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  1. What I have heard they're worried that old people will die if they take the vaccine.
  2. With around 10,000 people dying per year from TB they should probably worry more about that. P.s good reason to continue wearing a face mask especially in Taxis.
  3. Haha nothing done in the past 5 years but with elections coming soon lets look like we care a bit. Does he think he really think he will last until 2050?
  4. Funny my friend never used their Credit Card but got hit for 70K from outside Thailand how did they get their CC info there must have been some kind of leak?
  5. Nice marketing trick calling it "QUARANTINE FREE" when your still have to do 1 Day Quarantine so it's not really.
  6. Maybe he's got eyes on the PM's position or perhaps support Prawit for it.
  7. This was always gonna happen and on the 1st November it will be delayed until 1st December, then 1st January etc. etc. Until the population is at least 70% fully vaccinated there's not even any point to talk about opening up and they know it but still make promises they know they won't keep just to keep em happy for a while. Lying is deemed OK in Thailand if it's seen to be for the greater good or saves face.
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