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Posts posted by Tarqin

  1. Kiss the 24 hour place on Second Road. Ate there twice bed down with the Norafloxicin for a week twice.

    Worst was 6am blind drunk I had a hotdog with everything on at the Hamburger Danish On Second Road next to the Soi that runs down to Super Baby. Hospitalised with intestinal parasites. Lost two stone the hard way.

  2. Mate of mine is a teacher at a grammar school in UK.

    He has a first in Geography from Oxford (were we met) is Head of Geography at his school and has 15 years teaching experience.

    He wants to move to Thailand but would need to work to support himself.

    Does anyone know what sort of salary he would command at a school in Thailand?

    Given his qualifications could be teach at a University?

    Location is open but he would prefer to work in/near Pattaya and hates Bangkok.

  3. Taxexile either you can not understand English or you are extremely weird as my post if you read it says exactly the opposite of your interpretation of it.

    That the other sheeple on this thread followed your line rather than read it for themselves is I am afraid par for the course.


    There is that simple enough for you to understand?

  4. Not sure if the OP is being genuine or not but on the assumption that he is.

    Yes Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular is a haven for social inadequate, disabled or just plain ugly western men who can find love and companionship here which is simply not available to them in the west.

    As such the overall quality of the world is improved by a little. May it always be so.

  5. In Thailand don't now.

    In England then yes you have a right to child support and this can be enforced across borders but you have to start with proving the child is his. Forget BPH records whatever ultimately you need:

    1. documents from him admitting paternity or;

    2. a DNA test

    A DNA test on an unwilling partner can be achieved through lengthy expensive court proceedings which I assume are out of the question so lets focus on 1.

    Try telling him he can only see his daughter if he formally accepts paternity and get it all written up and her entitlement to UK citizenship registered with the British embassy. From there you have a much stronger hand.

  6. This is a very emotive issue as those who have bought houses are loathe to admit that they might lose their money and the sales 'professionals' are all staring down the barrel of bankruptcy but the truth is that the Pattaya property market has stopped dead.

    For the daring who can find a seller who must sell there is obvious scope for a bargain but most owners for whatever reason are not compromising on price and the property is stuck on the market. As a frequent visitor of property websites I can tell you that some of the properties have been on the market for three years plus.

    Not a time to buy and most assuredly not a time to buy off plan.

    On the wider point I think Thailand is heading for an almighty crash. Good for me but I am aware just how many poor people will get destroyed one again by the ###### fool moves made by the Bangkok elite.

  7. Sounds about right for Crazy Dave. As said the miracle is that he is still alive as he's been drunk for nigh on 20 years straight. Also like many long time Pattaya residents he has no teeth.

    He has survived with a number of cafés in a number of locals by the simple ploy of being the cheapest. The food is English type 'grub' and fine. There is little you can do wrong to egg bacon and chips.

    If you can't stand Dave then as said next door is Canterbury Tales, owner also called Dave, which does much the same food for 50% more.

    As a matter of interest the place across the road that advertises itself as 'your local Chinky' is also owned by Dave and was the original Canterbury Tales café until they took over the bookshop and moved over the road.

  8. Tarqin has been hearing for months that a massive crackdown on Pattaya was on the way commencing 1st April 2007.

    Amongst other things falangs will be stopped in the streets and passports demanded. Copies of any kind will not be accepted and those not in possessing of both their original passport with valid visa will be carted off to the monkey house until it is all sorted out.

    Further Thais bar and condo owners will be encouraged to report any falang they think may not have a valid visa.

    Further non-Thai working girls are to be swept away and deported and any deals their bosses might have done are hereby moot.

    Further bars will be viewed and any activity by a falang owner not holding a work permit, even picking up empty glasses and returning them to the bar will be seized upon and punished.

    Sun up at 6am and Tarqin is going to proceed with caution over the next few days (although he won't get up until 4pm anyway).

  9. Whilst you expect the usual Pattaya two step when stuff likes this happens I have to say that I have never ever come arose an event like this before.

    Normal sane level headed exceptionally well connected persons I know both Thai and falang have told me what they claim to be authoritative versions of events and they are wildly different.

    I will not besmirch the girls memories by retailing all the versions but I just can't get past the idea that someone somewhere has gone to a hel_l of a lot of trouble to muddy the waters to such an extent that I doubt we will ever really know what happened.

    Expect this guy to get the death penalty and offed quickly.

  10. Well couple of issues.

    As to the OP WAY WAY too much paranoia over some spotty herbert who works in McD's and probably sleeps under a bridge. Worst trouble I have ever been in was with a permanently drunk mamasan from a bar in Jomtien. She thought I said something bad to her which I actually didn't it was another guy but she was apparently trying to get me beat up. I turned up late one night with two BIB I know and she knows and they spent ten minutes staring at her until she dared to speak to them and then they said 'you have problem with our friend?' at which point she wet herself and she's been kissing my arse ever since. Cost very little

    As to the broader point, whilst I have in the past decried Tammiflu's nonsense I have to say I am slowing coming round. Pattaya has got noticeably worse over the last 12 months and crime is heading out of control and the Thais attitude to falangs seems to be getting more shitty by the day. I am not upping sticks just yet but my last visa run was to Snooky, I am starting t spend more and more time with friends in Hua Hin and well who knows...

    As to flights and seat backs the answer is business class! Ethiad to/from UK is little more than cattle class on BA/Qantas/whatever. Sorted.

  11. I don't normally get involve in this stuff but let me give these callow youths the benefit of my experience.

    To get a woman, any woman no matter who you are or what you look like just give her what she wants.


    She is the centre of your world you hang on her every word you acknowledge her you listen to her and take her opinions seriously. Its what every woman craves. Every sentence a woman utters can be reduced to one phrase 'validate me'.

    Yes there is a line between maximum attention and creepy goggled eyed stalking behaviour but as long as you know where the line is take it to the very edge.

    Works every time on woman of all ages and races.

    I thank you...

    (and before someone say it yes it is SIMILAR for men but not the same the need for attention is far more fundamental for women)

  12. What a very odd thread.

    Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

    In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

    Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

  13. I regularly see people in wheelchairs on baht buses.

    Their mates or volunteers pick the chair up with the person inside it and place it on the bus. When they ring the bell they take it off again. Or the disabled person can be taken straight to their destination for around £1.

    Buses may be more accessible to the disabled in London but have you ever been on one when it stops for a disabled person? The other passengers are less than polite and the fares are considerably more than £1 and totally ludicrous if you do not own an oyster card (which tracks your movements).

  14. Normally I ignore Tammiflu's nonsense but in this case she has a point.

    Mobi expressed it all very well.

    I live in Jomtien and increasing just don't leave Tarqin Towers from Saturday morning until Monday morning as the traffic goes from bad to insane.

    Pattaya/Jomtien are pretty much the same place now. I could point to the massive rise in tattooed yobs, violence etc etc but in truth I can avoid such things easily but the key change for me is as follows and I would like others comments on this point.

    There seems to me to have been either a sea change in the Thais attitude to us or different types of Thais are being drawn to Pattaya but there now seems to be a large and growing number of Thais willing to try blatantly to rip off falangs and I'm not talking 5/10 baht here and there I'm talking hundreds or thousands of baht and all the time. A minor example but every time I fill up the car with petrol they try the pump trick on me, I'm sure you all know it they don't zero the pump after the last sale so that amount is added to your fill and they pocket the difference, every time now even though I tend to use the same garage I have to get out and order them to zero the pump, every time. Plus whilst riping off falangs has always been the case when you pointed out the fraud and shown you weren't to be ripped off you used to get a rueful smile and an apology not you get a hard stare and the attitude seem to be 'how dare you stop me stealing from you'.

    I doubt I am moving on any time soon but I am thinking about it and wondering whether my condo will actually achieve the price everyone tells me its worth and so I might just put in on the market to see...

  15. Kerry my friend your life is in danger.

    Do not trust any Thai as they will always chose her over you.

    Tonight and I mean TONIGHT wait until she leaves for work and then do NOT pack a bag grab your passport and any credit cards debit cards bank books and any documentation related thereto saunter out of the house casually as if going for a beer get a baht bus to Second Road and then grab the first taxi meter you see and tell him Bangkok pronto.

    Check in to an out of the way hotel in Bangkok and over the next few days close every bank account you have and cancel any plastic your have and take out new with different banks. She have may copies of cards and other documents and can and will walk in to any bank and extract your money by spinning them a line even if she has no signing rights to the accounts, yes this can happen.

    Then leave Thailand if you can for at least a month. If not or you don't want to then go anywhere in Thailand except Chang Mai or Pattaya which you can never enter again.

    I am not joking on any of this. If she gets wind your leaving you will likely die that night you may even be in similar danger if you do not.

    Take this very very serious I do not want to see your body on Pattaya News.

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