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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Olive,yes. But I think the others are bad to cook with due to being unstable when heated and creating oxidization more easily (which is a greater concern, when cooking with oil, than saturated fat content). Coconut oil also remains stable when heated quite well compared to other oils. Even lard and palm oil are healthier to cook with than most other vegetable oils (due to handling heat better and remaining more stable).
  2. Charts are split adjusted. Yeah, that's true, 4/5 ain't bad. But you are looking in hindsight now.
  3. Intel is currently at the same price it traded at in the year 1999. Why?
  4. Sugary coffee
  5. Interesting Any practical tips?
  6. A wise man once said, "If you don't find a way to make money in your sleep, you'll work forever" So, what's a way to make passive income as an expat in Thailand?
  7. This is number 1! Amazing the things people are scared of and take precautions to prevent and then hop on a motorcycle without a helmet band zoom around.
  8. I think some people didn't read the title. It ain't: What ethical rules do you live by?
  9. Having a hard time figuring out if this is satire or not
  10. Fair enough. BUT.... What about dying 20 years early? What about dying at 60? What about living with a disability after having a stroke? What about having foot amputations or going blind from diabetes? What about walking around with a <deleted> bag cos you lost all your intestines to cancer? There are other options than just dying a few years earlier. You know you might not just glide off gracefully into the clouds with a beer in one hand, a joint hanging out your mouth, and a raunchy Thai woman between your legs.
  11. Wow, lol Tell that to all those who had heart attacks at 60.
  12. Some great responses here guys! My rules that I mostly to stick to are: -Beer only on weekends -No smoking -No sugary sodas or coffees -Plenty of veggies and fruit -Skip breakfast -Limit processed meat -Early to bed -Limit deep fried foods Rules I need to add: -Regular cardio -Regular stretching and muscle exercises -Limit white carbs
  13. As the title says, what are your health rules you live by?
  14. Don't trust women. Eat your veggies. Don't stop exercising. Save and invest early.
  15. Amazes me the number of Thai women on dating sites stating, "I don't like sex" lol So......you just want a brother or a daddy type person to act like your husband, lol? So weird. I dunno who ever messages those people.
  16. "Paw Ngai" Dunno what it means. Lesser version of "Paw Yai" maybe, lol?
  17. Locked exits ???? Adding to the horror, yet not at all surprising.
  18. In reality, they have prolly done more ass to mouth than you.
  19. Hats off to them. I didn't think anyone in this country knew there was a denomination of 10 baht.
  20. They all look the same to me. I don't get it.
  21. Equally?? To almost every other country?? You are aware that Thailand has more deaths on the roads than most other countries and also more shootings than many other countries, right? This is fact, not opinion.
  22. Mate, please. I can't......I just can't find the words.
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