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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Excellent. Imagine a global lockdown for a fraction of a percent of the population at risk. Lol No, we don't need to imagine: it happened!
  2. Kids aren't unsafe from covid. It barely affects them. The ONLY people who should be staying at home are the "at risk" individuals. But no, let's lockdown planet Earth for less than 1% of humanity who are high risk of dying from covid.
  3. God, who knows At this point I think Elon Musk is right: only the "at risk" people should be made to stay at home. The rest should be free to go about as normal. If your are low risk for severe covid illness and still want to stay at home, up to you, by all means. And if the high risk people don't want to stay at home. Up to them. It's their risk.
  4. These dogs already caused someone to lose an arm! Or did you miss that part?? The whole concept to put down a dog that has biten is the speculation that they might do it again. Which part of this is difficult for you to grasp?
  5. Was he trying to burgal the place?! No, he was dropping off fruit for complete fud of a woman with almost deadly dangerous dogs. Totally deserves to lose an arm. Lol And if a child puts its arm through? The dogs should be put down. Ownee probably doesn't give two craps. Thais like having aggressive dogs - that's the whole idea behind having dogs to them. But I bet if they were to escape they'd kill a child.
  6. You could tell him that the odds of dying from the vaccine are still less than the odds of dying from covid (irrespective of all other variables, including his age)
  7. You know doctors have had it, right? They are pretty smart. They also wear spaceman suits to work and they still got it. You don't even know that you don't put a space before ! and ?, Lol. Go back to P3, sunshine! (see? no space).
  8. Bull... The prices they charge, they ought to have a million in the bank. In fact, one recently sent me a snapshot of her bank balance : it was over a mill. I don't have any sympathy; they have been earning loads. I do feel for low income workers affected. My cousin in law brags of how she earns 50k a month in Phuket and 100k a month on her trips to Japan and Korea. Yet her daughter's entire mouth is rotten, every tooth. She seems autistic or something; doesn't communicate. They haven't checked it out with the doc. Her son is 11 and the size of an 8 year old girl, totally stunted. He will be in secondary school next year and is illiterate and doesn't even know 10Ă·2=5. He seriously couldn't do it. With what she earns she could send them in the schoolbus to a city school and not neglect their health to a shocking extent. But money is worth more. I think this is a common story. I would feel bad for the ones who spend their salary on their kids though and don't have much in savings. I think the ones without savings are gambling it away. Like I said, no sympathy for those in that profession. They have had plenty of time to make hay while the sun was shining and earning top dollar.
  9. Obviously, I thought the context was clear. Or did I miss the part where she was trying to stab him, lol?
  10. Losing his composure and attacking her is not the trait of an alpha, actually. Wife beaters are losers, not alphas. Financial success and confidence are two major alpha traits and probably the top two things women are attracted to.
  11. Really, he is right. Her subconscious wants him to step up and be the alpha. He needs to focus on himself. Alphas don't cry or whine or beg. They don't have shabby clothing. They don't let their appearance go, or their emotions. They take take of themselves well (and others). Alphas don't orbit their wives like they are the centre if the universe. That doesn't mean he should push through a "hard no" on sex, obviously. That's assault. But he has to control his own playing field. Subconsciously, she wants it. When she says no to him, he should act unbothered. Is her body that important to the alpha? She needs to be taken off the pedestal. He needs to treat himself more importantly. She will gravitate towards him.
  12. Sexual prime? She is hitting the wall and if he leaves she will have a hard time re-partnering.
  13. Some good points in here: spend time with son, make friends. Regarding the intimacy, you could read Athol Kay's book(s) to get her noticing you. He knows how to stir women like this up, but it'll take work on your part: get fit, healthy, dress better, have some self respect - basically display high value. Start focusing on yourself (and your son). Forget her for now. You need to changy yourself (for the better) to stir her up - if you think she is worth it. If she doesn't warm up to you, another woman will notice you because you are improving yourself. Female Psychology 101. Don't be surprised if she gets uncomfortable though. It can be messy. Don't just break it off. She may restrict access to child completely (Thai culture doesn't handle sepatation in a friendly way). But if you are the source of income then you have leverage. Are you legally your child's father? Very important. If I was you though I wouldn't go through most of what I just said; I'd probably just find a lover far away from home, be co-parents with your wife (I should say housemate), and break up with her carefully in a few years. No shame in that. Some things aren't worth it. But if you are interested in fixing this, read paragraph 2 again. 1. Take your son out on outings (pool, park, bike riding etc etc), just the two of you. 2. Make your own circle of friends, even one friend. Spend time together weekly. 3. Stop orbiting her. She is not the centre of your universe. She is not the sun. Lol. She is your housemate. Put her on the edge of the solar system for a bit. Being a bit aloof is fine, but not whiny. Don't get drawn into fights. She wants an Alpha (her subconscious anyway), that is what this is all about (unless she literally has a medical issue) 4. Hit the gym. Fix your diet. 5. Get yourself new clothes,new watch, phone, glasses (if you wear). Display high value. Sounds silly, but do it. 6. New haircut. Are you balding? Shave it. You are a new man and she won't know what hit her. 7. You must remain calm, and composed. Don't silly yourself with her fights. She will try to reduce you. It is a test. It might take time. She might throw a fit. She might argue about it. She is getting uncomfortable with your self improvement.
  14. KK, jeez, there will likely be about three for four unis, I would guess. Yeah, but language schools might not do the Non B for you.
  15. You do know you need 400k in the bank for family visa, right?
  16. I assume you are in an Isaan city if you are on 33k, rather than a little village (or at least within driving distance). There will be a uni. Get a uni job. No worries with krusapa.
  17. Teach online for a big Chinese company like iTutor. What visa you on? Got a Thai kid? Wife?
  18. Contact that St Roberts about getting an admission letter, chance your hand at a 5 waiver. Or just study half the course between now and December. I dunno. It is tricky. They shouldn't have given you the 4th waiver without you being enrolled on an education course; duty of care n all that. Your BA TESOL ought to get you the full license. Doesn't it?
  19. Any language schools or universities near you? There is bound to be a Rajabhat in your area.
  20. But not sure if it'll help you with another 2 year waiver due to you already having used up 8 years. Should ask them
  21. I am not sure if the PGCEi gets the Thai teachers license or not, maybe someone can correct me. I heard there is a Dip Ed from a Fillipino uni offered in a transnational program (online) and is accepted by Ministry of Ed for the full license. St. Roberts. I think is the company arranging it. It is significantly cheaper, like around the value of a CELTA.
  22. 18 isn't a child, dude. And where is your sense of humor? It is a relatively lighthearted thread.
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