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Posts posted by RR2020

  1. 25 minutes ago, n00dle said:

    First it, is not an app. It is a website.


    Second. I have never seen a soul actially using it.


    Upgrades are good though I suppose.


    Yes there is an App.........its English and Thai.


    MorChana is the App.




    Very simple to use.  Only trouble is it needs to remember English as the setting.  Close the App and then Open again and it defaults to Thai.   Language needs to be a default setting to choose.


    All those on the UK flight will now have been released from quarantine and are back home.


    ZERO cases of Covid-19 then.


    Just shows how the media can hype up fear based on nothing more than a few people with a slight temperature which is very normal in humans.   All sorts of things can cause a slightly high temperature.


    The media is to blame for many of the worlds ills at the moment - far too much exaggeration, fear mongering and sensationalising of headlines - basically making it "Click Bait" to get advertising views.


    The system is broken and media reform needs to be carried out.

    • Like 1
  3. Thailand will not be choosy.



    These people seem to forget............ China loves China.  Chinese need domestic tourism to support Chinese.  China will not allow people to visit other countries, they will be made to visit local tourism spots in China to boost the Chinese economy.  


    The TAT want Thais to do Thai domestic tourism and then suddenly think that the Chinese will not do the same ??????  China will not push domestic tourism and will let everyone fly around the world to boost other countries ?????


    I think they are in for a big surprise when they find hardly anybody comes of their "chosen few".



  4. 16 hours ago, SantiSuk said:


    You shoulda' done a google search before writing off the Oxford vaccine. I had heard they were going into production on an assumption of success on international news only a few days ago.




    It might still fail of course, but your analysis of the current status looks like fake news.


    Here is the link.




    It did not work.


    Like I said, whether its effective or not they seem to be determined to satisfy the hunger to stick something into people to allay their fear.  Think of it as an anti fear vaccine, one to give people confidence, even though it actually does nothing.


    As per the Straits Times link earlier, they will just tell people it will stop you getting serious complications, a little white lie perhaps to make people take the bait.



  5. And if anyone thinks that thinking the vaccine will be nothing more than a placebo to make people stop living in fear...........


    They are already talking about it..............




    They have to give people something to justify all the lockdowns, now the lockdowns have been pretty much proven to be completely useless. 

    • Like 1
  6. The latest estimates is that the IFR of the virus is 0.05%.........which is half of what strong Influenza is at 0.1%.


    The reason more have died is of course that around 90% of "at risk people" are vaccinated against Influenza............ but in reality CV-19 is less dangerous, just all the at risk people dont have a vaccine against CV-19.


    The biggest issue with deaths seems to be care homes - which is why many countries in Asia have very low death rates, but countries with many old at risk people in care homes have very high death rates.


    Another key finding is hospital beds.  The estimate is that 60% of infections have come from lack of hospital beds. Due to overcrowding in hospitals and mixing of CV-19 with non-CV-19 that many were infected due to being in hospital.  Countries with a high number of hospital beds for 1000 population have seen very low death rates.  Those with very low number of beds per 1000 population have seen much higher.


    Another key finding is that putting people onto ventilators has caused a large percentage of deaths.   CPAP masks should be used, not Ventilators.  Use of ventilators killed tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of people is the estimate now. 


    More findings are that it is spread only through sneezing and coughing...........droplets.  it is not aerosol spread through normal breathing.


    Both of the leading vaccine candidates have failed miserably.  Thats Moderna and Oxford.  Nobody talking about it anymore.  The Oxford vaccine appears to be totally ineffective but with no side effects. 


    Up to 60% of people may have immunity from CV-19 anyway.


    Only those with severe CV-19 develop a significant IgG antibody response, so its impossible to detect who has had it or not. Majority of people who have it and recover, or have it with no symptoms do not have a measurable antibody response.


    Notice that immunity passports related to vaccine/antibody testing are now not talked about anymore................ 



    As the truth gradually filters out over time, a lot of people are going to get embarrassed.    The only way out of this is likely to have an ineffective vaccine that causes no side effects and just release it.  it will be a psychological boost against fear as opposed to being a real vaccine. Well hello Oxford........................ the placebo effect.........inject them with something and tell them its all ok now, nothing to fear anymore............. we shall see.












  7. I think many of you are missing the point.


    The WHO cronies get loads of sponsorship money from big pharma.


    If everyone wears masks then respiratory diseases of all types reduce considerably.


    Big pharma then sells less drugs and medicine, so big pharma loses money and profits.


    You must know, the more people are sick the more money the big pharma companies and all their cronies make.


    This is why obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension are all on the rise - they want people to be sick to sell lots and lots of medicines.


    A cure makes money ONCE.


    A treatment makes money forever until the patient dies.


    Big pharma wants treatments, not cures.............................   ???? ???? 

    • Like 2
  8. 29 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

    Do you have a source for this or is it your personal observation?

    Coronavirus are most active Dec to April and then fade away.  Replaced by Enterovirus and Rhinovirus over the middle months.


    Its actually now looking very likely that most people have a T cell response to Covid-19, so they dont suffer from it.  And if you have a T cell response you will not have any antibodies, as that part of the immune system is not called into action.  Which means of course, that testing if you had it is now seemingly completely pointless as someone might not have an IgM or IgG response, as their body has a T cell response which stops the virus dead in its tracks.  So many asymptomatic people testing positive on a PCR test with zero symptoms.  It may now be that over 75% of the worlds population is naturally immune to Covid-19 thanks to previous exposure to other Corona virus.  A PCR test does nothing more than say you have the virus present in a measurable amount.  A positive PCR test does not mean you will get any symptoms in any way at all.


    I believe, in my opinion, this is why they are now finishing lockdown all over the place, as they now know a lot more about it and the panic is over.  it remains in Europe and the USA that the median age of deaths is over 80 years old.  If a virus struggles to spread in a generally fit, not obese, not diabetic, not with lots of elderly sick people - like Thailand and Hong Kong and Taiwan and Korea and Japan etc.... then its not particularly dangerous.  it has now mutated, as most do, to become a very weak virus. It mutates to survive as it cannot kill the host too quickly as that kills it too.  A bad flu year kills over 600,000 people worldwide, Covid-19 has killed slightly over 400,000 and may not actually reach over 600,000 ???? Who knows.


    General virus pattern is in the attached pic.


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  9. 8 new cases.


    5 returnees from UAE

    2 from Kuwait

    1 from India

    0 from UK  (yes,  ZERO)



    All returnees are tested on Day 5 of quarantine.  Therefore as its now 6 days since the 20 from the UK arrived and were RUSHED - RUSHED  - RUSHED to hospital, one can assume none of them so far have Covid-19.   Next test will be after 12 days I do believe.




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  10. Before you hang, draw and quarter those 20 with high temperature, perhaps you should wait.


    Wait and see the official test results............lets see how many of that 20 are confirmed with Covid-19.  This might be a classic case of............


    So lets see over the coming 14 days how many are confirmed Covid-19 cases from returning from the UK.  And in 14 days time we can summarise on this thread.

  11. 22 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


    What hospital, and how much was it? How long ago did you do it? 


    I used the Ratchapruek in Khon Kaen.


    Total cost was 1750 baht (The test is around 1200 then plus fees etc..).


    Took 1 hour.


    20 minutes for the registration then see the doctor, take the blood and wait 40 minutes for the result.




    • Thanks 2
  12. I did it.


    Just be very clear that you want the antibody test to see if you had it a long time ago and you have no symptoms now.


    They were very inquisitive as to why I wanted it, I simply said that the tests are now available and accurate so I want to know if I had it at any time from December last year until now.


    My result was negative for IgM and IgG so I have never had Covid-19.


    Bit of a blow, would much prefer to have had it already and got it out of the way and had a bit of paper to say so.

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