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Posts posted by Tarqin

  1. Well with all the bitchslapping going on here the chance for some important advise to the OP is being missed.

    The boyfriend if anything has been pretty honorable here. He's paid the rent for January so presumably Chinagirl has a place to go back to and her possessions have not been thrown in the street by the landlord, which to my devious mind would indicate he's leaving himself a way back if he needs it BUT the boyfriend is not the problem here the new Thai girlfriend is. My 2 satang's worth:

    Best not to return to Chang Mai or leave fairly quickly on your return. This is a volatile situation.

    IF you stay you must under no circumstances have anything to do with the old boyfriend when he comes around sniffing for money, and I will bet my life he will do so fairly quickly upon your return. If the new Thai girlfriend even thinks your a threat to her relationship you could end up real injured real quick. Have absolutely nothing to do with him again AND watch your personal security for the next six months and you may live through this but really my best advice is move.

  2. Ah so Fingers now I call on you to explain it, and you can't as we all knew you couldn't, suddenly its a joke, suddenly its not to be taken literally.

    So what else about your posts is also a joke and not to taken literally.

    Hmm... all of it it seems.

    Caught you.

  3. Logic in your argument Mr. Fingers? There was no logic in your argument except to claim that something that is entirely probable was in fact entirely in-probable and when called upon it by others as well as me you sought to shut down the argument by stating and I quote:

    'I know more about probability than you can possibly imagine.'

    Where is the logic that? In fact scrap logic just explain to me what:

    'I know more about probability than you can possibly imagine.'

    actually means.

    Unless you are in fact a Nobel laureate in mathematics (as well no doubt as ex-SAS and a retired spy like the rest of the fantasists) I doubt very much that you do:

    'know more about probability than you can possibly imagine.'

    But your attempt at an explanation might amuse me.

  4. 'I know more about probability than you can possibly imagine.'

    Oh great. Now along with all the ex Secret Service and ex-SAS dudes we have in Pattaya we now have Mr. Fingers Nobel prize winning mathematician.

    Where do these clowns all come from?


    MA (Oxon) PPE since you ask...

  5. Believe what you wish Mr Fingers. I have the bills from BIH to prove what I say, not that I feel the need to prove anything to you, and I believe, my memory not being what it was that I posted of the incident at the time when home off the booze due to the antibiotics and with a face like a basketball.

    Watch the <deleted> load up their supersoakers. I saw one for example use the toilet bowl at the back of the Soi 8 bar complex. Ask yourself would you drink from that source? And then ask yourself if you want that water blasted in your face in force and then in future try not to make such stupid posts. You'll find it gets easier with practice.

  6. 1. The water used is generally fetid. They general don't use Evian you know. Remember that 88% of all diseases are water borne. As noted above two years ago I ended up with an eye infection that dam_n near cost me my eye. As I am a rich falang I had it diagnosed and treated. A poor Thai would have merely lost the eye.

    2. They throw buckets of water over moped riders as they ride along, amongst other absurdities. The already sky high death rate on Thai roads rockets upwards.

    You have 'fun'. I will be in Cambo.

  7. Think I'll head over to Cambo for two weeks.

    Nearly lost an eye two years ago. Some <deleted> pumped one of those supersoakers straight in my face. Probably got the water out of a drain.

    Absolutely flat out double sucks.

    If I stay I will end up lumping someone without doubt.

  8. This is actually a very very serious problem.

    Snoring almost certainly means sleep apnea and that means serious strain on the heart and a heart attack is just around the corner. Get hubby to a sleep clininc asap. If sleep apnea is diagnosed then either get the surgery where they cut the flap of skin from the back of the throat, worked for me cost me $5,000 dollars to get it done in Houston probably cheaper here, or a CPAP or BIPAP machine.

    Do not delay, trust me this is a serious medical condition.

  9. Sarah all the way. Mr. Wong is her brother in law, Sarah's husband used to work for Mr. Wong who is his brother. Mr. Wong was THE MAN for years but about three years ago went mental for reasons I do not know and is as likely to tell you to fuc_k off as not these days so Sarah all the way.

  10. Conservative/Traditional Thai women have BIG intimacy issues what Sheryl says is good advice but let me add one that sounds downright silly but trust me it works.

    Even if you two are the only ones in the condo get a lock on the bedroom door and lock it and say 'what happens in here between us just for us not anyone else'.

    Kinda seems to give a bit of reassurance that its OK to let go.

  11. But darlings is this not WHY we live in this over built over priced polluted smelly city?

    Is it not the place where you can be whatever you want and not be judged?

    Certainly why I live here in what I call the Capital of Freedom!

    As for white face her story has been told on here and other places many times, she is mental but also loaded and looked after.

  12. A TPV got involved in this some while ago and the whole of the TPV got tarred with the same brush. At one point a dossier of names addresses and photographs was complied by those who wanted to know for circulation to this who would act and the situation was turning bad. Luckily the TPV concerned had the good sense to draw back from the brink.

    As far as I am aware the falangs who now go undercover are either seriously stupid or in the case of the guy that did Las Vegas some time ago have done a deal to avoid other charges.

    Either way a novel enough way to commit suicide.

  13. Yes I like Kim but no fan of the location of Jamiesons next to the Roach Motel, sorry that should read those who want to live an authentic local life style, but Jamiesens does solid business with expats at all times whilst packing them in for rugby and other events. No path to great riches but a solid business plan.

    Where Sheniniwhatsit is and their business plan means they need tourist and lots of them. Have you seen many around for the last five months?

  14. OK so que all the funny jokes but just come out in a rather unpleasant rash so need recommendations for the best dermatolgist in town. Willing to pay as you can't be too careful when its your Elf.

  15. Midas. No.

    Others, I am amazed this has gone this far without a serious beating being handed out if not a whacking, unless it has happened and I haven't heard it.

    Going to end very very badly. Either the other block wins and VT goes bankrupt and the Thai investors go looking for a falang to blaim or VT wins and the prices in the uther block plummet and the Thai investors go looking for a falang to blame.

    Stay well clear.

    OP I would really just follow the situation from a distance. Money to date should be regarded as lost. New money should only be demanded if VT wins but then again TIT.


  16. OK so some ###### fool is making it worth my while to don the old suit and tie for a bit so I need proper shirts.

    I want quality and hopefully Egyptian cotton so where should I go and what should I be paying?

  17. I've got to say I like Ladyboys, just not in the biblical sense. In my experience they are fun and always up for a laugh and a drink.

    Treat them with respect and you will have no problems.

    Also I have found them to be incredibly loyal and more than once they have pulled my arse out of the fire when I was drunk and being stupid and potentially getting myself in to trouble.

    Just my experience...

  18. 'Not everybody can afford a 5 million baht condo in Jomtien.'

    8 million actually.

    And why do poor people always call rich people snooty? I just prefer people who wash have teeth and don't live in condos covered in dog shit.

  19. Absolute rat hole in the middle of nowhere.

    Fine if you wish to live 'Thai Style' and have no other choice.

    Built to Thai standards as in nothing works.

    Home to many Thai families living up to 20 to a 28sm unit.

    If local 'color' is your bag then by all means go ahead but make sure you have plenty of antibiotics handy.

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