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2 is 1

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Posts posted by 2 is 1

  1. 3 minutes ago, asiacurious said:

    Wouldn't the 20 year Elite Superiority be a much better deal?


    5 year @ 600K = 120K baht per year

    20 year @ 1M baht = 50K baht per year.


    I know the OP only needs 9 years until he can get a retirement visa, but those 11 extra years on the Elite would save him from needing to deal with any of the retirement visa stuff.  If he's the kind of person who would do agents, that's 11 years of savings from paying them.  And if he's a do-it-yourself kind of guy, he wouldn't need to bother with depositing money here until he's in his 60s. 

    He say he want stay a year or maybe more! But its up to him. I think he see all possible visas from link what i put!

  2. 13 minutes ago, kingofallasians said:

    I'm 41 and I'd like to stay at least a year but maybe a few. TH is like home to me.


    I'm in Hawaii so I might have to fly to a different island to get a special visa, which is expensive and a pain.


    What does the PE stand for? I'll look it up. Also, what is the education visa like these days? 

    Elite visa cost 600k bth and valid 5 years. If you have that money that is not pain in butt solution.



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  3. 3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    They have a few thousand others in storage but certainly no tank crews for them considering each tank needs 4 people.

    Russian tanks has 3 people crew! Commander,driver and shooter. I serve my military time in T-72 here in Finland  i was commander. It has automatic system dont need loader. But anyway yes need have people who know how to use its not simple! Normal people cant even get it started if dont know what are doing. 

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  4. Only good thing what i get out of my ex is my son! Hes coming 12 and even looking whit fathers eyes hes best boy in world. Even hes mother is biatch im happy that he has get little asian parenting. He is much more polite and more well mannered than other kids in hes age. Meaning normal Finnish kids/boys. Boy has wanted to live whit me all the time after divorce but money mean more to ex than happines of her boy.  Alimony's and money from government every month make her happy so others happines dont mean nothing to her. But answer to question : best in my life is my boy even sometimes need to live apart and thats killing me. He really understand that i cant just wait in Finland the time when her mother let me see him! Now have been here over year and we have been together every other weekend Happy times!

    • Like 1
  5. Everybody going to get covid some point. Many people going to get it many times. Just was news that some nurse in UK get covid second time after 3 weeks from first infection. Ofcourse many country is in different situation about pandemic but in Europe almost all is like before covid. Nobody has ever force you to wear mask in here but now they have take off to even recommendation to use it. Finnair goign to trop off mask use in their flights starting from next monday, only need use if arrival country demand it. Fact is that we need to start live whit covid not hide. Life must go on, sadly its going to take some casualtys from people who have some kind illnesses or from older folks. I have zero sympathy to people who not take vaccines and those people cant keep other people hostage. Yes some coutrys has failed to deliver vaccines to all citizens or dont have enough money to deliver but hole world cant wait those countrys and stick head in bush!

  6. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    I'm a man.


    When you speak to me you speak to me as a man using my name. If you don't know my name you ask. If you don't want to ask my name then you address me as Mr. or Sir.

    Many Thai has problems to pronounce western names, so you want all call you bye name what sound really stupid or funny?And how thai who dont speak english at all going to ask your name?!  I recommend you should move to Phil if you want all call you Sir.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Putin may well be contemplating a lightning strike into Finland and/or Sweden, not necessarily to seize Helsinki or Stockholm or topple the governments, but just to hold enough of a piece of their territories to ignite a conflict and effectively disqualify them from NATO membership. The unwritten catch-22 NATO rule that trapped Ukraine in a legal limbo for 20 years could do the same for the two Scandinavian aspirants now. No country in a conflict situation can expect to be admitted as long as the conflict exists, because it automatically would bring the fighting to NATO under Article 5’s collective defense mandate.



    This kind speculation is what it is. Has been going on here in Finland any kind point of view.

    And its meaningless, Finland going to request NATO membership before June and we will see what Russia going to do. But if NATO hold down Finland application because some action from Russians then it shows how weak it is! If Russian provocation make NATO to back off. If (BIG IF) Putin try to attack here in Finland he going to hit hes head to "Karjala" pine tree like all hes forefathers before! Finland has anyway one of the most powerful army in Europe and we can put arm's almost 1 million men whitch all has get military training!

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

    Have you considered that an Alpha male is not quite what you imagine?

    You are paying for everything, but you imagine that you are the Alpha? 

    So to be an Alpha you have to pay for everything; but if she outsmarts you then you are a loser. ???? 

    So are you an Alpha or a Loser? Can you be both?

    Seems like you are looking for a problem to fit the solution.


    Pay way or other? What does that mean? Of course you pay with your time. If you are paying with your time and paying for everything; you are already a loser. Just fooling yourself that it makes you superior. Forget about that Alpha nonsense ???? 




    Lol im not saying im alpha.But surely im not under woman also if im not want to some times. (An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round.) But it has nothing to do about giving money to woman. Just tell my story and point.

  9. 2 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    he did not answered journalists questions about allegations that he is paying over 1mln per case to women, who filed rape and sexual assault.

    He has lied about being acquitted of charges of rape and imprisonment of women in London in 2003. Those ladies ware payed to withdraw their statements. So police dropped his prosecution https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/news-in-brief-r09fv8cwx5r

    I have always hated that rich people can buy them self out from prison or can pay criminal charges away! Every country where that is possible cant call democracy nation!

    • Like 2
  10. Avoid trap of losing money to women.

    Reply to this question: 

    I think every man pay way or other in relationship and he should! Still can be alpha male! But if lose all money to woman or you are on womans leash then you are looser. 

    I have not been whit 500 woman but (or dont know, stop counting after hair start grow in down low) have had "few". Still have make mistake whit asian woman(Filipina) and was looser because not make prenup whit her! Whit my Thai woman im not pay much, she manage her self almost everything and government pay our other house in town. I help in other way , help family in farm drive stuff to sell etc. I know ofcourse she dont mind if i give her more money lol. But if you start give much you cant come back to give less!

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