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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    not at all, you believed in the "get brexit done" didn't you?


    But guess what? You are still there talking about it, and you'll be still there for years






    Welcome in Brexeternity @CorpusChristie





    "Get brexit done" hu? You did not get brexit done, you did the opposite, we (and you probably) are going to keep on talking about brexit all the time. 






    Brexit was about the UK leaving the E.U

    Brexit wasnt about the UK pulling the anchor up, putting the sails up and sailing off into the Atlantic ocean and parking ourselves in some far off location 

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    So there we have it, Brexit is over but most Remainers aka Rejoiners can only talk about brickbats and butt hurt instead of pondering why Johnson's political future may be open to question. On the other side of the tent, we have the No-dealers who somehow feel more betrayed and aggrieved than the other lot. Meanwhile, the vast majority of sane and moderate Leavers are probably still celebrating (while remaining within the safe social distancing rules).


    "There's nowt queerer than fowk" as granny would say.


       I do recall that "people on the forum" had the opinion that they would prefer to have no deal, rather than a bad deal that favoured the E.U .

       Rather than straight forward not wanting a deal 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I think I have seen the occasional landline handset in a booth or shop, but in line with most countries most people use mobile phones, or cells as some countries call them. The term " phone " is now generic, to cover both types.


      Yes, my point was that if they have a mobile phone , they would still be able to answer the phone, even if the shop is closed .

      Not picking up the phone wouldnt necessarily mean they were closed 

  4. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    The standards on environment and labor and other standards for products that are to be sold in the EU. The UK cant deviate downwards on those needs to be the same ore better then the EU standards.

    Do I really need to explain to you what the deal encompassed ? To keep access to the market the EU cant change its standards downwards to gain a better competitive edge. So no state support no lesser environmental standards or labor standards. 


    Right now that is not a problem as the UK left the Eu recently so they are all equal or better in the UK. The Dutch also have standards higher then the EU. Its just not allowed to deviate downwards.


    This was one of the main points and the EU got their wish. 


        Yes, but that is expected when we deal with the E.U.

    Of course we have to meet E.U standards when we deal with E.U Countries 

    You made it sound like the UK is changing its internal laws to meet E.U standards .

    Like, the UK can pass anti covid vaccinations using our own standards, we dont need to wait for the E.Us approval

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I'd suggest not getting an answer on the phone is a bit of a clue. Most businesses I know keep their phones open for potential customers.

    If your wife wants you to stay home, perhaps she has some other activity in mind.


       Do landlines still exist in Thailand ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Johnyfd (the one with the bike pic) was one of them there were others but hard to look through it all.


    Yes compromise is required during negotiation. I can remember the Dutch PM when they were negotiating about the loan issue for COVID. He said would not accept something later he had to accept it but got other things in return. He was a bit more honest then BJ. Telling the Dutch that he did not get his way completely but said this is what compromise is.

    BJ never did anything of the sort. 


    I think the UK and EU got a good deal however its far from what BJ promised his hardcore fans. Why do you think the fishermen were so angry. He never said anything about it to the public acknowledging that he did not get what he wanted but hail it all as a victory. I guess he is kinda like Trump never admitting anything always acting tough.


       He needs to sell the deal to the British public .

    BJ never has claimed to have got everything he wanted .

    I have no idea what BJ promised the British public , so cannot comment on that

  7. 2 minutes ago, luckyluke said:


    Well it may happen one day, that the opposition, and their media, agree with the ideas and handlings  of the government in place.

    Usually everything what " the others" do, and think, is immediately, without question, considered as wrong. 



      Just pointing out that its rather deceptive to put two different subjects into one .

    Like the people who think the Gov handled to pandemic badly are put in the same group as people who think the Brexit talks didnt go good .

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    as mentioned "Johnson’s handling of the Brexit talks" = thread topic


       Brexit is sooooooooo "last year" , move on, its 2021 now , we've left the E.U.

    Notice how the anti Brexit Guardian put the Brexit talks in with the Governments handling of the virus , like they were one thing, one subject . 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    Ha ha ha …. that's hilarious


    So says the man that has being claiming that all the hearsay that suits his own narrative is factual, whilst having no way of knowing whether it is true or not. I guess you don't do irony.


      I have stated there are only two things from this story we can be sure about .

    1 She took his trolley

    2 He gave her 30 000 Baht

    I have questioned all other aspects of this story

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