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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I don’t speak for all ‘Remainers’ here, and perhaps you shouldn’t either.


    The ‘Remainer’ I do speak for is observing the growing gap being revealed between Brexit promises and Brexit reality,  and too the evident chagrin of ‘Brexiteers’ who would have us believe they’ve got what they wanted.



      Did Brexiters want to leave the E.U ?

    Did the UK leave the E.U ?

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  2. 47 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    You are kidding right?

    Have you ever seen a supermarket trolley robber (Something unlikely to happen in Thailand)

    coming with her car, her mother and her own trolley full of stuff already paid before commiting the theft ?


    It doesn't make any sense when you think to it 1minute even if you have half of a brain.


     What if the Family didnt have the money to buy enough shopping ?

    Simple solution, take someone elses trolley and if we get caught, just say it was a mistake ?

    Maybe the mother was part of it , maybe it was planned .

  3. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I am just following common sense and the law. Your name suggests you might be Dutch. If so you would know that violence has to be proportional. We are talking about someone with a trolley. Someone who is unable to get away from someone on foot running. There is just no need to kick. 




       I dont know about you, but I can hardly run when I wear sandals/flip flops in Thailand .

    Thai Females usually wear running shoes .

    A Thai Female with running shoes would probably be able to run faster than a felang in flip flops , even if she was pushing a trolley 

    I do think a kick/push is justifiable when used to stop a thief escaping  

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    Even if the UK manages to be nice enough with China to get to copy the deal, China will still use the same tactics as with Australia (the famous Australian deal again ???? ).


    And how can Global Britain get access to the Chinese services market? 



    On the plus side, it was a nice, generous, move opening borders to Hong Kong immigration. The top estimates say it could reach the 600.000.

    Not really in line with the "control our borders, control immigration" promise of Brexit, though. And not the same profile as Polish plumbers and Spanish nurses.. 


    Now assimilating all the know-how and capital from Hong Kong could be a pretty good operation, with a potential to compensate some of the costs of Brexit. 


      Yes, it would be great in the UK could move Hong Kong to the Isle of Wight 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Oh..running away (at full sprint?)-or walking away?


    You are confabulating.


    In any event the Norse kick boxer has had to cough up his 30,000 Baht and will,no doubt,think twice before assaulting somebody in the future..


    (too many fantasy episodes of "Vikings".)


       Its been stated that she was running away , didnt say at what speed , but when people run away from a crime, they usually run as fast as they can .

      BTW, did you get a dictionary for Christmas this year ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    The thing is the facts from the "friend"  are taken for the truth without question while questioning everything in the news report. Bit bias IMHO. 


      The friend seems to know what hes talking about and has spoken to the victim and what he says seems quite plausible  .

       The news report seems to be inaccurate by stating the man had stolen the groceries because he took them out the shop without paying for them

  7. 5 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Quite a mendacious post.

    Was she walking or running away?

    Do you personally kick women to knock them off balance?

    Do you kick them again when they have stopped and wai'd you?


    You appear to have confabulated quite a lot of "facts"-you have no idea what was the actual truth but you appear to extol physical violence..


    One wonders about Caucasian males who appear to have the personality of a feral shopping trolley...



       She was running away with the trolley, even after being asked to stop running .

    I do not kick woman off balance , but if a thief was running off with my belongings , I would try to stop them .

    Once again, there is no proof that he kicked her again, after she'd wai'd .

    I do not agree with violence  , but can understand people stopping a theft and using minimal force to do that .


    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    You think it is reasonable to kick women-who are not offering you violence?

    The facts as stated is that he accosted her,kicked her,then got a wai and kicked her again.

    Which cost him 30,000 baht.


       I think its reasonable to stop a thief running off with what they have stolen .

    Knocking them off balance is using reasonable force to stop them running 

    She says he kicked her again and she opologised , that hasnt been confirmed .

    Only what she says , could be that she wasnt telling the truth .


  9. 3 minutes ago, toho said:

    She was wheeling it to an ATM. So probably not paid for items yet. Anyway, this pitbull is a real ambassador for his home country. I had hoped most thugs would have left Thailand by now. Seems there still are some out there. He can consider himself lucky that she was not my wife or sister.


      She was wheeling the trolley to an ATM , so she could withdraw some money and pay for the Mans groceries ?

    If my friends/family got caught stealing , I wouldnt defend them 

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, polpott said:

    "Kicking a thief's legs from under them is not an unreasonable act in my opinion." A young woman who had mistakenly wandered off with the wrong trolley, something I've done several times. Even after being kicked she apologised and received a second kick. If you don't think that's unreasonable I suggest you need therapy.




      We have the feeling that this wasnt a case of simply taking the wrong trolley , I think this was deliberate theft and the kick was done to stop the theft .

       It could be that the mother was providing an alibi ?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    Your making an awful lot of assumptions. 


    1 the guy knew who stole it as he ran after the lady. While running he saw it was a lady when kicking he saw it was a lady. No knives nothing.


    H did not make a split second decision he kicked her even after she apologized. 


      Has it been conformed he kicked her again after she opologised ?

    Her original claim that he hadnt yet paid for the goods has shown to be untrue 

  12. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes it is, and are you saying that a big guy who can run faster then a a Thai woman with a shopping trolley his only viable option was kicking ? I think the non violent options of grabbing the trolley and holding on to it was viable too and better.


    In my country you get punished if you use excessive force even if defending yourself. Violence must always be proportional. So if someone tries to stab you you might stab back but not shoot them (unless your with your back to a wall and no escape). But they of course do take into account emotions and stuff. 


    I feel its a good thing that violence needs to be proportional otherwise a small thing like this could end in a complete beat down of someone under the name of self defense. Now it was just a few kicks with bruises... if they don't watch out and let this happen then next time it might be even worse. Because people do like to punish people themselves for doing stuff.


       Was the guy able to get ahead of the trolley to stop it ?

    Even if the kick was wrong and unjustifiable , its not 30 000 Baht worth of being wrong .

    We should try to stick to this story and what happened here , rather than comparing it to hypothetical stabbings and shootings .

      If someone is running off with your belongings and car keys , I do think its justifiable to give them a kick in the bum to stop them running .

      It wasnt a kick to attack her or punish her, the intention was to stop a theft and it doesnt seem to be excessive force  , from the photo , it looks like the trolley did the bruising , rather then the actual kick , seems like she fell against the trolley

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