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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. There was some talk the other day of "nicknames" when the new blokes appointment was announced. Let's get away from the "Big ......" tradition, it is so passe don't you think? My vote goes for "Sticky Bun"! And let's hope some coherent plan results to ensure these tragedies don't happy again. Over to you "Sticky Bun" - surprise us...
  2. I'm sure any number of other countries would step up to the plate...
  3. Nothing "per se" I suspect, but it may indicate an increasing reluctance on the part of independent tourists to face the hassles of crossing a bureaucratic minefield to come here. As ever perception is everything, and the actions/reactions of the government agencies to COVID may have rather replaced the image of a carefree holiday experience, exotic temples, delicious food, sundrenched beaches and exciting nightlife; with one of masked uniformed officialdom at every turn. "Welcome to amazing Thailand" has rather been replaced by "cannot". The perception of Thailand as unwelcoming is not helped by all the TATtery blethering on about only wanting various favoured groups, which all seem to have one thing in common, suitcases of cash! The old "Amazing Thailand" campaign was effective whether you were a backpacker with a £15 Millets rucksack or business class with Louis Vuitton luggage. As so often the damage has been done by those in ( largely unaccountable and self serving) positions of authority rather than the people of the country themselves. Thailand had a dominant place in the South East Asian tourist market. They were in the same boat as everyone else with Covid but have regulated it away. Others are challenging it. "Luring" Indian billionaires isn't going to fix it; it's rather sad.
  4. Personally I use a wide variety of sources. I was being ironical. "And please don't call me Shirley"!
  5. Oh I don't know - he saves having to look at the Bangkok Post, Nation and Thai PBS websites to find out what they say - he reads it out for you! Cutting edge broadcasting...
  6. A timely intervention from a leader who manifestly encapsulates knowing when enough is enough.
  7. Possibly would not have had the opportunity, success or income here. Churning out turgid ballads for the dinosaurs clad in a yellow costume...
  8. I expect that there is a shopping list from the Chinese Defence Attaché in the pocket of his suit...
  9. Unethical - a Thai General cum politician? I say that is a bit harsh.
  10. You are both right. Personally, if it came to a fight, I don't think the greater part of the army would be up for it. Most are barely trained, their kit is at best obsolete, and much is unserviceable, and they have insufficient transport to really deploy. The "praetorian guard units", who have the newer kit and are in and around Bangkok maybe could make a mess, maybe the government could control central Bangkok, but elsewhere no. But there would be a big death toll.
  11. Mind you, I don't think the military ( coincidentally the Army was headed by a chap called Prayut) ever took the slightest notice of her...
  12. I think the "good coup" narrative is a busted flush. It has been so internationally for some time, but I think it will be so internally. The biggest change for several generations is that the Thais, particularly but not only the younger generation, can now get their news and views from alternative sources, which cannot be controlled by those in power. Thaksin/Tony Woodhouse clubroom chat for example - which is aimed at and reaches older people. Ironically, Prayut's mind numbingly tedious monologues every Friday on all channels ( remember them?) probably accelerated that change! Lots of things have and are changing, the dinosaurs are not able to keep up.
  13. Nothing will happen until after this meeting in November. Far too much face to be lost. Unfortunately Prayut will not be in the limelight, although as defence minister he might be able to slip in unnoticed as right marker for the guard of honour!
  14. Quite possibly keeping his powder dry, so his movement can enter the field at the General Election. Too high a profile/ too much activity beforehand will only give the yellow fascists opportunity to get banning! They probably will be banned, but doing so during or just after an election campaign will have much greater consequences, nationally and internationally. Banning now would be less noticeable.
  15. Impressive - well done them. Next year Team Prawit?
  16. It really is a joke. Anyone buying a watch, phone, software, shirt or training shoes at a few pence on the pound is certainly aware that they are counterfeit. Anyone who shops for such products in markets or lock up shops at the back of Pantip Plaza ( does it still exist?) Is not in the market for the genuine items anyway. Utterly pointless exercise.
  17. Trying to be serious for a minute ( must get the image of that white outfit out of my head - incidentally, a jolly good idea to keep your i.d. card clipped to your medal ribbons, means you don't have to go through your pockets when you get to the gate!) if he doesn't get reinstated quickly he is not coming back. The people who really run Thailand (the Generals are beholden to them, follow the real big money) will simply put a replacement in. Prayut being sidelined is a bit of a speed bump, but easily resolved...
  18. I wonder if the defence ministry job is up for grabs?
  19. So: 11 fighters, 4 ground attack aircraft, of which the 3 Alpha jets are little more than obsolete trainers with a very basic weapons fit, and 2 airborne early warning aircraft. Not really the big time is it. I wonder what the large scale troop deployments are - most Thai infantry battalions are limited to one days march from their barracks, and the kit they can carry on their backs.
  20. Rig of the day for standing outside 5* hotels opening taxi doors...
  21. I think the rest are for being first in various NAAFI queues.
  22. Yes the indoctrination is crumbling (under the flood of negative opinion which could not find a widespread outlet prior to social media). A fundamental pillar of the system has gone. What is left, and what is keeping them in power is the threat, and fear, of force. On several occasions over the last 75 years the establishment has taken to the streets shooting. The most recent manifestation of that was directed by the two generals who now front up this regime. It is a very big ask to stand up against that. Sooner or later people will, the regime will respond and we may well be faced with widespread revolt. They may manage to suppress such a revolt, although personally I think the forces they have (and can rely upon) are not up to the task. Like "Smedley" I suspect that civil war may be the eventual result; not in the sense of large forces manoeuvring around the country but in the sense of a messy and quite fast moving insurrection.
  23. I agree with you. The regime (with or without Prayut ) takes no notice. They think that even if there is a storm they can ride it out. I think they could not.
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