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Everything posted by Darksidedude

  1. for sure absolutely irresponsible mentioning names at this point
  2. H2S if you smell it you know its there however this is very low concentration, if you dont smell and its there you are dead in an instant, anyone that goes into assit will also die happens a lot around the world, only way to detect it is with a H2S monitor that clips on your shirt
  3. that's just an absolute joke, look how pound they are ha ha
  4. Basic H2S situation , sadly no training to alert workers regarding confined spaces
  5. How on earth you can have a fake passport nowadays is beyond me
  6. if thats the case trade her in for a new one and move address
  7. yep being going on as long as i remember place is horrible traffic wise
  8. only book i found really good was ---the damage done ---by warren fellows, i read that before my firts trip to thailand
  9. most properties are not earthed
  10. i used to drink drive a lot then had a few mates straight to the lock up after being g pulled over, i do not at anytime drive anything if im drinking grab taxi is great
  11. This sort of thing would have been rampant since these people started coming to Thailand worse nowadays
  12. they are terrible at hassling girls, hope more of them get beat up
  13. very surprised when i left Thailand a few weeks ago, scan your passport (Australian) and thats it away you go, no immigration officer, no stamps great
  14. how could anyone even mention this ha ha
  15. was awesome 25 years ago then again i was 25 years younger, glad im not living there anymore place is a mess
  16. been like that for decades, but would be good to see them go
  17. was probley using a ATM just outside of the bank, 30 K would be a lot of money for a thai surprised he used a ATM to deposit
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