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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. If Mr Putin tries a nuclear launch against Ukraine, the response, whilst devastating, may not initially involve nuclear weapons.
  2. Hmm, I have seen the way they drive buses!
  3. Our local smart car was last seen on the back of a transporter, after being parked on the side of the main road for a couple of days. Cam belt I suspect.
  4. Instead of simply cross referencing TM6 cards and visa records - even Windows 98 could manage that!
  5. We won't, too busy "hard targeting" on our way to 7/11 to buy a pint of milk!
  6. It is a feature of the"culture" which drives those in positions of authority rather than, I suggest, society itself. For example, just up the soi from me in my village an old man (85) lives with his sons. He has Alzheimers. Last Wednesday he wondered off, he was missing for 4 days, found alive yesterday. The police did absolutely nothing, continuing with their normal duties of manning the usual temporary vehicle check points in the usual places ( which are invariably reported on Line as soon as they set up, and therefore avoided), sitting outside the new gold shop near the police station and so on. A major search was launched by the locals, ( I and my dog helped) several dozen volunteers searching day and night, until they found him. Police just filled in a report. Similarly the classic reaction to the CNN team wrangling their way into the nursery massacre sight. Yes what they did was wrong, disgraceful even, so revoke their (tourist?) visas and turf them out. But now we have an interdepartmental squabble between the brown uniforms (police) and the khaki uniforms ( civil servants) as to who controls the scene; which can only detract from investigating the awful business and preventing anything like it happening again.
  7. There are plenty of laws. There are plenty of policemen in a large paramilitary police force, with many layers of command and no lack of resources, to enforce them. What is lacking is a will, intention and competence to enforce those laws. Couple that with a preoccupation with using their powers, resources and presence not with protecting the communities which they serve but with self aggrandisement ant self enrichment.
  8. @Liverpool Lou can often, sometimes annoyingly, be described as pedantic. He is also almost invariably correct on matters of fact; and yes, smoking of Marijuana for recreational use has not been decriminalised. Sooner or later a foreigner is going to get caught, and prosecuted. Cries of "Reefer Madness" will not help as a defence!
  9. What they have done is show that they can destroy the bridge if they wish. It is a huge blow to Russian prestige - their military is not capable of securing the bridge. The Russian logistics and supply systems have already proven themselves to be ramshackle. This will both degrade and disrupt them further and most importantly, demonstrate to the world and to the Russian people just what Ukraine can do. Add to that the knowledge ( apparently widespread in Russia) that as it stands the military is apparently unable to feed, equip and train their newly mobilised troops, without Ukraine putting the boot into their lines of communications. Not good for morale, military or civilian.
  10. The data supports the facts stated by @candide. it has nothing to do with: gun owners, pro-lifers, anti-illegal immigrants, atheists, anti MMGW folks or EV buyers. I would speculate that if you looked at each of those groups, and examined the death rate amongst those that were vaccinated as opposed to the death rate of those that were not vaccinated, you would find that the disparity was similar. The only agenda displayed here is denial of simple facts.
  11. There is a world of difference between kidnapping and trafficking children for prostitution, and knowingly let alone unknowingly allowing a girl in her late teens to work in a bar. Both are wrong, both are illegal, both should be prosecuted. One is infinitely more egregious than the other, which the courts should take into account in sentencing. I would further suggest that making an example of them, because they are foreign (and therefore may have access to money) is also wrong. Justice is after all supposed to be blind. Try them according to the evidence, and sentence appropriately, the same sentence for the Thai or the Farang.
  12. Whilst we're on the subject of whining, hate filled, bitter people, why don't you reread a couple of your most recent posts on this thread?
  13. You may see that, cynically can I suggest that whoever/whichever team is assigned to investigate the way this fellow was "managed" will see an opportunity. That is why he was able to go so far for so long. Corruption is absolutely engrained in the organisation.
  14. I don't think that it is a deliberate policy to make foreigners unwelcome; rather a result of foreigners and visa/reporting having become a job creation scheme and perhaps in certain circumstances an income stream for bureaucrats. I do wonder whether there is a massive "back office" operation which checks and examines the mountains of paperwork and photocopies the front desks generate? Somehow I doubt it!
  15. Whilst a stache of money may exist, it is probably "spoken for".
  16. You will never know. It will never be explained. If anyone is too persistent in asking defamation prosecutions await...
  17. And so he should damn well have been arrested. If for nothing else then for wandering around aged 57 wearing tracksuit trousers and gym shoes !
  18. I have four dogs. Snowball the white Chihouha bought 7 years ago, the other three have all been rescued, after being abandoned, by my daughter (along with two kittens). The brown small dog (Cookie) is I reckon 50% Chihuahua , ( there is a breeder in our village and things occasionally "go wrong" and I am pretty sure that is where she came from), Mr Pom the big black hairy monster is an unknown mix, Lucy found him as a tiny puppy, he looked like a cheerleaders pom pom, but grew alarmingly, he is as black as the earl of Hell's waistcoat! Lucky, the pretty little black and white two year old found chasing traffic on the main road is also of unknown origin. I have quite a big garden/orchard which they run around. They all get along well, and are a source of great joy. Does anyone have any idea what breeds may be in the mix for Cookie, Mr Pom and Lucky? I am not very good at dog recognition!
  19. I suppose that Mr Trump will soon discover if his efforts to "pack" the Supreme Court have payed out! As I understand it, the short term aim is to delay everything until the new year, in the hope that Novembers mid term elections result in the Republicans gaining control of the House of Representatives, in which case this and many other proceedings will be withdrawn. If they do not (gain control) I am hearing that Trump will announce his candidacy for the next Presidential Election, banking on that preventing his indictment as he will be a candidate.
  20. He did some great work in his garden shed... Mind you way before then in the late 70s when the British Army introduced the "Clansman" radio system there was a similar gadget you could attach to your manpack radio for when the radio batteries went down. Mind you, walking close behind a bloke carrying a radio, turning a handle attached to him was quite likely to attract the attention of the enemy, whether it was a steely eye, lean, mean killer of a sniper, or a couple of spotty hooligans with a brick in West Belfast!
  21. Schools out this week for a month. Should be no shortage of boy scouts with forked sticks... Now there is a comms solution he could understand!
  22. They are quite excellent - a one way communication channel, perfect for barking orders, sending messages to your various militia gangs ( remember the "Village Scouts" and the events of 1976 leading to the Thammasat University massacre) - I understand that transistor radios played quite a part in mobilising and directing the various lynching gangs that were operating then! And of course, unlike the pesky social media the great unwashed cannot reply or use them to talk to each other. Maybe the way forward? Every household has a tranny and some batteries - then close down social media, dinosaur heaven!
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