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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Absolutely, particularly in non-western countries. East Asians tend to be racist against Africans and Middle Easterns. I am sure they don't really like whites either. Middle Easterns don't like westerners Blacks in Africa despise the white minority and are openly racist. I had a Latino guy today tell me he likes Thailand but not Thais. Eastern Europe, openly racist. Some parts of Europe too, Greece and Italy, for example The entire non-western world is basically openly and unashamedly racist. They don't seem to think it's wrong and it is just a normal part of life. Only in the West (UK, America etc etc) do we think racism is wrong.
  2. Children, yes. I agree. I find it odd you'd value a man less than a woman though. Why not equality? So men should just be able to handle getting attacked? Lol
  3. If I were retired, I'd be hitting the gym, chilling at home, going out exploring the different areas of Bangkok, taking train trips to different parts of the country, cooking, eating out, drinking in pubs, meeting friends, getting massages etc etc Perhaps scuba diving....and maybe a little muff diving too. Hehe
  4. Why can't they get this together? It's not that hard to drive relatively safely as a nation. But to have one of the highest road fatalities in the world. Isn't it a loss of face?
  5. 1. The market is <deleted> here. 2. And one will have a happy life limiting dealings/friction with locals; they are playing a different game from us. Well, some friction is ok, I suppose, but only in the form of a good rubdown ????
  6. This thread is hilarious. None of it makes a difference. It's the law of the jungle on the roads here. There's no concept of giving others the right of way. Just, "me first". They even act like this on foot too. It's truly a cultural phenomenon over all of Asia (I think) that I will never fathom out.
  7. I dunno, but you see this kind of thing every day on the roads here. There's a lack of genuine empathy here in general. I think because the local culture doesn't really permit then to express their feelings and emotions at all, they end up just taking it out on others by being as difficult as possible on the roads and elsewhere in general.
  8. That speaks volumes. No more cheese bites, I hear them cry.
  9. I wouldn't hold your breath. You'll be waiting a few generations. I think they just don't care. And yeah, I've seen old people litter too.
  10. Exactly, It's a cultural difference perhaps lost on KhunLA. I find here, they give the absolute bare minimum (except if something is for show). Yet somehow they are masters at extracting as much for themselves as physically possible. Guess, it's their way of life.
  11. Interesting, thanks. Is that applicable to all reasons (i.e. marriage, Thai child, etc. etc.)? And can you do that from any other visa category (or extension of stay)?
  12. So, guys - I haven't seen any places advertising it yet - but where is a good place to eat Christmas Dinner?
  13. It may work 2 times out of 10, lol. Generally, 'time in the market' beats timing the market.
  14. Yeah, but you know I might live another 50 years. Lol. You should never out money in stocks that you'll need within the next 5 years. It's silly to try time the markets jumping in and out is a losers game
  15. The SP500 and rental properties will continue to beat bank interest rates, lol, just like they always have.
  16. Still though, how can just holding cash be better? I get that everyone needs an emergency fund, but over and above that, it's a waste.
  17. Yeah, it's down -17% this year, but still up 50% over 5 years. Not too shabby.
  18. There's also the SP500 that is up 50% as of today over the last 5 years (despite having a terrible year so far).
  19. Well, property prices have gone up a modest 5% a year in the area I come from over the last decade. And if you even get 3% yield a year in rental income, then you've got your 8%
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