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Posts posted by Stadtler

  1. 8 hours ago, BeltAndRoad said:

    Then swim all you want minus the madness of crowds.

    We have very low use of our pools.  Thais hide when the sun is shining and when there is no direct sunlight they make their children wear clothing from head to toe to hide from the non-existent sun.  Old Stadtler has never seen more than 5 people at either pool at one time.


    The entire thing is ridiculous. This is Thai idiocy at its worst.

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  2. Old Stadtler knows what you are thinking, this is a windup or a troll.  Stadtler wishes this could only be true.  Sunday was supposed to be the day that the pool was released from its two month stasis but Stadtler was not pleasantly surprised to find that the pool was not open for business.  It's a lovely salt-water pool and we have two of them.  They are identically sized but with one major difference: one is clean and the other one is filthy. 


    Really, that is another story but I did digress.


    So when old Stadtler (not his real name of course) asked the good folks at our not so SMART condominium office why the pool wasn't open, he got an answer he was not expecting.  Stadtler has to beg the reader to indulge him just a bit and remember that this is Thailand, where anything is possible, and anything usually can happen.


    The pool is closed still, because the condominium committee has decided that for liability, they cannot open the pool due to saliva and heavy breathing.  It was decided, that masks need to be worn at all times, including in the pool. Yes, we realize that some of you think this is a windup, but Stadtler can assure you it is not.  The committee cannot figure out how to make swimmers use a mask with the present supply of masks available.


    Stadtler asked the nice condo manager if the board consisted of autistic or retarded individuals, but she only laughed wryly at the question.  Credit is given to our manager as she agreed that she is as befuddled by the ... decree .. decision ... edict .. all those words seem to not go with thinking individuals so use whatever word you would like.  Stadtler decided to humor the mentally ill committee members and pose the question here.  The idea, was to provide them a link in the hopes of shaming them with what we hope will be the likely responses.


    So the question remains: Where to find a waterproof N95 mask and if not waterproof, one that won't degrade from being in the water.

  3. 6 hours ago, Susco said:

    Here’s what it is like to visit a shopping mall in Thailand during COVID-19



    Talk about having too much time one's hands, Old Stadtler has to laugh and wonder how long SUSCO waited in line just to take this picture.  Stadtler really wants to know, did you go looking for a Thai woman pleasuring herself like the one in Hong Kong or some other non-China Country?  Or did SUSCO go for the little balls .. what do they call them ... oh yes, Stadtler remembers, Smeadish Weatballs

  4. 46 minutes ago, Aussiepeter said:

    Heh Stadtler, I think you mean a '78 Holden Statesman Caprice, as in 1968 it would have been an HK and thus only a Kingswood or Premier (sorry, I'm a Holden guy), - the V8 Statesman was ten years later. (I also saw that TV guy warm a pie on a Statesman block). The whole lot in the foil, into the ashes, takes less time and tastes a lot better. Just sayin'. Of course, my Koori mates barbecue just about anything here in Oz, especially during lockdown. I suspect the monitor lizard though is cold-blooded like many reptiles and, was simply warming himself on the donk, just as many snakes do in Australia and lots of folks find out, usually the hard way after parking overnight in the bush ! 

    Stadtler is definitely less confused than you are.




    Look at the oven on that baby!




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