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  1. 3X as long using a QR code? Yea maybe on a good day....I walked out of a 7-11 the other day because the lady in front of me in line was taking ages to get her pay by phone to work...I finally just left.....
  2. All the food apps are pretty much the same.....The only important thing is who is offering the best discount voucher when you order.....I have zero company loyalty..
  3. But your forgetting one thing......A 2nd very expensive ship as big as the first ship would have to be just sitting there waiting....And the 2nd ship would have to dead head from who knows where to get there..
  4. Well this is good....When the icebergs get here we can capture the Polar Bears off the icebergs and put them in the Zoo with Moo Dang....
  5. This STUPID STUPID STUPID idea is never going to happen...... Anybody in 5 minutes can calculate that there would be enormous costs involved in offloading one ship then loading all the containers onto trucks or a train then re-loading the containers on a different ship.....Plus it would take longer than sailing around... No one is interested in this plan.....Except for the brown envelope boys and the press release monkeys......
  6. There are plenty of Non Happy Ending massage shops around....Who gives a rats azz if someone wants a special massage..
  7. A medical emergency could be on order for a few days.....lol
  8. The worst thing that will come from this investigation is them saying " Yes we need to tighten up our policies and rules in the future" Case closed...
  9. Well I imagine Vast Vast numbers of Kbanks customers have not filled out their pointless paperwork.....So maybe Kbank will have to shut THEIR doors.....lol
  10. Why are you thanking Mike?....The guy who bailed on all his tax postings when the water got to hot , with too many uncomfortable questions....And has not re-logged in since.....Not someone I would be following.....
  11. Yea but when the rubber hits the road...Things might be very different if the home taxes are all the sudden not paid one year..
  12. Yep everyone must still pay taxes in their home country like they have always done...180 days or no 180 days....I can only imagine the bureaucratic hell in store for anyone who thinks they will try and get out of paying taxes in their home countries by saying they paid Thai taxes...
  13. The king of the flip flops..... How about the ban on afternoon alcohol sales......This worthless rule has been flip flopping around for decades from press release teases of it being lifted soon, to no we absolutely must keep this rule.......Year after year.....
  14. Thailand the Hub of flip flops.....And the Hub of misunderstandings....
  15. Well a devaluation of the baht sounds good to me..... The baht is due for a correction after many decades of strength...
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