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Everything posted by Darksidedude

  1. looks that way no idea that went on, that is phil LB in Thailand must be the cheaper ones ha ha
  2. i nearly got done. Brought 2 x tickets from the web (living in Oman at the time) for john Cleese in Melbourne. Took my 85 YO mother there on the night when i went to the box office they told me i have been scammed, if someone was in our seats we couldn't go in and couldn't buy any other tickets because it was sold out. Waited till most people were in seen our seats and was all good, box office told me that these online ticket places they book multiple tickets on the same seats. No idea about this, the page that come up looked very legit and was the first site that pops up after i googled to buy tickets. Ticketec the actual official Australian site for selling tickets was no where to be found, i think somehow these dodgy sites must block the original sites anyway be weary next time
  3. best to to ride at all in Thailand extremely dangerous
  4. Phuket –The Phuket governor has confirmed, according to him, that there is no foreign mafia in Phuket. THATS RIGHT ACCORDING TO HIM, SAYS IT ALL HA HA
  5. Going by all the footage for sure his mates could point him out, lads is going to be talk of the town for years to come
  6. HA HA got what he deserved i must say he cant be all there if inviting 3 LB back to his condo
  7. retard wish they turned back and landed in BKK so he would have got full brunt of the Thai police
  8. (name withheld upon request) ha ha
  9. So sad if this happened to my daughter i just couldn't live with myself, saying that it would not happen you need to be on the alert 24 7 with kids Before i worked 4 weeks on 4 weeks off in the oil industry, i used to Dred seeing my family up bush visiting relatives told my wife never ever let her alone with any of your relatives. Nothing against her relatives but they just don't pick up on dangerous situations like i would.
  10. Its a fact that's why its reported and it generally all nationality's not just British
  11. put him in the deranged male prison let him suffer a 1000 deaths the animal
  12. they never forget anything
  13. it's the only way they can get customers. er not exactly true that comment, not saying I'm up for it but its a huge demands for em But for sure the ugly, nasty, drugged up ones do prey on the spazzed out falangs
  14. Got to love the headline tricked how ha ha
  15. so the flus up again who cares about this, we cannot let governments ever take control of our lives again
  16. at that age its amazing the 97 YO picked up on it, i guess thats what the guy was thinking
  17. spot on is what it is
  18. he needs the same treatment what person decides on doing this my god
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