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Everything posted by LAtoBangkok

  1. I’m thinking I will see if I can rent the NMax and Xmax. Try them out. And maybe the click 160. If Yamaha only made a Filano 160…
  2. The swing caster allows the cart to stay level and stable as I turn because the bike will lean. Cart stays w both wheels on the ground.
  3. My concern with a GPX or Zontes is getting it serviced or repaired. I can pretty much go anywhere for a Yamaha.
  4. Oh! I needed more payload capability, so I did this. I built a Grand Filano Trailer Hitch and Cart! Can carry way more stuff. Have taken it on the highway as well with my keyboard rig and gear. Next up, I want to widen the cart wheelbase to be even more stable. I get a lot of looks! UniqueTmpFile.35802.MP4
  5. Thanks. I like the idea of an Xmax, but I'm concerned about the weight and manueverability. My shoulders may not take it. Getting a shoulder replacement next year - maybe after that. I still ride in the city daily and the Filano really cuts through the traffic like butter. I put the mirrors up and I can go as tight as the bike is wide. I tell my wife, "Toes In!". I learned to do the lane splitting and going between tight buses in Bangkok for 3 years first. So I'd like to keep that option. Maybe it just comes down to using the Filano in town and taking an Nmax our of town.
  6. At 46,000 k on our 2018 Grand Filano Hybrid. Seems to be struggling to get up into the mountains lately. I wouldn't take my wife on a trip like that. I've kept the maintenance up on it very well, but I admit to driving it pretty hard - running up to 80-90 on the highways and driving like I'm still in Bangkok in town. I'd LOVE to have a motorscooter (not motorcycle - shoulder issues, have to sit upright) between a 200-250cc. The X-Max might be too big and heavy for my shoulders and I have the idea that a 155 N-Max is not enought improvement in speed or power to justify upgrading. Not interested in Honda, though. Maybe another brand? Lifetime Yamaha guy - for better or worse. Is an overhaul feasible for the Grand Filano, maybe boring out a bit bigger in the process? I know that it's done. Or are there internal parts, gearing, etc. that could bring the power back? Thanks in advance! COULD it be that I've used the Grand Filano as a truck too often???
  7. Always recoat or use chaindrite primer and/or acrylic tinted wood filler after fastening.
  8. I went to ALL of the major hardware outlets and many small shops and could not find them. Mostly looked myself and everyone I asked did not have a clue or did not have it. UPDATE: Finally found ONE pvc reducer sink drain to pipe adapter at MegaHome. Nowhere else.
  9. UPDATE: I will never use BEGAR paints or polyurethane again. After one season, the Begar Poly on the front of the deck that's facing the morning sun and gets rained on has completely weathered off. Even with 5 good full coats! I've switched to RTB Exterior water-soluble polyurethane. I think its far superior. Only time and the brutal Thailand weather will tell. But way easier to use and work with. More expensive, yes. German technology? RTB Eterior Polyurethane
  10. A MUST HAVE for any plumbing work. Buy a bunch of them and give them to your "plumbers" - whether they would use it or not is another matter. I daydream about starting a company where all we do is go around to public bathrooms at gas stations and businesses and homes and we tighten their sink faucets. Anyone want to jump in with me? We'll make a fortune! 🤣
  11. We've had 2 contractors we would use again - our *2nd* electrician and the team that installed all of our fiber cement soffits and ceilings. Excellent.
  12. We had pipes put below the flooring. I would not do it again. Despite that I H*TE seeing the plumbing on the walls, I would now run the pvc pipes from the outside to inside the house where they're needed, lie Simon says (ha, no pun intended, but accepted!). Find some way to conceal them while still be able to get at them. Oh, have a AAC block with concrete skim all around. Pipes in cement are dependent on the stability of the earth below and the foundation that's sitting on it. If either shift or crack, then pipes go with them. Copper would be the only way to go then and I would not do that in Thailand, given the roulette wheel of getting a contractor that knows what they're doing.
  13. Important to remember - if the parquet is finished with polyurethane, if you ever plan on refinishing the floor with new polyurethane, the was layer must be completely removed before applying new polyurethane. But, I suppose if the was keeps renewing it adequately, no need to re-poly, right?
  14. Have had to repaint a number of times after workers have thinned out really good and expensive paint when I wasn’t supervising. It’s maddening. On metal, rust will win out if not full coated in this humid climate. For your floor, If you’ve sanded or otherwise prepped the old or new wood deck well before, thinning is okay for first but not really necessary. I put 5 full coats of Begar Polyurethane 1k Suoreme on my deck with light sanding after 1, 2, and 4th coats. (2 coats on bottom of raised deck). Deck was made out of handpicked salvaged teak. I’m having to do most of the painting myself to get a decent job. Only a couple of guys followed my directions on how to brush without leaving brush strokes, feathering instead. Unfortunately, both were alcoholic and didn’t last, even after paying and helping one into rehab. Very sad situation here in Thailand. Sorry for the sob story! God bless them all.
  15. I went to Thaiwatsadu, Homepro, Megahome, Homemart, Home Sukkapan, and smaller places. The best I could do was one place had only the P trap with clean out and it was ฿350 just for that piece. I did my homework. Maybe this system was hiding somewhere at DoHome. After going everywhere else, I decided the odds were not good.
  16. Here's my info from your other post, just for those looking for this type of kitchen drain. Next to impossible to find in any store so I wanted to make this available. FYI for anyone looking for sink drain pipes that you can actually use, here's a link to Lazada. I could not find these blue PVC pipes anywhere in Chiang Mai. It's maddening! Everyone wants to sell a drain pipe "kit" that doesn't often fit the crazy plumber's drain locations where they come out of the wall. This one you can add or subtract to put it anywhere. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4308264476-s17145557009.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=745221259300812&tradeOrderLineId=745221259400812&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1
  17. FYI for anyone looking for sink drain pipes that you can actually use, here's a link to Lazada. I could not find these blue PVC pipes anywhere in Chiang Mai. It's maddening! Everyone wants to sell a drain pipe "kit" that doesn't often fit the crazy plumber's drain locations where they come out of the wall. This one you can add or subtract to put it anywhere. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4308264476-s17145557009.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=745221259300812&tradeOrderLineId=745221259400812&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1
  18. Thanks for your input. “The boards are then treated for resisting pests and termites to make them more durable and stronger.” Thaiwatsadu says this in so many words as well as other sites for finger jointed rubber wood. They are compressed and kiln dried over days. This all may be hype but with my 3-4 coats of poly on all sides, I think I should be good. Time will tell, hey?
  19. I’m making an outside kitchen sink counter out of 3/4” laminated Boon Wood right now. It’s supposed to be rubber wood. I’m first staining 2 coats with Beger Decking Fiber Cement Wood stain, then will give 3-4 coats of Beger supreme polyurethane. Will I be okay with the Terminitors?
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