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Walker88 last won the day on June 1 2024

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  1. To be a MAGA, must you hate America, the Constitution and the rule of law? We have a fascist scum leader who thinks beating cops and trying to hang the Vice President is okay. In fact, be convicted of those things, and one becomes not a felon (like him), but a "hostage". Sick. The clown also hates the First Amendment, as he sent goons to beat and tear gas folks who were exercising their First Amendment right of peaceful protest in Lafayette Park, just so he could perform a photo op holding a Bible upside down in front of a church. Oh, and he hates 'free speech', as his front man Elon says anyone who criticizes Elon should be jailed. He does love him some racists, though, as tikitorchers who chant "Jews will not replace us" are "some very fine people". To be a real MAGA, is it a requirement to have the IQ of a turnip? I see most do, save for the billionaires seeking tax cuts. I know none of the members here are billionaires (the liberal 'lefty' who was closest left the site, and my own billionaire status is limited to such currencies as the Thai baht; I know the truck driver and the serial poster who swears by 35 baht meals do not come close). When I review election demographics and see that areas won by liberal candidates produce per capita GDP that dwarfs MAGA-stan, I guess I can see the need for loser MAGAs to try to live vicariously through their love muffin, a guy who spent most of his adult life living off daddy and eventually squandering a massive inheritance---until Mark Burnett made him a Game Show Host and manufactured a fantasy of a "successful businessman" (LOL). I guess supposedly running everything from a real estate empire to a travel agency to a bottled water maker to a guy selling steaks still leaves 60+ hours a week to prepare for Game Show hosting responsibilities. Blue areas in 2024, despite being geographically smaller than Red, produce 62% of US GDP, while all of MAGAstan comes in at a mere 38%. Even Venezuela would be ashamed of that degree of relative failure. MAGAs might show some appreciation to all those "lefties" who carry them and allow them to pretend they actually contribute something of value to America. Funny that those suggesting liberals hate the West live in Thailand. They also hate migrants to their home countries who don't assimilate and who change the culture, all while not assimilating but berating the culture of Thailand. I guess to be a MAGA, besides being dumb, an armchair "warrior", likely obese, a failure, and most certainly a coward, one must also be a hypocrite. Sucks to be a MAGA, but hey, you have similarly brain addled friends, cowards and bozos with whom you can seek solace.
  2. How did he 'try to start WWIII'? Standing up to an aggressor? Yea, go ahead and let a gang rape your wife. No point in making a scene, which could lead to injury. Passersby should just ignore her screams, just as Ukraine should have just bent over and taken the invasion. MAGAs are such flaming cowards, just like their bone spurs love muffin. Gnats have bigger cojones than MAGAs. Heck, eunuchs do, too.
  3. 90%, you say. I'd love to see that data. I'd hate to think you just pulled that number from where the sun doesn't shine, though that is something the current WH occupant does repeatedly. He did it in front of Macron, and Macron reached out and grabbed his arm, correctly the clown and preventing him from shoving his own foot deeper in his mouth. It was like a mother correcting her lying child.
  4. US Consumer Confidence just hit a nearly 4 year low. Stock market is down for his time in office, and teetering on the brink. I predicted it would tumble 20% in 2025. I think I was way too optimistic. Not good for a clown only in office for 5 weeks. As the economy collapses under his abject incompetence, even the MAGAs will hate him (save for the ones like the 8th iteration poster here who has absolutely no life).
  5. MAGAs are traitors to the United States. Bone spurs cowards to boot. I never would have thought this, but now is time for the real patriots in the Dept of Defense and agency to do a coup. Eradicate the treasonous scum that have destroyed what was once a great nation. Old style Republicans would agree. Ronald Reagan, a former hero to "conservatives", would be disgusted by the clown in the White House.....and I don't mean Elon; I mean the obese clown with the IQ of a turnip and the cojones of a eunuch.
  6. No, that's my trans son. I'm much much older and have an infinitely worse fashion sense. You're the guy who once boasted about making 5000 baht in a day trading. Paul Tudor Jones, you ain't. I fully understand why you're always talking about getting 35 baht meals. 100+ posts a day, and that in your 8th iteration. Your momma went through 9 months of pain for that? You owe your mom an apology.
  7. At first I thought that was your wifey, but then realized HRC is much more attractive.
  8. It is shameful that the US has a so-called "First Lady" who was a softcore porn model. She is a disgrace. Also, I question the virility of any man who finds that ice queen attractive. She's had more bodywork than a typical 1965 Ford LTD, and now looks far more masculine than her blubberbutt hubby. If she was an Olympic boxer in the female division, folks would be absolutely justified demanding a DNA test. She also seems to have all the substance of sawdust.
  9. Perhaps I've been away, but which two wars did Biden start? Oh, and which two did your love muffin, or maybe his President Rasputin, stop? Seeing how you're willing to cede Ukraine to an invading aggressor, I suspect you're the kind of wimpy, cuckholded girlyman who---if seeing you wife gang raped---would just say, "Try to enjoy it, dear". Real men stand up for their freedom, preferring to die standing than to serve on one's knees. Oh, and your love muffin has threatened to use the US military to secure Greenland, Panama, Gaza and Canada. Sounds like an armchair warrior, the kind suffering bone spurs who doesn't mind throwing others into harm's way to get what he wants. Giving Putin the green light as the PINO, Hegseth, Rubio and Vance have done, pretty much guarantees the Baltics are next in line. After that, eastern Poland and maybe eastern Germany. "In five years time....." One last point: please learn the difference between "less" and "fewer". One is for continuous amounts, the other for discrete or quantum jumps. Using "less" is just so bogan-ish.
  10. It took an immigrant to make the sad reality funny. In his show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver lays bare the disaster that is President Musk and his figurehead goofball, the fat guy allowed to sit behind the Resolute Desk and pretend that Musk and Project2025 are not the ones really trying to run America into the ground. No doubt the humor is blasphemous to the MAGA cult, and no doubt the fat guy behind the Resolute Desk will soon be calling John Oliver "talentless" and host of a show "nobody watches anymore"....all while probably threatening to get HBO off the airwaves (or cable). Give it a watch. Some good belly laughs, some blame tossing at Dems, a very clever TikTok song, and a call to arms all in a 35 minute segment. MOD EDIT: Last paragraph of the topic removed. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  11. Yes, because it's NEVER a man's fault. In "some" cases (not Musk here), women should just accept fat, grotesque, philandering, disrespectful slime who believe women exist merely to be cumbuckets and breakfast makers. Putin's richer than Musk, so if you plan to fap to a love muffin based on wealth, little Vladdy's your papa.
  12. Let's see...5th or 6th iteration, been under this moniker for two weeks, and averaging 100 posts a day. You're a "real man"? Kind of reeks of girlyman. Before the sands in the hour glass run out, you might consider getting yourself a life.
  13. I think Europe knows the PINO's time is limited; he'll be dead or impeached well before 2028. Europe only needs to engage in damage control. A month in and he's already failing, poll numbers dropping, the stock market and economy beginning to wobble.....the honeymoon ended faster than the marriage of a fat, elderly farang pensioner and his Thai bargirl cashier. Europe should give the PINO all the respect he deserves, which is none. Europe must also accept the reality that the US of the last 80 years is gone. It is a declining power just as the UK became a declining power a century ago. The PINO's actions are creating a non-polar world, although he is ceding Asia---and likely Africa and even parts of South America---to China. The PINO is the best thing that ever happened to Xi.
  14. While I find it silly HHS has to take this up as one of its first "duties", my lib credentials solidify in a spot close to the center on the entire trans debate. I have compassion for folks born feeling they were in the wrong body with the wrong gear, and I think it no more a "mental illness" as one's height. It is simply how that individual developed. Nobody asked for it, at least until lately. While I have no official data to back up my particular belief, I would guess that the number of humans who genuinely feel they were born in the wrong body is extremely small, likely less than 1%, and maybe even a fraction of that. Give those folks their dignity and basic human respect. And by all means anyone willing to volunteer to serve the country should be allowed that desire. A few years ago, however, trans seems to have become a fad. Suddenly lots of people had 'doubts' about their gender. I suspect some parents, wishing to gain social clout or "likes" even encouraged their kids to have doubts, so that Mom could gain sympathy among her group of friends. To then impose hormones or surgery upon a child, I think is reprehensible. Growing up, hitting puberty, etc., has forever been accompanied by confusion, but time has historically taken care of that as children moved into adulthood. Those still confused by their mind-body dilemma once reaching the age of consent can then make their own choice, if they wish to become what they believe they are inside. All that being said, I think HHS should gear itself toward more important issues, such as the obesity epidemic, preparation for the next inevitable pandemic, drug addiction, etc. Gender would have sorted itself out over time as the fad faded.
  15. In any thread about Gaza, "the sins of the few fall as guilt on the many". So many posters here are fully supportive of slaughtering tens of thousands of Gaza residents, because of the horrific crimes of Hamas. So let's be consistent....deport all Aussies and ban entry to all Aussies. Also, this "Susan" perp makes me think....."susanlea"....aka bignok, aka Sparktrader, aka Harrisfan, aka uttradit, etc.? Could it be?

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