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Everything posted by 2009

  1. A whole month. That's pushing it a bit, eh? Even the birth of christ only gets a day. Lol. They couldn't have just gone with Pride Day or Pride Week?
  2. None of them touch a San Miguel Light. But if I had to choose: Singha. Leo is last on my list.
  3. Well, som nam na! That's what I say. They can still milk the farang; the Chinese are just smarter. I find it hard to feel sorry for most locals here who want to be involved in the tourist industry. For example, my elderly (mid 60s) mom arrived yesterday and the bludgeoning airport taxi driver refused to use the meter and creamed her for 700. That's just one example, of many. It just makes me lose whatever respect and sympathy I had for locals involved with tourists. Anyway, such as life.
  4. Cheers, So, that's a 100 for a small beer?
  5. At night there is a string of street bars that pop up all along the odd number side of Sukhumvit Road. Any recent experiences with them? Any recommendations? Are some better than others?
  6. Ever tried having a good time with a woman like that? Didn't think so Aside from that, it's kinda worrying as a citizen of the world that there are religious nutcases out there cutting off the clitorises of babies. It is standard practice for Muslims in Indonesia (which is like 98% of the population) And just a reminder: these people are reproducing like rabbits and the rest of us aren't. Think about that.
  7. All the bars downtown charge 130 for a pint after 8pm. Some are 160 even. Just regular bars (e.g. sports bars, Irish, American etc etc). Some even charge that a small bottle, Jesus. Thais drink beer primarily, have done for decades. Only the down n outs drink rice spirit. And they don't even excel at rice spirit either. Tastes like turpentine.
  8. I get your point, but it's the principle of it.
  9. Is it just a copy of the owners blue book? Can't imagine them demanding the original, lol. Well, actually, I could.
  10. Thailand ain't cheap. I was paying 130 baht for a pint of fizzy urine last night. Pretty much every Asian country has better beer than Thailand. Vietnam is cheap. Laos is cheap. Cambodia too. The girls are pretty similar, depends what you like, I suppose. I do like Thai women and just about most Asians, particularly tropical SE Asian ones. From my experience: - Filipino women tend to have hairy legs. - Thai women tend to have hairy pussies. - Vietnamese are the thinnest. - Indonesians are the darkest and mostly haven shaven pussies, too bad they are all missing their clits. - Malays are the fattest. I wouldn't want to live in a Muslim country, that's for sure Thai food sucks in comparison to: Indian, Mexican, Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Indian, even British (quality of ingredients, I mean, not culinary genius). I can think of loads of reasons to live elsewhere: safe roads, decent people, good ingredients at reasonable prices, fresh air, clean countryside, clean seas, cool climate, less buroceacracy, democracy, mature people, ethical society, healthy food etc. etc. But Thailand is more.......fun, alas!
  11. Come on guys. You all know this is BS. If you are buying their drinks or food, you shouldn't have to pay for the chair. Imagine if restaurants or bars started charging you for the seat as well as the food and drink. Lol. Thais are the world's best at ripping the arrse out of everything and everyone.
  12. Honestly, the service staff here are so entitled, compared with where I come from (where people actually appreciate little things). Here, if you give something, it's often considered stingy or not enough.
  13. You gotta love the Indians.....they walk into a massage parlor and try to negotiate a foot massage for 100 baht each, cos there is half a dozen of them. Lol Then, while getting their massage, they are directing the masseuse on exactly how to do it, and being a general nuisance. Then, they leave without leaving a tip, maybe 20 baht for all of them. My EX does massage and the stories she tells me about the Indians really crack me up. I just think, som nam na. Nothing wrong with a taste of your own medicine once in a while.
  14. Yeah, I'm the same: I don't tip much any more. Mostly, because Thais don't tip. If my daughter was a waitress in a Thai restaurant/bar, for example, she'd get nothing -- so why should I tip people who don't tip others? Also, service here is usually <deleted>, particularly where I hang out (farang spots). The tourist industry here is where you'll find so much scum, and it reflects in their service. Also, things are generally way overpriced in farang places, so the owner should be able to pay his staff well. Anyway, up to them. I only really tip my barber and my kid's tutor. We'll I'd call that an end-of-year bonus/holiday pay, rather than a tip, but still. It is rare to find service that compels me to want to tip here.
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