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Walker88 last won the day on June 1 2024

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  1. Elon Musk’s AI program Grok, which is being used to determine which Federal workers should be fired, was used to answer the following question: What is the likelihood, from 1-100, that the President is a Putin compromised asset. Use all publicly available information from 1980 on. Grok answered: "Weighing this, the financial ties (decades-long, opaque, and substantial), intelligence suggesting Russian intent, and the President’s unwavering refusal to criticize Putin despite attacking allies, tilt the scale. The lack of transparency---e.g., hiding tax returns, seizing interpreter notes after Putin talks---amplifies suspicion. No smoking gun proves direct control, but the “useful idiot” scenario, where the President’s ego and debts make him unwittingly pliable, fits the evidence. Adjusting for uncertainty and alternative explanations (e.g., ideological alignment or naivete), I estimate a 75-85% likelihood the President is a Putin-compromised asset, leaning toward the higher end due to the consistency of his behavior and the depth of historical ties." (Note that this was asked of Grok before the cut-off in military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine, so the estimate may have shifted even higher.) Now if Grok is good enough to use to fire Federal employees, certainly we can believe it’s good enough to fire a likely asset of a hostile foreign government.
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  2. Speaking of sickening, the latest from AG Bondi, when asked about releasing more Epstein files, said: "More will be released but first some must be redacted for reasons of national security". Oh dear! What national security concerns could be revealed in Epstein files? I though this Administration was all about transparency. Well, one thing we know is that RFK, Jr admitted to flying on the Lolita Express at least twice. What and who are in the files requiring "redaction"? I suspect it is "sickening", although MAGAs would justify anything, including---for example---if Epstein (perhaps via Putin) provided a 12 year old Russian girl who bore a striking resemblance to a certain lusted after daughter of a miscreant daddy.
  3. Thank you for sending the one real man who was in the Oval Office last Friday, President Zelenskyy. Also, please know that real Americans fully support the brave Ukrainian people and their relentless and courageous effort to defend themselves from the barbaric aggression of the psychopath in Russia. Sadly, you have a new group of enemies in addition to Putin, and that is MAGAs and their cowardly leader. Should Ukraine decide to take the battle to these new enemies, real American patriots fully support it. To borrow a quote from America's first war, "Don't fire until you see the red of their hats".
  4. Is that British subtle humor? The clown pandered to his goobers with lie after lie after lie. Among his best: "The Dems spent $8 million---$8 million---on transgender mice." The little tweeb Speaker shakes his head like the trained seal he is. Reality (MAGAs might need to apply for a visa to enter this Reality, a land unknown to them): The money was spent on transgenic mice. That means altering genes to make lab experimentation more effective...you know, like testing drugs that might save human lives. Now maybe MAGAs have suddenly gotten a soft spot for mice, as they are so close on the evolutionary scale (though mice would kick MAGAs butts in maze-running), but this was likely either a known lie put together by Stephen Miller or whatever fascist wrote that collection of turbo-charged mendacity, or Miller and 47's goobers are just too stupid to even Google the difference in meaning between "transgender" and "transgenic". The whole world is laughing.
  5. Cut him some slack. He's a shut-in with virtually no reason to remain above ground. AN is all he has in his miserable life.
  6. A wise move. Of course it's the fascist righties more prone to violence, as the world saw when they lost in 2020 and were told by their messiah to go storm the Capitol. It was that group of terrorists who beat 140 cops, shat on the floor of the Capitol, and set up a gallows to hang the Vice President. Notice the Capitol was quiet after the 2024 election. It's a big mistake, however, to think "lefties" are unarmed pacifist types. Lots of vets and lots of folks who have gone into harm's way for the US, and who still believe in American ideals, are on the political left. The US has stood against tyrants and dictators for most of its history, and it is an abomination that one willfully ignorant, self-serving clown is changing that and siding with autocratic scum like Putin and Kim Jong-un. Obviously those MAGA who support this drift toward obscenity should be in the crosshairs of real patriots. Today the US is not engaging in a battle of political differences. Today is truly a battle between good and evil, right and wrong. Support fascist scum, and those who do should be targets. They represent a much greater threat to the US than some jihadi in the tribal regions of Pakistan, yet even the current POTUS gave authority to take out those guys. If the clown attacks Greenland, real Americans will side with Greenland and the people of Denmark. Danes even in far away countries might see fit to eradicate scum wearing MAGA hats, so as I began this message, wise that you lay low.
  7. In Amerika, you must know the difference between "illegal protests" and "love fests". For example, a totally peaceful protest in Lafayette Park is illegal if the fat POTUS wants to do a photo op in front of a nearby church holding an upside down Bible. Such illegal assembly calls for tear gas and stormtroopers beating the peaceniks. In contrast, beating and bear spraying cops, smashing windows and doors, sh!tting on the floor of the Capitol, and erecting a gallows and threatening to hang the Vice President is both lawful and if some "lib" judge sentences you, you are a "hostage" and should be set free.
  8. It's a clown show in the White House now. Pure amateur hour. Zelenskyy has re-solidified Europe as the US has lost all of its long term historical allies, the ones who've helped keep the world safe and economically prosperous. The US' "friends" now are Putin and the little rugrat and psych Kim Jong-un . He and Vance looked like the idiots they are, when trying to play whatever game they were trying to play with Zelenskyy, and MTG's goofball boyfriend got torn a new on by Zelenskyy when the "journalist" was "allowed" to ask a question about Zelenskyy's clothes. "Maybe when the war ends I will wear something like you have, only much better." Acting like an idiot re geopolitics isn't all POTUS did. He's changed his call on tariffs so many times in the last week, with the sometimes help of his Commerce Sec, that nobody is paying attention anymore POTUS is more fickle than a pre-pubescent girl trying to decide which boyfriend she wants. He has no strategy; he just mouths off whatever random and bizarre thought enters his addled brain one second to the next.
  9. NATO should station some troops in Canada or Greenland. The real threat is MAGAstan. Maybe the psycho who started the war should stop first? Apologize, pay compensation, and make amends with the 500,000 babushkas who lost their sons in Putin's Folly? MAGAs have this bizarre view that if attacked, bend over and enjoy it. Oh, and blame the victim,. too. If your wife or girlfriend was being raped, I guess you'd just advise her to enjoy the ride, lest taking exception to the assault result in more violence. Plus it's probably her fault. There are things in life worth fighting for. Freedom is one of them. Of course when the fat man decides it's time for military force to steal Greenland, no doubt you'll be first in line at the Induction Office. Or maybe you'll send your wife or girlfriend, but stay safely home wearing your red cap and golden sneakers to "show your support"..
  10. Good that you called Zelenskyy a "man". Hard to believe you know what a real man is, because it sure isn't the fat guy. As for signing any 'deal' the bankruptcy king makes up, Zelenskyy knows what a Putin Lapdog looks like: bloated, silly hair, dumb look on his heavily make-upped face......
  11. LOL, cupcake! Border is not fixed. The budget is exploding, and even the Wall Street Journal, hardly what you sycophants would call "lefty", said DOGE's $55 billion claim is actually only $2.7 billion, while the coming tax cut will ADD $900 billion. Now I know math is hard for MAGAs, but $900 billion is larger than $2.7 billion. Use your fingers and toes and count until you see for yourself. There is no minerals deal, as the uneconomic minerals are in Russian controlled territory, so at this moment it's like Zelenskyy signing over the lease on Greenland to POTUS. The war is not ending. POTUS wants Ukraine to be like your wife and take it up the backside by a gang of rapists. Unlike you, Zelenskyy is a man. He will fight.
  12. You just proved my point, to which you alluded. MAGAs make turnips feel better about their intellect. The bloated whinging crybaby liar is the one forever CAP screaming UNFAIR! If MAGAs were all the US had, the economy would make Venezuela look like an economic juggernaut. Losers one and all. MAGAs fantasize about having an IQ in the 80s. Sadly, the impish Universe left them out when brains were distributed. Come on, fella, tell me you were in my class at Harvard and Stanford. LOL.
  13. Oh you poor gentle little snowflake! Maybe Elon will give you a blanket and coloring book, or a stuffed MAGA doll, to salve your wounded ego. The silly and boring speech, delivered by someone nearly catatonic, might have had more lies than any speech ever delivered anywhere. If there was a deity, and mendacity was a sin, the fat guy would have been struck by a thousand lightning bolts. Of course MAGAs are so dumb they buy into every lie and fantasy their love muffin cooks up. And the clapping is like the trained seals at a Kim Jong-un gala...first guy to stop clapping gets executed. As for decorum, go back and watch the clowns MTG and Boebert during Biden's State of the Union addresses.
  14. There was only one real man in the Oval Office on Friday, and his name is Zelenskyy. He and his people prefer to stand and fight like men and patriots, rather than live as slaves and toadies on their knees as POTUS and his sycophant MAGAs. MAGA is synonymous with girlyman and coward. The MAGAs might as well look the part and have their junk removed, because not a one of them is a real man.
  15. In 3 years Putin has been unable to capture Kiev from the courageous Ukrainians, but on the plus side, it only took about a month to capture the White House from the toadies, quislings and cowards.
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