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Cigarette Burn

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Posts posted by Cigarette Burn

  1. Can Farang Ever Be Thai?

    What's your answer then JD?

    if you are a naturalized Thai citizen .... (thanks Noodles/Lacoste)

    Thank's for your quick answer, the reason i asked was because you seem very in tune with the Thai people, culture, way of life etc and tend to send out a kind of Thai-like aura when you post. :o

    BTW who is Noodles Lacoste? :D

  2. not an argument jd (unless you want to make one).he has nothing better to do. I expressed an opinion.if its not his he does not accept it. You are the one defending it but I think telling people your from phuket sounds ridiculous unless your thai. Just an opinion.I agree with you 100 percent, it sounds ridiculous
  3. I doubt that a farang that has to finance a used one could buy a new one !

    I don't recall the OP mentioning that they had to buy it on finance, he said the seller was willing to accept three payments for it, he did not however say that this was an option he was using.

    If you go to buy a new bike they will also offer a finance package, does this mean you have to take it?

    Please feel free to correct me if im wrong.


  4. I asked the same question in another forum.

    Check the green book (registration) and compare the bike chassis number against the book and DOUBLE check that the bike's chassis number was not changed to match the papers.

    If there is any doubt abaout this chassis number not being the original number of the bike: hands off. Just say no!

  5. Hi Guys.

    I'm staying in Thailand on a 'Multiple entry Non imm O' visa. Is it possible for me to buy a motorcycle in my own name?

    If so i would also like to know what are the documents i need to recieve from the seller when i buy the bike and what i have to do to make it all legal.

    Cheers for any help offered.


  6. Right,

    Got home - still alive thanks be, and especially with the beer intact.

    Still random noises of handguns and AK's in the distance.

    Ms C got the bus with a cheery smile - the bus was not ambushed and machine gunned.

    Made it to the 7-11- the girls there looked a bit nervous, but perhaps because I haven't shaved today and they are used to seeing me in a tidy, pristine and virginal way?.

    The Soi looked dark, and still the sounds of distant pop's and crack's were apparent.

    Made it past the dogs outside the police station, the motorbike taxi guys are all drunk and would'nt notice if the next building got napalmed.

    Round the corner and home. Alive.

    To my room - still noises from the distance but luckily no whiplash cracks from SLR's being fired in an urban environment.

    Gosh, it's ever so exciting these fireworks isn't it?. I reckon somone is doing a trip trying to claim for PTSD afrer being a 'super grunt'. :o




  7. C.B.... when you next come to Pattaya gives us a shout...........you/ll be surprised at how much there is here....................

    Unless your opinion of the place has been fixed forever of course? :o

    I wont be back, but you are more than welcome to get in touch with me when you come to Bangkok to tell me about the good side to Pattaya :D

    Should take all of 20 seconds :D


  8. Please for the sake of those that love it here - we suggest you stay away. :D

    You make it sound as though you live in Thailand. :D

    From what i have been told you come here on holiday for a few brief weeks a year :o

  9. Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). Only arse-hole is you

    We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact). Same happens in BKK, politely decline and be on your way

    The city is filthy (fact). Same as BKK

    The water is dirty (fact). Same BKK

    It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times. Funny enough you were there - guess you are a misfit

    in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'. In summary you if it werent for the ladyboys inquiring if you wanted their services, Patters would have been fine.

    Cheers and good night.

    Give me Bangers anyday. Faire enough we don't need your sort in lovely Pattaya - keep your whinging arse in BKK

    G'Nite!!! :o

    Defend the place all you like, you will never convince me that it is anything but a sex tourists playground.

    The people who i do feel sorry for are the original pattayans who have to put up with such trash moving in and making such a mess of the city.(fishing village). :D:D:D

  10. Well i did not like the fact that it was full of <deleted> (fact). We went down beach road for a beer and were acosted by ladyboys (fact).

    The city is filthy (fact).

    The water is dirty (fact).

    It must be the worlds biggest brothel full of odd balls from all over the globe, i have never seen so many missfits in one place in all my life, and believe me i have been around the globe a few times.

    in a few words i would sum up Pattaya city as 'an absoloute shit hole that would be better of being turned in to glass'.

    Cheers and good night.

    Give me Bangers anyday.

  11. I have just spent two nights in Pattaya, i went there on business with 4 of my coleagues.

    What a hole that place is. How could anyone wish to live there?

    So my question is, what drives you to live and holiday in such a place?

    I for one would never return there. :o

  12. Probably to do with avoiding large gatherings on the street, as per the new temporary ruling. On Khao San Road on Friday night they sent a police car down the road ordering everyone off the street, seems like they just want to keep the streets clear after dark.

    I think it will take more than a police car on Wednesday. :o

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