quarantine. Who would have thought that staying home and isolating could be effective in managing the situation?


    You mean the govt is giving up on warehousing those infected with COVID, be it a light infection or a strong infection,  in large arenas, on comfortable cardboard beds and state-of-the-art swivel fans? Seems like it was a good strategy. Who would have thought after 19 months of COIVD such changes were possible! 

    Chill (sabai sabai) thats life (mai ben rai) :wai:


  11. Ads i understand coz page need get money to support. But after page chance asennow it sign me out really quickly! I go take coffee and make bread, leave my mac to wait ,when come back even mac still on page has sign me out. Really annoying.

  12. 1 hour ago, anchadian said:

    The number of people in ICU and on VENTILATORS continues to rise every day:


    6 July: 2,350/643

    7 July: 2,496/676

    8 July: 2,564/698

    9 July: 2,685/701

    10 July: 2,738/717

    11 July: 2,783/728

    12 July: 2,895/747

    13 July: 3,042/794

    14 July: 3,201/828 <— Today



    Many has worried hospital bed for people , which dont have enough! Im much more worried ICU and VENTILATORS capacity! How many people need place in ICU where dont have space to them!

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  13. 4 hours ago, rabas said:

    It will lead to further spread considering Thai living conditions, which is why they avoided it as long as possible. But now there is no choice.


    Why home quarantine is so hard to Thais!? So simple rules isolate hole house AND ALL PEOPLE IN IT! NOBODY GOES IN OR OUT!! My friend was 28 days in home quarantine , first 2 kids get covid -> home quarantine 14 days (include 2 test was negative) last test wife had covid. New 14 days quarantine (include 2 test was negative). Kids get out after first 10 days because they not spread virus anymore. Wife get out day 25 because not spread anymore! One thing to notice, my friend not get covid even was all the time whit infected people and even sleep same bed whit wife. Only put people who have symptons whitch cant haddle home in hospital or people who not get help outside from home (to bring food etc.). Save really much money and many people's mental health.

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