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Posts posted by Tarqin

  1. Nong Palai is a bad bad place.

    Have visited a Swede there and I am English so never heard of a race/nationality bar or indeed the need for a letter. The guards did want some tea money of course but apart from that it was all straight forward.

    One thing you may not think of. Visit a doctor and get some big time anti-biotics and skin ointments. TB/scabies/you name it is rife in there. He will need these items more than food or even money believe me.

  2. Eek you are perhaps right that I am talking about the Pattaya bubble. And no Pattaya is absolutely not reflective of the rest of Thailand or anywhere else I have ever been.

    So I will qualify, the majority (not all) in Pattaya. Things may indeed be different elsewhere.

  3. DP are you really a man? You post like a woman.

    I expect the next post to be something like 'you can't handle a real woman' or 'what about a challenge'.

    Last time I looked the Thai women I associate with were in fact real and not cardboard cut outs and no I do not want a challenge I want everything to be the way I want it.

    Eek I appreciate your post and the fact you realise I am being entirely honest and posting what most western men in Thailand actually feel but would never vocalise or post on a website.

    The mistake you make is thinking I have issues. The whole point is that I do not have issues as I am in a position to arrange my life in exactly the way I want it. And as you say that is my right.

    DP just a flaming idiot who I shall now ignore but Eek as a western female you must know that attitudes like mine exist and in Thailand we are in a majority. Que about a hundred posts on this thread saying 'no your not' but Eek examine your life. Am I not telling the truth?

  4. Absolutely none taken DP.

    With your post you absolutely prove my point.

    You are either a western women unhappy at being ignored or a western man who still feels the need to suck up to western women for reason only you know.

  5. Don't think this thread will last long so I will try and give a sensible reply before it gets shut down.

    OK this is the internet and we can all claim anything but I am 47 years old fit have a full head of hair dress well and am relatively rich. I tend to do a fairly consistent social circuit and the Thais who know me know that if I am happy I am very generous and if I am not happy I leave.

    As such I am treated as if not as a king then certainly a senior prince by the Thai people I know and I have got used to this what word shall we use? Deference.

    When I meet western women, which is very infrequently these days, they seem to want to cop an attitude and treat me as they would treat other men in the west, that is as if their waste product did not smell. So I am left with two opposites. I expect now to be treated by women with deference, have them pour my beer etc and I am faced with a potential encountered with a stroppy western madam. So I avoid them, which is probably best for both parties even to the extent that if I am to meet a male friend and he informs me his western girlfriend will be there I cancel the meeting and ask him to call me when he is free.

    Possibly an unpopular answer with the female crowd but true.

  6. Was just thinking about Dpol's point. Of the bar owners I know I think about 80% don't need to make a profit. As long as the bar doesn't lose money or not that much they are happy. Its either just the idea of drinking in their own place or something to keep the misses busy.

    I did ask one owner why he didn't do a happy hour and he said and I quote 'because it attracts <deleted>'

  7. As someone took the Nirum thread out of the deep freeze I thought I might revive this one with two more things I have decided not to do anymore.

    1. Attempt to give advice to people who clearly don't want it and are just looking for their opinion to be confirmed and get really arsey when you disagree. So yes Nirums a great place to live.

    2. Be amazed that punters are STILL being ripped off with the most obvious scam. And no 20% A WEEK is not an achievable return.

  8. This post is going to be unpopular but I'll post it anyway. You do not KNOW what happened. A 14 year old girl is one of the most manipulative creatures om the planet especially when dealing with dear old dad. She is in puberty and working out how (sadly) easy it is to manipulate men.

    Before everyone jumps all over me let me tell you story. A friend of mine had just stated teaching and was at his first school. There was a 14 year old girl there who was a total pain in the arse. All the other older more experienced teachers let her get always with murder and when he asked why he was told to just let it go, that pubescent girls could be really really dangerous. Young and foolish he decided to discipline her and gave her detention. Next thing he knows he has a large man beating him so severely he has never been able to walk without a stick since. The man was of course her father and when questioned by police and asked if he might have considered that the allegations made by the daughter weren't true he said 'my daughter doesn't lie to me'. 10 minutes in the interview room and she confessed she told her dad my friend had molested her as revenge. Upshot she was expelled and the father got 6 years for GBH. None of which changes the fact that my friend can no longer walk straight.

    I am not saying your stepdaughter is lieing only that you do not KNOW what happened. Let me give you an alternative scenario. The two of them asked him to buy them alcohol drink and he refused so they decided to mess him up. Not saying it happened just that it could have.

    Bottom line vigilante justice is regarded as a bad thing for a reason. The police are there for a reason. If your can identify him report it to the police and let them investigate.

  9. Been here five years now and just reflecting in things I no longer do and thought it might make a good topic.

    My top three.

    Never go to Go Go's anymore. The drinks are over priced the sight of semi naked flesh no longer excites me and watching girls do the Pattaya shuffle is now downright boring.

    Never go near the beach on Saturday and Sunday as crowded out by Thais all of whom are cooking fish on little barbecues.

    Tip is 20 baht everywhere for anything no matter what the bill total is and tips go in the waitresses hand not the checkbin.

    Over to you...

  10. They are all paid commission only so the cost structure is minimal. None of the falangs involved have work permits.

    The Thais do get as said 20 baht for each CONFIRMED person. They do not get anything if you give a false name/number.

    I knew one little corker who used to ply her trade with the mob that stands on Beach Road opposite the bigger Starbucks. I knew her from her twirling days. She is now married to an American and lives in Chicago. He apparently knows nothing of her past. I spoke to him once and he was adamant he didn't go with 'professionals'.

  11. This subject comes up so regularly I have to conclude that some board members are doing a little back door marketing.

    For the record Nirum is indisputably a crap hole. It was built to Thai standards ie: crap. Nothing in the original building worked. Check your condo has been completely re-plumbed and re-wired, most have, otherwise you'll have to do it yourself. Over run with cockroaches and covered in dog and cat shit even walking past it is a health hazard.

    If you must live there, probably because you can't afford a tin shack on the beach. rent because the units are home to entire Thai families of 8 plus living in a 38 sqm unit and some of the more 'interesting' foreign residents. At least if you rent you can move if you find yourself next door to a nutter or one moves in.

    Finally that whole area is very dangerous after dark.

    Try almost anywhere else.

  12. In life he was always adamant that pictures of him should not appear on the web. I think we should respect that wish in death.

    He was a member of this forum for a short while but was banned. His views on falang women were a little too extreme for some of the mods here.

  13. I have heard that Niall Tullow died early in August after a long battle with Leukaemia. His ashes will be scattered in Africa in due course as per his wishes.

    He was a real larger than life character. He stood 6’2” and 130 kilos with a shaven head and looked the archetypal British hooligan and when drunk sometimes behaved like it. What you didn’t see was that he was actually Irish having developed an English accent after moving to London in the 80’s when IRA activity was at its height and anti-Irish feeling was also at its height. You also did not see he was a member of MENSA and a shrewd businessman who made his pile in the oil industry in Africa.

    He was a regular visitor to Pattaya throughout the years to 2007 and intended to retire to a disgraceful old age in the City of Sin but these plans were scuppered when his condition emerged in 2008.

    He was a real love him or loathe him character. I personally liked him a lot and I know he leaves many friends both Thai and falang behind.

    May he rest in peace.

  14. Well having made the point that I am a strictly vanilla sort of guy when it comes to the horizontal mambo, I never really got the Castle. Is it still open ? I don't even know. Got an opening event free entry when it opened what 3 years ago+, even then it was as I recall 5,000 baht entry and drinks around 300 baht apiece. Yes its a fetish club but Pattaya is a fetish town. Most everything is available in most bars. Just have a word with mamasan and there likely will be at least one girl up for it at considerably less a price than the Castle. But each to his own.

  15. Triple yawn and feel free to add me to your ignore list.

    NOTHING is as it was 10 years ago much less 25 years ago including me.

    Yesterday is gone (and tomorrow is out of sight to quote the song). Let it go already.

  16. I know the owner of Rockhouse well. He is a big lump and he likes a drink (he is a Jock after all) but I have always found him good company.

    I am aware he has been involved in a silly feud with the Secrets mob but I am saddened that he has let it move on to violence.

    Mind you theres one of them you would find it hard to stop punching. I won't name names but he used to be the manager at FLB...

  17. Just realised I haven't posted for AGES. I'm sure you all missed me.

    I too would leave claw marks in the concrete if I was dragged away. I don't even plan to leave when I die. I have organised a Buddhist funeral.

    BUT it is the quietest I have known it for 5 years. High season didn't happen. Some falang owned bars and go gos are still ticking over as they offer value for money and customer service. Thai owned businesses are going to he wall as they apply the Thai logic of less customers so those that are here have to pay more. Honourable exception the owner of What's Up whose really got her game together.

    Violence against falangs is increasing as the Thais are frustrated that Pattaya is not the money pot it once was and ripping off falangs is getting harder by the day. However levels of violence in Pattaya are as nothing compared with any major town in UK. was in Derby recently and I can tell you the town centre after dark is a very scary place. You can be in the wrong place at the wrong time in Pattaya but I find after 5 years I know where the trouble will be and avoid that area and I can smell trouble brewing and just checkbin and out of there. Never had a serious problem in 5 years. Come close a few times I just flagged down a passing baht bus and told him 100 baht to get out of here and there is pretty much always a baht bus around.

    Torrent just finished off now.

  18. The dossier consisted of names addresses photographs and phone numbers of all TPV members. It was compiled after a TPV member was sent in to Jade House undercover.

    Key bar owners were circulated with it so that undercover TPV members could be identified by those who did not know them.

    Further action was discussed and would have taken place if the TPV did not withdraw from these activities. Which they sensibly did.

    All this you know Howard as you were involved in winding things back.

    Don't think the Thais will protect you Howard. They won't.

  19. The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

  20. Since I nearly lost an eye in the 'fun'. Hit full in the face with dirty water at force leading to an infection. I avoid Songkran like the plague.

    Going to Tokyo on the 10th for a fortnight. Cherry blossom time. Ah.

    If you enjoy Songkran good for you. Not for me.

  21. Worst Secrets Soi 14. Awful place ugly girls and unpleasant management. This is were the former manager of FLB Kerry refers to ended up. Can we name names?

    Best. Absolutely impossible to say. Depends on what you want at the time. No hassle good company Cheers Soi Pattayaland. For a Chelsea match (I am a supporter) Dogs <deleted>. Known Chris for years. No trouble in his bar he doesn't defecate where he eats. Band, good old Blues Factory. Chilling and old fashioned American rock that place in Jomtien just up from Soi 9 two bars back (been there a hundred times nevre remembr the name).

    I could go on.

  22. Ain't been there for years. I too was told it was a hidden gem known only to locals and at that time it was way out in the boondocks. Developments have stretched to and beyond it now.

    Seem to recall the opening processsion at the start of the evening when all the girls came out and did a kind of conga was fun but apart from that nothing special.

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