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  1. I say round up all the farangs in Thailand and put them in jail.....O-wait I am a farang...Well in that case except for farangs between the ages of 62-64...
  2. Sorry to say MikeLister I believe was abducted by aliens and no longer posts.....
  3. Who here would not spend a extra 8,400 baht PER DAY if they could buy beer between 2 and 5.....Heck 8,400 baht worth of beer is only the first round for me....lol Yea ok the 2-5 sales ban is stupid , but the extra 8,400 per day for one person in sales is more stupid....
  4. Well lucky you have that extra 2000 baht to help pay a tax consultant.....lol
  5. Sure the bio metrics will fail.....Its ment to fail.... They want the biometrics to fail... Because then they can sell you the only 100% safe solution to security there is.... The micro chip implant..... The Bible was right all along. Problem ,reaction ,solution
  6. Its not salt or sugar thats bad its the highly processed kinds that create problems.... While MSG is truly horrid stuff and should be 100% banned as a food additive...
  7. Well twice a day is 200% better than zero...
  8. The only place Tony should be is sharing a jail cell with 40 other inmates...
  9. But what about the grandkids?
  10. The new shop is about 2 blocks from the old one just up the street.
  11. Yep Terminal 21 is amazingly crowed this time of year.
  12. Yes this place is good.
  13. This bank crackdown thing as been going on for a looog time now at least 10 years.....Some times its hot then its forgotten about for long stretches of time, then the subject gets hot again...Over and over.....And guess what farangs have always been able to open bank accounts through every crackdown if they try a few banks... Banks will NEVER ban frangs from opening bank accounts....That would be the end of the condo market..
  14. Sir the mouth is moving but you have no idea what you are talking about.
  15. Because fake account have nothing to do with it..

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