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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Well, getting involved in a fight is never a good idea. I suppose he got what he was looking for. It could just as easily have been the farang in hospital. No sympathy.
  2. He was on wheels, no different from a bicycle. The police just made up a charge, basically.
  3. But driving up the wrong side of the road, fine. Driving on the pavement, why not? Speeding, fine. Drunk driving, ok. Children on motorcycles without helmets, no problem. Tailgating, aggressive driving, mai pen rai
  4. Exactly, that story sounds like nonsense. Sounds like a dispute about driving etiquette when the motorcycle passed the car, since that's the only interaction they had before stopping for a dust up. I know I beep my horn a lot when a motorcycle pulls in front of me without any concerns about safe distance,but who knows what really happened.
  5. Exactly. Thai women are easy to lust after, but difficult to love.
  6. Nope, I don't.
  7. I lived in a small rural village for almost a decade. It's mostly: elderly, children, and degenerates. There are a few upstanding citizens of working age, but most have left to go to places with opportunities. Plenty of gang violence. Someone gets beat to death once or twice a year at some big party. No shortage of drug addicts, alcoholics, drunk driving, illegal guns, theft, robbery, dog poisoning, property damage, illegal tree cutting, teenage daughter pimping, wife beating, child abuse, child neglect, animal abuse, animal neglect, illegal gambling, loan sharking, extortion, violence, suicide etc etc I saw it all, Buddy, in the relatively short span of about 8-9 years and not from a barstool! Well, I did have my own barstool. ????
  8. Just checking: You do realize he is talking about Australia, New Zealand, and America being colonized by (white) migrants, right? You know, Captain Cook, Christopher Columbus, and chums. Just checking, cos with your seemingly far far left views, I am surprised that you'd make a positive comment on this.
  9. But racism harms other people, not the host. What's destroyed the UK is its lax immigration policy and the fact it's social benefits system is so easy to exploit.
  10. I think cancer is a bit strong. It's maybe as bad as genital warts. What is like a cancer though, is all the money spent on economic migrants (dole artists) -- and the left extremists backing it -- rather than people actually in need.
  11. I've been in Thailand almost all of my adult life, but I couldn't see myself ever giving up British citizenship. I like the idea of being able to spend 6 months in the UK and 6 months in Thailand when I retire. Not that I have more in the UK than Thailand, I don't -- but just to enjoy the freedom, get the best of both worlds, and have the choice. Also, one day it might be necessary in old age. And one day I might entirely change my mind about Thailand. You never know. My kids could even leave Thailand as I left the West. Then, I wouldn't have much to stay for. Also, it would be great to own a UK property to rent out and fund my retirement in Thailand, or wherever. I wouldn't touch Thai property. Aside from that, it is so easy to qualify for the retirement visa in Thailand. It seems like a no-brainer for me to do that indefinitely when I retire.
  12. Ok, you are basically offering nothing now with your responses, just one word answers and circular reasoning. ???? ???? See ya ????
  13. Let's see what the consensus is here in 2022: rent or buy a condo in Thailand, which is better?
  14. I am saying if you are gonna complain about racist countries, the UK should be last on the list. And my point is: the UK doesn't have a problem with racism. There may be a few individuals, but you are acting like it's a national problem. The national problem is being too generous to foreigners when Britain needs to take care of itself.
  15. The UK has to be one of the least racist countries on Earth. Try going to: Greece, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Japan etc. etc.
  16. Exactly, this is the elephant in the room that the extreme lefties are trying to ignore. ???? We are self sufficient, not bleeding the country dry. ????
  17. This is just sad. I was saying things like this 15 years ago, but then left moved so far to the extreme left I find myself sitting over in the right now, lol
  18. Are you kidding? Could the UK have bent over any more to accept new cultures, religions, and races?
  19. A reminder why we should live in the low socioeconomic parts of Thailand. The villages are full of these characters.
  20. There's really only one muscle in the body they are qualified to pull.
  21. Exactly, I am done with them. Ended up with a cracked floating rib once. Might as well let a buffalo trample on you.
  22. Isn't that what caused the problem in the first place?
  23. Can't see much wrong with that. Are they sitting in a nice free house with their family of eight raking in more social security money than the householders could possibly earn with their skills? Naw, they aren't. They are working and supporting themselves. It's mutually beneficial to Thailand as well as the migrants.
  24. Exactly, and we should be thankful Thailand has a sensible immigration policy protecting its country, culture, and citizens.
  25. There's never been a more entitled and privileged time in UK history, probably. Well, you could say they had it better in the 70s, 80s, and 90s regarding the economy n stuff, but still...
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