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Everything posted by Darksidedude

  1. i thought any bathroom glass was safety glass like same as car windscreen
  2. i have had a few mates in patts busted no bribes accepted, straight to the lock up until court hearing then 20 k Bhat fine
  3. gone are the days when you could break the rules get drunk and don't worry about it, if i have so much as 1 beer i don't touch anything motorized just not worth the hassle anymore
  4. always wondered what the legal limit was in Thailand but .50 doesn't really explain much, Australia limit is 0.05 Thailand must be a decimal out
  5. I left Melbourne in 2009 for a O/S expat job in middle East country's, working 4 weeks on 4 weeks off living in Thailand. I been going back to Melbourne every year for a month, apart from Covid years. Before Covid the place was a mess so expensive, i never knew Australia to be like that ever that is cost of living. Now after Covid its even worse, the gov is trying to get back what they lost for the disastrous way they handled Covid, i was embarrassed to what happened to the country and was glad i wasnt living there at the time, i mean they made every state pretty well much a separate country it was just stupidity and wrong I'm surprised the people didn't revolt. I'm 58 now have a few more years in working O/S, when i retire it will be Thailand i will not ever live in Oz again i will not pay the stupid tax the country imposes on its citizens so pretty well Oz can get the F**K
  6. people will revolt and will not accept this lockdown/isolation bullocks, i sure as heck wont be following anything the government throws at me
  7. well said 100% correct, i do recall a 1990 trip 1st time in Thailand Patpong - Pattaya for a week thought i was gunna die on the flight back home to Melbourne, went straight to the doctor when arrived in Melbourne he just said i was burnt out completely i was 22 year old haha
  8. Walking street died decades ago, was great in the 90s
  9. you just couldn't make this up ha ha
  10. actually looking at it there is something not right with this would like to know the full story
  11. These guys are they mental or something, they are in some sorry state for sure locked up for a while i would say
  12. indeed place was awesome early 90s, i was single working 4 weeks on 4 off 6 MThs in patts every year for years
  13. proper Thais wouldn't go near the place or pay the prices they charge this should read Thais refuse to eat in Patong restaurants
  14. I'm actually glad i don't live in Patts anymore, its just a endless cycle of road works that just go on for years
  15. When will they learn they are in Thailand, just idiots thinking they can get away with doing this sort of thing
  16. A lot of tourists want to have photos and poses with the Katoeys, What some don't understand is generally you would give them 100 Bhat tip for there time they have to make money some how its the way it has been since forever, if you don't tip them they will get nasty and if a tourist gets nasty back well god help them ha ha its not right but hey that's the way it is.
  17. passport, wallet, phone anything else important to be left on your person or seat pocket in front of you
  18. Forced into prostitution, may be the case for some but most know exactly what they are going there for. I've played around a lot in the middle east and they are on the game big time and quite enjoy the money that they rake in, would be paying someone so they can stay there though
  19. Some people want the white girls thats it
  20. Any so called ladyboys enter as males as do Thai ladyboys when they travel obviously, but sure yeah you can pick them out in their male form ha ha, once they are in the country they are at they kit up and work. I live/work in Muscat Oman as an expat, when my Thai wife first arrived in the country she went to the Thai Embassy here in Muscat to ask something she was shocked to see 5 x ladyboys in the reception area just chilling out waiting for whatever they were there for
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